Author's Note: Don't own The Suite Life, don't own the characters except for Finnaeus. It was just a bizarre idea that came to me. Enjoy, review.
Summary: So there's this girl. And I really like her. There's only two problems: my twin, Zack, likes her, and I think she's a vampire.
"So there's this girl. She's beautiful, she's nice, she's… wow. Her name's Finnaeus. And I really like her. There's only two problems: my twin, Zack, likes her, and I think she's a vampire." I pause, letting that settle over myself as I stare hard in the mirror. Things have been so messed up lately and I just want to think—what has been happening? "I think she's a vampire." I say it again, just to make sure I'm here in this moment and the last two weeks haven't been a dream. "I think Finnaeus is a vampire."
How did this all start? These last two weeks have been absolute chaos. I can't stop thinking of her, I can't stop dreaming about her, and I can't help being afraid of her. What's happened? Let's recap.
Mom dropped me off at the ice skating rink. Yeah, I skate—imagine that, Cody Martin, figure skater. It's kind of strange, but I'm actually really good at it. I'm a bit on the short side and it's easier for short people to learn how to ice skate anyways. Zack laughs his head off every time he sees me in my ice skates, but who really cares? It's something I'm actually good at.
Anyway, I got into the rink and was practicing some rounds when I looked up and wow… there she was. Ok, let me tell you why I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was beautiful, but with a quality that somehow was even more than that, if I make any sense. She had hair a color I'd never ever seen before—like this light hay color and these weird like reddish wine-colored eyes. She was really, really pale—like bizarrely pale, whiter than anybody I'd ever seen—and that includes the albino, Matt, in my math class.
And the way she moved was amazing. She just kind of drifted along the ice with her cream-colored skates; this steady flow just running through her as if all these jumps and turns were effortless.
And somehow, when I saw her, I didn't believe she was real. There was something so flawless about her, so… I don't know, her face like the porcelain we read about the unit in Social Studies they used to make in China, only porcelain breaks so easily and she looked unable to be broken and…
I'm babbling now. I have to start over.
Anyways, I was gaping at her. Everybody in the rink was staring at her. She just moved so effortlessly across the ice and she happened to stop near me. I tried to say hi, but nothing came out, so I tried again.
She smiled, revealing teeth as white as the new glue in an Elmer's bottle—kind of pointed on the sides. "Hi."
Her voice was fluty, melodic, like a song, somehow coming out as easily as the way she skated. Everything she did seemed easy; she made the rest of us look like amateurs.
"I'm… Cody," I managed to squeak out, my voice breaking.
"Finnaeus," she said, offering me her hand. I shook it, trying not to stare at her slender fingers, and trying to wipe the absolutely idiot look that was plastered on my face. "Finnaeus." It was pronounced like Finn-ay-us, and I'd never heard a name so bizarre.
Or beautiful.
She smiled and flicked some of that hay-colored hair behind her ear, her dark eyes flashing dangerously. She skated away and I cursed myself for being so stupid and not saying more.
Now I'd never see her again.
Or so I thought.