Title: Thunder and Lightning

Author: mistress meo

Summary: Sometimes a storm can have strange effects on people.

Rating: M – not sure where this is going so better to be safe than have this pulled down.

Pairing(s): Draco/Hermione

Disclaimer: I own nothing. JK Rowling is the keeper of all that is Harry Potter and is a goddess of the written word. This disclaimer applies for all future chapters. I do not profit from this story. It is just for my own amusement.


Thunder and Lightning

The storm called to each of them in its own way. One answered to thunder, the other to lightning. But whatever the case, they answered.

Up from the dungeons he ran, the call of thunder resonating throughout his body, compelling him to do its bidding. Down from the tower she came, almost in a trance, the call of the light beckoning her. Always the diligent one, she answered immediately, unquestioning.

Both summoned from sleep, though not quite yet awake, they each answered yes in their dreams and acted on the requests made. To the Great Hall. The why didn't matter. Besides, they would find out soon enough. She arrived first, entered and was drawn to the window at the far end. He followed, but only a moment behind. Finding her where he was meant to go, he joined her at the window. They did not look at each other, not yet. The only acknowledgement that he had joined her was when he slipped his arms around her from behind. Together they stared into the blackness waiting for their next request. The why didn't matter, remember?

At the next flash of light they were compelled to turn to each other, she still held protectively in his arms. In an instant the light was gone. Only a glimpse of the person standing opposite was stolen. But with the answering rumble of the thunder, he gently took her face in his hands while she wrapped her arms about his waist. Instinctively, they pulled each other closer. Another flash of light and for a split second they were able to look deep into each other's eyes. Neither fear nor hate was found reflected in either of them. The light winked out again, and with some unquestionable force, they both leaned in for a kiss. The next crash of thunder rang true.

Their kiss was long, hot, slow and deep. It was not hard or forceful. Neither was it a struggle for dominance. The kiss was one that soon took their breath away. They drank in each other's souls, just as the storm outside the window had demanded. But no amount of rain could quench the passion that fired between the forbidden couple engaged in the storm's bidding. They had ventured far beyond what the storm had asked of them.

As the storm moved away, the kiss that was so penetrating became slower and feather-light. Who knows how much time had passed, but as the rumble in the distance became softer and softer, one could almost make out the sun cresting over the horizon. The lightning flashed for the last time and with the storm's task complete, the couple pulled apart.

Both fully awake now, he looked at her one last time and then turned to leave. But before he could get one step away from her, she caught his sleeve and tugged him back.

"It wasn't a dream then, was it?"

"No," he answered flatly.

"Then what…"

"I don't know Granger."


"Who would bother?" he turned again to leave.

"Malfoy, please wait."

He did not turn to face her but said with resolve, "Granger, whatever it was, it's done. I'm going back to bed. I suggest you do the same."

She came to stand in front of him blocking his path. "It's not done and you know it. I was there with you, remember?" She took a step forward and put her arms around his neck. He didn't look at her or embrace her, just stared past her towards the exit. She pulled his head to hers. And just before giving him the most delicate of kisses, she whispered against his lips, "You and I both know it's not done …Draco."

Slowly, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back. He could do nothing but agree.