Imprisoned II: Sacrifice

Chapter 14

"Aelita, NO!" cried Jeremie as the number indicating how much of Aelita's memory remained flashed on the screen. He put his hands on his head, frantically trying to think of something to do. He made up his mind. He was going go to go into Lyoko. He quickly started up the program and rushed into a scanner.

Jeremie had been in Lyoko before, but not like this. He landed a few feet behind William. Before William realized what happened, Jeremie shot several darts and William was devirtualized. Jeremie rushed towards the Scipizoa, praying that he wasn't too late. He fired all the rest of his darts at the vile thing, striking several times on its head. It dropped Aelita and backed off, but Aelita didn't get up. Jeremie rushed to her side, but she disappeared! Huh? He felt a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, Jeremie," said Aelita. "I'm alright."

Jeremie smiled. "A decoy?"

"Yes, you told me to think of something, so I did."

"You'd better go and deactivate the tower."

Aelita ran over to the tower and entered it. She floated to the top, flipping over once when she reached the top. She put her hand on the interface and entered the code.

"Tower deactivated," she said, putting her head down.

She exited the tower and met Jeremie outside. Jeremie called for their three friends and Odd answered.

"Jeremie! Is everything okay?"

"We're fine, Odd. We need to return the past; I'll tell you how to do it from here."

Jeremie expained the process to Odd and the return was started.

"Return to the past now," said Odd. Cool, I've always wanted to say that.

William woke up. He was in the scanner room and he could see a bright sphere of light coming towards him.

The return was successful and Yumi found herself walking up the vending machines once again. She noticed that William was staring at her like before. She blushed as he walked towards her.

"Hi, Yumi," he said. "Where are your friends?"

Good, she thought. He doesn't remember. "They're not here yet. They will be soon though."

"Good, I wanted to talk to you . . . ."

The End