I wish I could fly

Chapter 1-a new yugi

Yugi stares out the window sadly. He wished his dark were here. But he knew that it was hopeless to wish. HIS yami was out with HIS friends. It angered him to think that he was gullible enough to believe the spirits lies. Yami had told him that he would protect him. Be there whenever he was sad to comfort him. That no matter the time or place he would never leave the lights side. Yugi cursed his naïve and innocent nature. He had swallowed all the lies without questioning the truth of his words.

Now he was alone. At first his friends had asked him to come along with there adventures with Yami. And he happily accepted thinking that at least his friends still liked him. But soon Yami drove them away. He whispered lies into their ears. Soon even the faithful Tea turned on him. Finally when all their angry glares were too much and poor Yugi left. They hardly saw him. He didn't see them. As long as he didn't cause any trouble with them he was safe. Turning away from the window his ponderings were interrupted by a door being thrown open and slammed shut.

The familiar high pitched laugh of Tea reached his ears. Joey made a joke and everyone laughed. Yugi used to laugh with them but now stayed in his room silent. He was no longer the happy go lucky naïve child. Now he resembled his Yami. He had grown and was almost as tall as Yami now. He had died his hair black with random red streaks. He had red eyes with a deadly red gleam to them. At first people laughed. They thought he was trying to get attention now his group had abandoned him. But he proved them wrong.


Yugi was sitting by himself when a shadow loomed above him. He glared up at the angry eyes of his yami and his bullying companions Tristan and Joey. "What do you want Yami?" he sneered.

"What did you do to your hair, loser! What happened to the pushover we always could trust to believe our lie?" Yami angrily asked.

"He woke up to your lies. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"Keep your mouth shut, runt"

"And if I don't?"

Yami picked up the shorter teen and shoved him against a wall. He searched the boy's eyes for the fear he used to see. No luck. "Come on boys. Let's have some fun." He announced to Tristan and Joey.

Yugi growled. He wouldn't take this anymore. He defended himself and punched them out. He looked pleased at his work. Three boys lay unconscious. He turned surprised to see a crowd of students cheering. His feeling of joy lasted until…….."YUGI" Damm teacher.

"Yes sir"

"Did you do this?"

"Please sir. I was defending myself. I was sitting down eating my lunch when they appeared out of no where and beat me up. Ask them." Yugi held his breath as the teacher looked at the bruises.

"Moto, next time choose a less violent approach."

"Yes sir"


It was the end of Yugi as they knew him.