Author´s note: This started as a dyojs, but it got bigger, so…Jack and Kate are back from captivity, but Juliet´s also with them. In this story, she´s a former police officer, so she knows about Kate´s crime. (I know it would be too much that both she and Ana are cops, so, for this story, forget that Ana ever happened, ok?)

P.S. I don´t own Lost, it´s characters, blah, blah…


Kate is sitting on the beach, sinking again. She´s thinking about Jate; well, the lack of it lately, if she wants to be honest. Ever since they returned from the Others, they haven´t been able to talk properly, mostly because every time they did find some time alone, that Juliet bitch would appear near and interrupted them. Kate didn´t know why, but something about that woman scared her. Juliet always looked at her with some mixture of authority and disdain. It was like…like she knew. But she couldn´t know, could she? Suddenly, Kate hears footsteps behind her. She doesn´t need to turn around to know it´s him. She knows his walk.

˝Hey! I see you decided to bring your plan of ´sinking away from this island´ back again. ˝he says teasingly, looking at her from above.

˝Well, you never know…˝she replies, smiling. ˝Maybe one day it will actually work. ˝

˝Mind if I join you? ˝he asks, pointing at the place next to her.

˝Not at all. ˝she responds, scooting a bit to make him some space.

Jack nods; then sits next to her. They sit silent for a while, watching the ocean taking the sand away.

˝So, Kate… ˝he starts, clearing out his throat. ˝I haven´t seen you around lately…˝

˝Neither have I you, Jack.˝ she says quietly.

˝Fair enough. ˝he pauses for a moment. ˝So, is there anything new? Here on the beach? ˝

˝Nothing, really. Well, if you don´t count the fact that Aaron´s tooth is growing. ˝

He smiles.

˝It´s the only thing Claire talks about these days…˝she adds; then continues. ˝Anything new at the caves? ˝

He thinks about it for a while; then replies:

˝No. Same as usual. ˝

˝How is Sun doing? ˝asks Kate, knowing that the Korean woman is about to having a baby very soon.

˝Sun is…fine. She´s fine, the baby is fine and Jin… well, Jin is looking for me every five minutes to check again if they got worse in these five minutes since I checked them last time! ˝finishes Jack, causing Kate to smile.

˝He´s cute. ˝she says; then, trying not to sound too interested, she continues. ˝ And Juliet? ˝

˝What about her? ˝

˝You know… How´s she doing? Uhm… I thought you should know, since you spend so much time with her and…˝

Jack is amused by the trace of jealousy in her voice. He stays quiet for a moment; then turns to look her directly in the eyes.

˝I don´t spend too much time with her, Kate. And even if I do, it´s not because I want to.˝

Kate looks at him; then turns her look back quickly, feeling her cheeks getting warm. He studies her for a while; then taking in deep breath as to pluck up courage, continues:

˝You know, Kate… Remember that time when I…offered to walk you back to the beach? ˝

She nods, looking at him questionably.

˝Well, I was thinking… we never actually finish that, so… I just thought that… we should repeat…that

Kate stays speechless, her brain trying to digest what her ears just heard.

˝You´re… You´re asking me on a date, Jack? ˝she finally manages to mumble.

Jack´s not looking at her, seeming pretty interested in a sea shrimp that passes across the sand. He´s becoming even redder that she is.

˝Technically…I said on a walk. ˝he starts, but changes his mind after seeing the disappointment in her eyes. ˝ But, yeah… You could call it ´a date´. ˝

Kate smiles in herself, suddenly not knowing where to look anymore.

˝Okay. ˝

˝Okay? ˝he asks surprised, raising his head finally.

˝Okay. ˝she replies, smiling at him.

Jack looks at her for a while, relieved that he finally found the guts to do it…to ask her out.

˝I, uhm… I need to go. Claire asked me to check Aaron, so… See you in the evening? ˝

˝See you, Jack. ˝

He gets up, kisses her on her forehead and leaves.