Disclaimer: I don't own CSI or anything remotely related to CSI. Please do not sue me; it's really not worth your time since I have nothing of any real value.
"Sorry to wake you up Grissom, but I've got a dead body out here just screaming your name. You want in on the action?" Brass hated calling his friend after he had spent the day testifying in court, but the body looked like it had been there a few days and Grissom was the only one with the skills necessary to isolate time of death at this point.
"Hmm? Oh yeah, yeah ok. I'll be there in a bit. Who else do you have out there?" Brass could hear the telltale sounds of a man waking, fumbling for his glasses and running a hand over his face.
"Right now I've got Sanders and Sara on their way and they should be here any minute. Cath, Nick and Warrick are working on a murder suicide at Circus Circus right now. We weren't expecting to find another DB out in the middle of the desert tonight." Brass gave him the address before closing his phone and walking back over to the body.
Brass waved at the assistant coroner as he headed down the embankment towards him.
"I think this guy might be dead. What do you think?"
"What tipped you off Brass? The fact that he's crawling with bugs, the missing chunks where the carrion got to him or the bullet hole in his forehead?" David chuckled as he knelt down to further inspect the body and take a liver temp. "Yes, most definitely dead. Been here at least two days from the looks of things."
Both men looked up as they heard Sara and Greg coming down the hill towards them, debating amongst themselves as to who had the better rendition of "Tainted Love", Atrocity or Marilyn Manson. Actually, Greg was doing most of the debating while Sara smiled and nodded occasionally.
"So what do we have here Brass?" Sara asked as she made eye contact with Brass, effectively ending Greg's tirade that although Marilyn Manson seriously rocks, Atrocity never gets the recognition it deserves as a kick ass German metal band.
"Just another guy shot in the head and dumped in the desert. You know, the usual. David said it looks like he's been here a few…" Brass stopped short when he noticed that Sara had stopped in her tracks and dropped her case to the ground with a thud. "Sara?"
The three men looked over to the tall brunette with concern. She just stood there, staring blankly at the body with her mouth hanging open in surprise.
"Sara, everything ok?" Greg put down his kit and walked towards her.
"Huh? Oh yeah, everything's fine. I know that guy though; I used to date him in San Francisco. That is, if it's Eric. And it really does look like Eric. Wow. Griss and I just ran into him a few days ago after we left the theatre."
"Was he with anyone, because it doesn't look like he did much after he saw you." Greg walked over to the body and knelt down in front of it.
The man was still dressed nicely, like someone that had been out for the evening. A pair of nice tan slacks, shirt and tie, sport jacket. His tie was loosened around his neck and the top button undone. He looked, for all intents and purposes, like a man about to go home after a nice night out with his girlfriend.
"Not a lot of blood here, we aren't looking at the original crime scene. I've got a short hair here." Greg put the hair in a bindle and continued his inspection of the body as he heard Grissom's voice calling out to him.
"So what do we have Sara? Greg?"
"I think I might have to sit this one out Griss, it looks like its Eric. Being as there is a restraining order on file against him with my name on it, it would be best if I didn't touch anything and stayed hands off." Sara sat on her kit on the ground, the silver case creating a makeshift seat as she stared into the distance, her chin resting in her palm. "I'm going to go on and head home since it was my night off, call if you need anything."
"Good idea Sara. Even though it has been years, it probably wouldn't look good and a defense attorney would have a field day with it. As soon as I gather up what I need here and get the timeline started, I'll swing by and see how you're doing. I'll make sure Greg gets back to the lab."
Sara sighed as she slowly stood up. "He might have been creepy and a little obsessive, but he was still a decent guy for the most part. I hate that this had to happen to him."
"Don't worry Sara, I'll figure it out for you." Greg looked at Sara reassuringly before he continued to scan near the body for other bits of evidence or trace. "Hey, we even hit the jackpot; it doesn't look like the bullet left the body. No hole in the back of the head! The bad guys are just making our jobs easier for us this time."
Sara gave him an amused smile before turning and heading off to the cars.
As he watched her go, Brass walked over to Greg and gave him a playful jab on the arm. "Great way to be supportive Greggo, get excited about there being only one hole in his head."
"You've got to take the good where you can find it Brass, and good is always relative."
"So, you take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have?" Brass laughed at his witty pop culture reference as the younger CSI completed the phrase.
"When you two are done enjoying yourselves, Greg, would you be as kind as to finish processing the scene?" Grissom shook his head in an exaggerated exasperation with his youngest CSI before heading to the body and beginning his insect collection.
While Grissom and Greg processed the scene Sara had the chance to head home and take a well deserved bubble bath. Even though she was no longer in the relationship and things hadn't really ended that smoothly, it was still a shame that it happened to Eric. She remembered his mother fondly and couldn't help the pang of sorrow she felt in empathy for the woman. Eric had been all she had after Eric's dad left her to raise her son all alone.
Sara reached over to the edge of the tub where her cold Singapore Sling currently sat, raising it in the air in a silent toast before taking a swallow.
"I hope they get the bastard that did this to your boy Mrs. Wallin."
"We got a hit off the hair. It came back compliance." The new DNA tech looked nervously at his boss before continuing. "The DNA says it's you Dr. Grissom."
The Singapore Sling is a highly overlooked drink that is really very good. Take 1 oz cherry brandy, 1 oz grenadine, 2 oz gin, 4 oz sour mix, a shot of club soda, serve over ice. Only try it if you're of legal drinking age, and drink responsibly!