Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.


Ok, so I may have overreacted just a little bit. But wouldn't you explode too if someone hung all of your underclothes on the quiditch goalposts? It's not like I'd just sit there and say "Oh, it's no big deal that my knickers are being displayed for all of Hogwarts to see."

I mean, I know I have a bit of a temper, and I shouldn't have tried to set Potter on fire…but sometimes, he just goes too far. But I don't see why I have to go to detention, my hex missed Potter, so no one got hurt. I may have set the Slytherin stands on fire, but come on Potter and Black were bound to do that one of these days anyways, so someone might as well get a head start on it.

But nooooo, I still have to be punished. And to make matters worse, McGonagall thought it would be a good idea to have Potter and I in detention together. Has she gone mad? I'll probably end up setting the whole bloody school on fire after spending two hours in detention with him!

And honestly, how am I going to live down a detention? Lily Evans doesn't get detentions. Lily Evans gets perfect grades, and studies hard. A detention is out of the question. You know, Potter is probably laughing his head off right now. I bet this is what he wanted, too. To destroy my perfect reputation by making me get a detention.

Maybe I could get out of detention…maybe fake an injury or something? Hell, I'll even break one of my legs by jumping of the Green House roof if it gets me out of a detention with him.

No, I can't cut detention. Then I'd be like Potter and all of his stupid little friends. I have to go to detention with my head held high, take this like a man…er, woman. It's not like McGonagall is going to leave the two of us in the same room alone. She isn't that stupid, is she?


It's official. Life hates me. McGonagall actually left me alone in a classroom with Potter. Maybe she only did it so I would kill Potter, that way she wouldn't have to deal with him anymore herself. Yep. I bet that's exactly what she wanted. The old hag can't even get rid of one of her own students by herself. Pathetic.

Oh, and you won't believe what Potter got to do for his detention. He get's to write lines while I have to clean the whole damn floor. Without magic. So here I am, on my hands and knees washing the stone floor that's just going to get mucked up again anyways, while Potter is up at the front of the room writing "I will not hang Lily's knickers on the goalposts anymore."

Merlin, life is so unfair.

"I can't believe that you set the Slytherin stands on fire." He chuckled. "Sounds like something Padfoot would do."

Yeah, that's right Potter. Make things worse by comparing me to your wretched little friend. I'm not going to respond to you. I'm not even going to acknowledge your existence, so you can just go on talking to yourself. That way I can just tell everyone that you have an imaginary friend that you like to talk to during detentions.

"I mean, who thought that you would land yourself in a spot like that. Well, you do play your share of pranks, but you've never gotten caught before, now have you?"

I swear, if he keeps talking in that obnoxious little voice that he always reserves for me, I'm going rip his bloody vocal cords out myself. Besides, I do not play pranks like he does. I only use pranks as revenge on annoying people, I don't just randomly prank the Slytherins.

Well…I did just set their quiditch stands on fire…

But that is beside the point. Potter was the one who put my underwear on public display in the first place. I just reacted, and due to my horrid aim, I set things on fire.

"You know, Padfoot started calling you 'Little Sis' as a joke, but Merlin." He shook his head, and a large grin was plastered on his face. "Pretty soon he'll start thinking you're his twin or something."

I'm getting close to being done with the floor. I'm getting close to being done with the floor. I'm getting close to hitting Potter over the head with a mop. I'm getting close to hitting Potter over the head with a mop.

"Who knows, maybe you're adopted or something. Now that would be hysterical, don't you think?"

"No, actually. I don't think that it would be funny." The words came out like a growl from between my gritted teeth. Honestly, if this kept going on, someone is going to end up dead. And I can guarantee that it won't be me.

"Well…no, you're right. It wouldn't." He fell silent, looking at the chalkboard. The next half hour passed silence, excluded the scratching noises from the chalk on the chalkboard.

"I'm done." He said suddenly, putting his chalk down with enthusiasm.

"Good for you." I still had about thee feet of floor to finish, and my knees were just about killing me. "You can leave now, Potter."

"And leave you alone in a classroom at night? No offence, Lily, but I don't think you could really defend yourself if anyone decided to try something. Your aim isn't that great." He had a large smirk on his face, obviously pleased with himself that he had come up with a reason to stay and annoy her. James hopped up on one of the desks a few feet away from Lily and leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees.

I will not set Potter on fire. I will not set Potter on fire. I will not set Potter on fire.. I scrubbed harder than ever at the floor, wanting detention to be done so that I could return to the Gryffindor tower and get to bed. Throwing the large brush into the bucket of water, and getting the hems of my robes drenched in the process, I stood up and pulled the wet school robes off.

"Detention isn't so bad, is it?" Potter stood up too, and followed her to the door. "Though I must admit, it is much more fun when Padfoot is here. He always knows exactly what to say to lighten the event. Personally, I think you should get detentions more often. Your bum looks so cute when you're bent over on the ground."

And that is how James Potter ended up in the infirmary.



Hehe…long time, no see? --Runs from angry readers--. I know, I know. It's been what, nearly five months? But I have been extremely busy with school and travel, but as school begins to slow down to it's last two weeks, I will be able to get back into updating more often (hopefully…)

But, I have updated, and I do not plan on abandoning my story.

Again, so sorry for the long wait,