disclaimer- I dont own any of the characters or events in Stargate.


"What you lookin at, Rodney?" John sat down next to Rodney in one of the requinational rooms.

"Scrap book."


"No, I'm looking at your scrapbook, yes mine!" John peeked over Rodney's shoulder at an Elementary school Rodney.

"You had red hair?"

"Your point?"

"I just would never have guessed... nice shiner."

"Thanks, a jock gave me it."

"Elementary school jock?"

"Yeah, he got in so much trouble..." Rodney flipped through page after page of scribbles and photos.

"Rodney, why are you always sporting some sort of injury?"

"Rough childhood- that teacher hated me!" rodney quickly changed the subject.

"But she looks so..."

"Evil? Manipulative? Devil woman?"

"Rough childhood?"

"Mmm hmm," he glossed over, "ah my bomb model! And here's the nice agent who questioned me..."

"I can't believe you built a bomb." John chuckled.

"It wasn't a real one..."

"Who's the girl?" John asked flicking through the pages.


"You liked her?" Rodney nodded. "What happened? You guys looked great together."

"It was... why are you so interested?"

"You're a member of my team, and my friend. What happened?"

"We went on this date..."


"And she drove, she'd just passed her test, she was so excited... A maniac in another car ploughed into us and the car flipped..."

"She died?"

"No, she came away from it virually unscathed- not a broken bone in her. She felt like it was her fault."

"But it... oh you were hurt."

just a taster... Before i type it ALL up i figure I'll see what people think. so...please hit the review button. please...