A new story from me.

I had the baby so now I can finally start to look on my stories again… between diapers, feeding the baby and bathing the baby. Yes, I got a lot to do.

Hope you like this story!


Aya couldn't remember last time they had been in so much trouble, or to be more precisely, the last time Yohji had been in so much trouble.

No guards my ass!

And he was alone, the others were already out and the bomb Bombay had planted would go off in five minutes. Yohji had said this route out was free of guards. Yohji would pay dearly for this if Aya ever survived.

He was in the lab, not a good place to be. It didn't help that he already had fallen into a huge tank of something sticky and blue that smelled like crap, literally. Now he was desperate to get out and at the same time try to avoid getting hit by bullets. And then everything exploded and everything went black.

The first thing Aya noticed when he woke up was that his head hurt like hell. The second thing was that his clothes didn't fit anymore. The third thing was that he wasn't in the lab anymore, he wasn't home either.

"Ah, you're awake I see!" a voice said.

Aya tried to turn around, but ended up in falling off the bed he was in.

"Well… normal… children are top heavy! So little fellah… where is your mom and dad?" the voice asked.

Aya blinked. What the hell?

A policeman was sitting on his knees in front of him and smiled wider than Ken used to when he was around the kid he coached.

"I don't have any parents. They got murdered…" Aya said and then almost yelled at the sound of his own voice.

"And that's why he got me… I'm his uncle…" a voice he knew well said.

Aya begged that he was wrong and turned around again. No, he was right. The smirking idiot of a German was grinning down at him.

"Right chibi?" Schuldig smirked.

"I'm still not convinced…" the policeman said.

"Look, it's my brother's kid. I even got the papers to prove it!" Yohji said.

Aya blinked, that didn't sound right… and where were the others.

"Fine… I guess you're saved then little one." The policeman gave one suspicious look at the German, stood up and walked away.

Schuldig lifted Aya up and started walk to a huge van.

"Now be quiet and don't do or say anything stupid!" Schuldig said.

He put Aya into the car and then drove off.

"You're lucky kitten. That policeman was no real policeman, he worked for the idiot who happened to be your target, and you are the result of their last experiment. Anyone told you what a cute kid you are?" Schuldig said.

"Where are you taking me? What happened to me? Where's my team mates?" Aya asked and glared at the German.

"Wow, you still make the death glare work even as a small child" Schuldig laughed.

"Answer me!"

"Ok, I'm taking you to our place on Crawford's orders. You fell in their last experiment and got turned into a 3 year old child. Your team mates are safe home at the little flower shop of yours and they don't know what happened to you. I guess they're waiting to hear from you or for you to come home."

"What does Crawford want me for?" Aya asked.

"Beats me… Could be that he wants you around to laugh at you… I know I would." Schuldig laughed.

Aya glared at him.

"Face it kitten, you're too small to do anything. You don't have a choice!" Schuldig laughed even harder.

'Yohji… Ken, even Omi. Come save me from this nightmare…'

"Wont happen kitten!"


Yes, I know it's short, but it's the prologue… It's supposed to be short.

You know the drill folks R&R.