First Eragon story! Constructive criticism needed!

Summary: An egg hatches for a young woman in a land unknown. She learns of Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, and goes to Alagaësia in search of them. However, she meets Murtagh after an attack by a cloaked stranger and doesn't make it to Ellesméra where Eragon and Saphira are believed to be. Instead, they travel to Urû'baen where the dark king conspires an evil scheme involving both Riders. Can he and Murtagh persuade her to side with evil? Read and find out. . .

Disclaimer: I do not own anything you recognize from Christopher Paolini's books. However, I do own everything you don't recognize unless otherwise stated. This disclaimer is for the entire story.

Unexpected Journey


Just after Galbitorix crowned himself King of Alagaësia . . .

Wynne gazed at the horizon, taking in the soft colors splashed across the sky caused by the early morning sun. She always loved a good sunrise. It had been a while since she was able to enjoy one. She closed her eyes as a gentle wind brushed her face and tousled her starlight-colored hair, revealing her pointed ears. She looked around, observing the grassy field on her left and the forest on her right, knowing that this place was exactly where she was meant to be. A large rock caught her eye, and she sat down upon it, resting her weary legs.

As she sat there, her mind flashed back to exactly why she was sitting alone in a land unknown to her. She had been in her elfin dreamlike state in Ellesméra when a strange image seeped its way into her unconsciousness. The vision was of the grassy field and forest she viewed presently.

In her vision, a gruff female voice echoed throughout.

"Meet me here," she had said, and then the vision disappeared. Wynne felt a sense of urgency in the familiar voice and set out as soon as possible. The place where she was to go was not in Alagaësia, nor was it in Surda, but still further south across the water. Escaping Alagaësia was a little more difficult than she expected as Galbatorix and the remaining Forsworn were searching everyone for any dragons and their eggs. Her journey had been long, but she made it and was now in waiting.

Wynne rose from the rock, suddenly aware of another presence within several yards from where she was. She carefully stared through the trees behind her, trying to locate the source of whatever it was that gave her the uneasy feeling of being watched. Though her eyes were keen, they failed her as she saw nothing but plants and trees. She opened her mind and was caught off guard by a powerful vibe emanating from a life form just past the first line of trees.

I knew you would come. The voice was in her head and was identical to the one from her vision. I brought you here to ask a favor of you, she said.

Two dark smoke clouds drifted out from the branches while the trunks groaned as a huge violet dragon's head emerged from the trees followed by the rest of its enormous body. Wynne stepped back to give it room and noted how beautiful its scales looked in the sunlight as they glittered like gems. The elf was not afraid but gazed at the magnificent beast in awe. It was much wilder looking than the dragons of the Riders. Wynne smiled.

"Anything for a dragon," she replied. "Especially you, Vervada." Vervada seemed pleased and then turned her attention to something behind her. Wynne followed her gaze. Her tail was wrapped around something that Wynne didn't notice was there until now. The dragon brought it toward her and gently placed the object in Wynne's outstretched arms. She knew what it was at once and stared at the thing in admiration and wonder. It was a fire-orange egg with lines of gray that spider-webbed around it. She looked up at the dragon with curiosity in her eyes.

"I don't understand."

As you well know, the human king is after all dragons and their eggs, she explained. He knows of me and will soon destroy me. I have seen it. My egg, however, he does not know of, because I've been in hiding since I knew I was expecting. Now that it has been laid, there is very little I can do to protect it. That is where you come in.

"You want me to raise a wild dragon?" she asked. Vervada shook her enormous head.

I'm giving it to the Riders. I know that you are one of the few who know the spells to keep the young dragon in his or her egg.

"I thought the sapphire egg was going to be the only egg you were going to give to the Riders?"

Yes, she replied. But as you can see, times change. If there was some way to escape Fate, then I would have no need to ask of your help; however, to do so is impossible. Therefore, I am now here before you.

Wynne reviewed her words several times in her head, but something still bothered her. "Vervada?"


"Out of all the other elves who know the incantations, why did you choose me?" she asked, watching the dragon carefully so as to catch the slightest emotion. Wynne swore she saw her smile.

Along with knowing of my own terrible demise, I have also been blessed with a vision of my hatchling's Rider, which is why I'm giving my egg to them . . . and you.

"You mean, I am—?" Vervada shook her head, cutting Wynne's sentence short.

No, one of your descendants. Wynne stared at her with confusion.

"Mine? But, I don't have any children."

Not yet.

Wynne gaped at her in disbelief. An awkward silence passed between them until Vervada spoke.

Before I leave, you must promise me one thing, she said in a serious tone.

"What is it?" Wynne asked.

Galbatorix is searching for any sign of a dragon or an egg, and because of this, you must stay in this land.

"You mean, away from Alagaësia? For how long?"

As long as it takes for the egg to hatch. The time will pass by much quicker than you think.

Wynne thought about what that would mean. She would have to leave her fellow elves, her family, her friends, her home. And for how long? Years? Decades? Perhaps even centuries? She wasn't sure she would be strong enough for that. Vervada brought her huge head right in front of Wynne and placed her snout on her forehead. Wynne felt peace and strength surge through her.

With a new determination in her voice, she answered, "I promise."

Thank you, Wynne-elda. May the stars watch over you.

The violet dragon spread her enormous wings and flew off to accept her fate. Wynne watched her until she was a tiny dot in the distant horizon, her own fate resting heavily upon her shoulders, or rather, in her hands. Finally accepting her task wholeheartedly, she embraced the egg.

"Don't worry, little one," she whispered to it. "I'll protect you."

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