I have four favorite felines.
They are different and have strengths in different places.
I admire them all.
She is feisty and brave. She was dumped into my world and she and she dealt with it. She kept going no matter what and rarely complained. She put up with me and didn't break down. She's strong and fast learner, and I'm proud of her. She made me remember what the real world was like, and that she had lived a sheltered. She had reminded me what it was like to care for someone other than myself.
She is the cheetah.
This woman was different from others I have known. She was able to take care of herself and could fight as well as I could. She understood what I was going through with the Thirst. For millions of reasons, we couldn't be together. Her father was Overlord Eli Damaskinos. She owed her loyalty to him. I felt for her, I really did, and I know she felt the same. Then when Nomak bit her, I knew I had lost her. I helped her fulfill her last dying wish to see the sun. I held her until it was over, and wished that there was something I could have done.
She is the lion.
She is an enigma. She didn't flaunt her feeling and sense of humor like her partner, King. She was more of a closed book, like her father. She reminded me so much of him. The way she acted, the way she responded to certain things, and the way she carried herself had Whistler written all over it. When her father died, I felt it was my duty to protect her as if she were my own daughter. Little did I know that she could hold her own until I saw her in action. I was extremely impressed to see how well she took care of herself. She has a teammate's quality and is smart.
She is the tiger.
Krista is the most surprising woman I have ever met. She was a little shaky starting out when she learned of the world of vampires, but she has caught on quickly. She never fails to put me in my place when I'm riding her ass about something. She's not afraid of me and she's not intimidated by me. The only reason she puts up with me is to avenge her brother's death, and save her ass on occasion. I'm amazed by her. She cool and calm one minute but the next she's being falling apart and being emotionally exhausted. I must say I've never met a woman quite like her.
She's the leopard.
These four women have all played an important part in my life and I am grateful for it.
They all taught me a lesson that helped shape my life and I'll never forget them.
Hey guys what do you think? I decided to do this from a spur of the moment. Please review!