Disclaimer: I own a traito of a computer who won't show me the Southern Raiders episode. And a snazzy new necklace from Lily. That about sums it up folks. Let's review, Avatar? No owning. Lawyers? No suing.
Warnings: Borderline cheating, mention of alcohol, and a sleep deprived authoress. Also, the second part is a flashback to earlier that night, if you don't get it. -Jade
He wasn't planning on finding love in a small, awkward corner. He really would have wanted to choose any other time or place, but, hey, love is love, and by his philosophy, you accept the good in any form. He didn't get enough good in life to question what he got.
So he kissed her, long and deep, in the corner of the room, where no one could see for the haze of alcohol and no one could hear over the dancing. He held onto her like she was his life line to the rest of the world. And maybe she was.
"Katara." He spoke her name like a prayer. Or maybe a wish was more accurate. A wish for this to be real. A wish for the next moment not to be a tangle of bed sheets and confusion as to Who is she? and Why can't I remember that dream? And his own name comes back as a sighed answer, followed by a shuddery laugh as his fingers trail up her side.
"Zuko," she says quietly. "I just met you, we can't…"
But he doesn't want We can't. He wants an answer to who this girl is that's been invading his dreams for months. Why he sees ice and water and feels fire flowing through his veins like it's a part of him. How it's possible to be so in love, it hurts, but not to know his love's face or name until tonight. Why he knows, knows, it won't last. Knows with a certainty that should only be there from experience.
"I love you." She freezes. Because those words are forbidden in this place. No one comes here for love. And neither did the two finding it in the corner. She pushes him away, but winces as if it pains her as much as that shock she just sent through his heart. It feels like lightning. And it feels like a memory.
"We can't," she says, this time more firmly. "I…I have a boyfriend. Aang, he…I can't do this. Not seriously." And that shock wave of lightning turns to despair and he almost feels like he can see the boy's face. Shining with innocence and trust and friendship and…it hurts. Because he doesn't want to betray this boy he's never met, as if they were friends or something.
He kisses her neck again, softly, like a goodbye, but stays silent as she goes on. "If it were another time. If…if the situation were different…" She's trailing off into the uncertain and remorseful. Like she has anything to apologize for.
And his answer comes from another forgotten memory. He doesn't know why, but it feels entirely too correct. "That's what you always said."
He's never met her before. Never even seen her. But as soon as she steps in the room, he feels like he knows her. He walks towards her. Taps her shoulder. And brown hair, blue eyes, perfect looks back at him.
"Hey, I'm Zuko," he introduces himself with a half smile.
"Katara," she says in return. She smiles right back.
And he can already feel his heart start to break along the same fault line that it has for an eternity.
A/N: Yeah, I got this story in my head of two souls fated to be just close enough that it hurts to be told they'll never be together. It's all very tragic and spiritual, I'm sure, but I don't know the whole story.
Anyway, R&R. If you're confused, sorry. It's too late to be writing coherently. If I sound tired and/or delusional, I probably am.