Child of Mine
Disclaimer: Don't own anything
Author notes:
12 years later: Here's a rock and me hiding behind it.
Chapter 23
Hilary stormed out of the elevator not sparing a single glance toward Olga. The secretary watched Hilary with a slight amused grin and pressed a finger to her earpiece. Fists clenching tight together, Hilary kicked down the door to Kai's office with a bang. Kai put his phone down and watched calmly a seething Hilary. Both her hands hammered forcefully down onto the desk in front of him and she leaned forward, looking straight in him the eyes.
"What… in…THE ACTUAL… fucking hell do you think you are doing?!" Hilary screeched, "You got me fired… D!" Hell's fire burned strong in her eyes as she removed her hands from the desk and pointed an accusing finger at him.
"You…I can't even …" she began and clenched fists tight together, "How DARE you!"
Kai watched as Hilary's entire frame shook with anger. He knew well enough from his relationship with Hilary. When she was mad about something, the best course of action was to stay calm.
She has after all good reason to be mad, Kai inwardly told himself as he relaxed back into the chair crossing his arms.
He is so aggravating! Sitting there as though he has done nothing wrong, Hilary looked furiously at the seemingly relaxed Kai, while she felt like tearing all of her hair out.
Or better yet, his hair…
She knew what he was doing. Behind those guarded crimson eyes he was strategizing, figuring out a way to counter her feeling and justifying his actions. Hilary in return closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths.
You are not getting away with this Hiwatari, I promise you that
Hilary unclenched her hands and opened her eyes. She tried to keep her voice calm as she started to speak.
"So, this is your plan…hmm? Wreaking my life so I have no one to turn to, but you!" Hilary said with speaks of anger seeping through her voice. Something, that didn't go unnoticed by Kai. She burned her fiery glance onto Kai's own. "I am not a prize to be won Kai!" she placed her hands on the desk and once again leaned toward him.
"I'm not afraid of you!" Hilary spoke in a low tone "I'm going to find work even if I have start all over again. Even if I have to take Gou and leave your possessive ass behind, so you can just…"
"You're right. I'm sorry" Kai interrupted.
Hilary stopped her tirade and blinked incredulously at him.
"Whoa …" she asked confused with sceptical feeling emerging. Kai stood from the chair and Hilary backed away from the desk.
He looked determined.
"I'm sorry" he began, "You are right. In my attempt to correct my biggest mistake, I made entirely new ones. I didn't listen to you when you on multiple occasions told me you didn't..." Kai briefly glance out the office window before facing her again. This time with a softer expression.
"When you told me you didn't want to risk our son's wellbeing!"
Hilary just stared at him. Slowly she opened her mouth not believing what she was hearing. Was Kai really apologizing to her… Instead of just going on a possessive "you're mine" ramble. Was he truly regretful of his actions? She closed her mouth and blinked.
"You didn't hide Gou away from me, though you had every right to. You allowed me to.." Kai continued on and sucked in a breath looking at her in a way Hilary had never seen from him, " to get to know my son and to try being a father…"
"I am sorry Hilary." Kai apologized," For everything!"
He handed his phone towards her while looking at her expectantly, "I have already called Walter Mckinney and rescinded my demands for my …investment. You can have your job back if you want it"
Hilary blinked at the phone. Something was amiss here and she couldn't quite place it. First he got her fired and now he stood in front of her apologizing acting all sincere and… and what. What did he expect her to do?
Forgive him?
Call Walter and Milo to get her job back?
Her anger being replaced with confusion.
"What do you want from me Kai?" Hilary asked confused, but determined.
Kai placed the phone down on the desk and moved around the table and stood in front her. He was as close as he could be without touching her.
"You know what I want from you Hilary, I made no secret of that." He said quiet, but firmly, "I've decided to take a page out of your book and put my son's needs before my own".
Kai turned back towards his desk at pulled out a file from a drawer and went back to Hilary handing her it. Hilary stared sceptically at the file looking back up at Kai, waiting for an explanation.
"I take our son's safety seriously. I always found it odd that a wealthy employer like Walter Mckinney could take such an interest in a unknown woman and her child. He does have two grown up sons on his own" Kai explained in a neutral voice.
Hilary took the file in her hands, but didn't open it.
What a way to shift focus huh, Hilary thought, feeling more and more irritated, as she looked at it, I don't doubt that Kai wants to keep Gou safe, but…
"Walter has been nothing but kind to me" Hilary said harsh, voicing her thoughts. Kai nodded while crossing his arms and sat down on the desk's surface.
"But not to his eldest son. One who was more than qualified than Milo. He just happened to prefer…" Kai smirked "his own gender". With this Hilary gave Kai a sharp look.
"Walter doesn't have a problem with gay people. Just look at Charlie" she pointed out.
"As long as they are not his own family" Kai interrupted her.
Hilary swallowed. This was getting out of hand. She came here as a she-devil of madness and now tables were turning against her. It felt like Kai was gaining some sort of an upper hand here by putting Gou's safety front and centre. She didn't even understand what the real issue here was.
"I know first-hand how it is to be used by family for a greater scheme and I will make damn sure our son never experience the same" Kai said with a strong look at her and turned his eyes down to the file in her hands, "I have no say in whether or not you want to work for them. But, I do believe I still have say in what happens in Gou's life".
Knowing Kai's history, he wouldn't make this up. On this she was sure. Hilary let out a breath. She felt exhausted.
"I need to leave" she stated and turned around to go, a hand on her shoulder stopped her. Hilary turned around. Kai was handing her another thing. A cheque she realised.
"I won't take no for an answer" Kai said firmly and continued, " I did just cost you your job, and this money is to make sure you and Gou can get by till you know what you want to do"
Hilary nodded to him, she felt she had no more strength to argue with him, so she accepted the cheque, her eyes widened for a bit when she saw the number written down. She needed to leave to clear her mind and she needed to speak to someone.
Kai watched satisfied as Hilary left his office.
A smiled formed on his lips.
Hilary paced outside the building. What was she to do now? She hadn't expected Kai to apologize for his behaviour, but wouldn't it be just like him though. To change strategies, to do the unexpected. The file Kai gave her felt heavy in her hands.
There was one thing she would never doubt. Kai's feelings for their son.
Have I been too naïve, she thought uneasy. Well, even if she had there was no turning back now. What had happen with Walter and Milo Mckinney was soon to be in the past.
If she could just talk to someone.
Charlie was always a great friend and would listen to her problems, but to be honest, how much of a help would he really in this situation. Hilary took a steady breath, well there was one person she could talk to, wasn't there. She grabbed her phone from her purse, scrolling through her contacts till she found the right name and pressed it.
"Hello Sonia, this is Hilary. I need to talk to you, can we meet somewhere?"
It didn't take long for Hilary to reach the small café Sonia recommended they meet at. The café was small with white and green walls. Beautiful small decorative trees and flowers situated in different corners giving the place a cosy feel to it. Hilary looked around and found Sonia sitting engrossed in her phone at the back of the café. She quickly walked over and sat down. Sonia looked up and placed her phone on the table.
"So, what did you want to talk about" she asked a bit too thrilled. Hilary prepared herself, not wanting Sonia to get the best of her.
"I had a really crappy day ", Hilary began firmly. Before she could another word out, a waiter appeared balancing two drinks on his tray. Hilary looked surprised at him as he placed the two long glasses filled to the rim with a red liquid and a very pink straw.
Sonia spoke up, "Hope you don't mind that I ordered beforehand." She said winking at the waiter as he left them in peace, "From your phone call, I figured we might need something stronger for this conversation".
Hilary rolled her eyes and she accepted the drink.
Sonia grinned smugly at her, "So you were saying that you had a really crappy day"
"Well", Hilary began moving the straw around, "This morning I was fired by Walter thanks to Kai's stupid interference. And, when I went to trash Kai about it, he apologized to me". Hilary stopped talking and took sip of her drink, it tasted of strawberries and vodka. "Then, he said I could call Walter and get my job back, but oh no, not before giving me this stupid file and saying that Walter might have done some sneaky shit that involves me and Gou". Hilary tossed the file on the table with a small clatter.
"You told me that you've experienced how far they are willing to go" Hilary played with the straw and leaned back in her chair with a slump, she fumbled with her hands before she took a deep breath and looked up at Sonia with pleading eyes.
"So, please…help me with this. What wolves den am I stepping into?"
Hilary watched as Sonia's previous smug smile turned serious, she sat more straight in her chair looking like she was thinking something over in her mind.
" First answer me this" Sonia started, " Do you intend to go back and work for Mckinney again?"
"Fuck, no" Hilary snorted out, surprising herself a bit, but answered determinately, "He just sold me out, like it was nothing. If he really cared all that for me and Gou he would have stood up to Kai and said something like go to hell with your offer". Hilary angrily removed the straw grabbing her drink and brought it up to her lips.
Sonia nodded at her while sipping on her own.
"All right" she said looking satisfied with Hilary's answer.
"Do you love him?"
Hilary moved quickly her hand up to her mouth to keep herself from spitting out. She looked wide eyed at Sonia, who didn't appear faced at all.
"You wanted my advice, well strap in", Sonia said lifting an eyebrow, "I know you still have feelings for Kai and that it's complicated with you and him, but pull your pants up and get over yourself. Kai is going to be a part of your life, he has spent enough time with Gou to show any court that he is a devoted father. And, I have no doubt that he will be giving joint custody or even full, if he finds the right people to bribe." Sonia stopped to take a small sip.
Hilary didn't know whether she should respond or not, but before she could do anything Sonia started speaking again.
"Not all women get much of a choice in this life. We must work with what we have. My family didn't have much money when I was growing up, so I've always relied on my looks. Men thought I was stupid, because I have a pretty face. Me and my girlfriends played most of them for fools", she looked sharply at Hilary, "That was until I met Tala"
"Tala was my first and only mistake. I thought he was a braindead Beyblader, easy to trick like the rest, but he definitely proved me wrong on that account. When Tala asked me to marry him, I didn't love him. I liked him well enough, and he could provide me and future children with a good life" Hilary listened intently as Sonia paused in her tale to take another sip.
"I made Tala signed a contract, a prenup if you will, before marrying him. If he ever hurts me or our child, if he cheats or prevents me from working I get a good amount of cash coming my way"
"That sounds really sad" Hilary finally responded, but Sonia only smiled at her.
"Maybe to you, but Tala and I knew where we had each other when we married. If you want to find your true love then go ahead. True love doesn't guarantee you a happy life . My advice to you is to make a deal with Kai. Find out what is holding you back and work out your differences"
"Make a deal with him?" Hilary asked incredulously, not quite believing what she was hearing.
"If that's what it takes" Sonia answered.
Hilary let herself into the apartment. After her conversation with Sonia she had spent hours walking around the city absorbing todays events.
"So, you're finally home" Charlie confirmed worried. "I picked up Gou like you asked me to".
Hilary took of her coat and muttered a "thank you" in his direction. Charlie stood up from the sofa, where he had been sitting watching television and walked over to Hilary touching her shoulders comforting making her look up at him.
"What happened today?" he asked gently.
Drained, she let a breath out before answering, " A lot, I'll talk to you about it tomorrow", she looked towards Gou's bedroom.
"He's asleep?" she asked.
"Like a Russian bear" Charlie answered with a smile.
Hilary nodded and walked towards the room opening the door. Standing in the doorway she watched her son sleeping peacefully unaware of the struggle his parents were engaged in. She walked over and sat down quietly on the bed and carefully caressing Gou's cheek, not wanting to wake him.
What am I going to do… she thought wistfully to herself.