A/N: hi ev'ryone! i must say i am a big fma fan so i came up with this story. i wasn't thinkin about postin it on fanfic, but i thought it'd be fun if i did anywayz. so, here's my fma story! if u do like it, plz R&R :) and if u don't then :'( lol. o wellz, it's for fun this story anywayz. besides my blabbering, happy reading :)
Disclaimer: I do not own FullMetal Alchemist or any of it's characters. However, I do own Li-san and Hazel :)
Summary: Two girls from the outside world who are fans of fma, discover a way to go into the anime world. it is there that they become what they've dreamed! state alchemists, the ability to use alchemy, and to meet the favorite characters from the show! but there is only one thing that keeps their happiness from continuing. will they ever be able to return to the real world? Then again..would they ever want to?
Chapter 1: Two Girls From The Outside World
The time was 7:01 p.m. A girl of age 14 was waiting for someone to arrive at her house patiently (yet freaking out because it was 1 minute after 7:00 and the original time was 7:00; seemed she had a tendancy to the phrase 'on time', and if that didn't happen she usually started to get nervous). To make the wait less nerve wracking, she began typing at her computer frantically away at a story that she had been etching to finish. She finally ran into the dreaded writer's block, and decided it was just best to sit back and crank up the FMA tunes on her CD/Radio player.
The girl played on her air guitar to the music right after the intro, and heard the a knock on the door (which she actually did not hear due to the loudness of the music). When the lyrics began, she sang in a low voice that sounded just like the singers in the band themselves, no joke. Suddenly, a voice called, saying her guest had just arrived.
"Mom! Don't scare me like that!" the girl cried as she clutched her chest, as if having a heart attack. 'I just hate it when people can hear me sing! Especially in low key!' Her guest walked down casually, and plopped her things near the wall.
"Hi! I'm so glad you're here! I was beginning to worry." the girl with long black hair in a ponytail said as she turned away from her computer. Her friend smiled and pulled up a chair. She had dirty blonde hair in a high ponytail.
"Yeah me too. It was my dad's fault, we got lost. Sorry if I'm a little late." the girl apologized. The other girl only waved a hand with a laugh.
"It's all right. While you were getting here I just finished my story. So, did you bring, the goods?" the girl with black hair asked, her brow raised.
"Oooooh yeah." the girl with long blonde hair replied and took everything out of her bag. Manga books were spread out on the floor, all were of Fruits Basket and of Fullmetal Alchemist, but mostly Fullmetal. She took out a Naruto wristband and a Naruto headband.
"Awesome! Lucky!" the girl with black hair chanted.
"Haha. Thanks Li-chan." the girl with dirty blonde hair said with a smile as she put on her headband like Hinata Hyuuga did in the show. Li-chan put the writsband on.
"Hey! That's Hinata's style Hazel!" Li-chan cried with a laugh.
"Well I couldn't do it like Naruto, or Shikamaru, or Kiba, or any other! Besides, Hinata's was the best." Hazel said with a shrug.
"Whatever. Let's just get this anime slumber party started!" Li-chan said with a laugh and the two started out with a regular story typing. In no time, they got bored with that. Next came the T.V, but really...nothing anime related was on at that time. After that it was internet, but it ran slower than usual. Finally, the last thing to do was look at manga. The time now was 12:00 midnight.
"Hey Hazel, wouldn't it be cool if we could do Alchemy?" Li-chan asked as she was reading Volume 1 of FMA, pushing her glasses just a little so she could see. Hazel looked up from her Furuba book.
"Yeah. It would." was her answer. Li-chan got up from her chair, and walked over to her wall. She took out some chalk, and started to draw a very irregular transmutation, the one that was shown to get to the other side.
"What are you doing Li?" Hazel asked as she put her furuba book down. Li-chan slapped her hands on the circle, but nothing happened.
"Well, it was worth a shot." Li-chan said with a sigh.
"Well, maybe your circle needs a little repairing for it to work." Hazel suggested and made the circle more round, and the right lines where they should be more perfect.
"Hey, why don't we do it together?" Li-chan suggested and the two slapped their hands on the circle. Suddenly, it glowed!
"Li what did you do!" Hazel cried in bewhilderment.
"Sssh! Quiet you'll wake my parents!" Li-chan hissed and suddenly, the two were sucked into the circle! They had performed alchemy! Apparently, they were now on the other side..but the other side to what?
Li-chan woke up with a start, and looked around the room she was in. 'Hm...very familiar, I've seen this before.' she said to herself and got out of the bed to walk around. She came upon a mirror, walked by it, and then rushed back. 'OHMYGOD! I'M...I'M IN ANIME FORM? WITH NO GLASSES! SWEET! AND I'M MAKING THAT FUNNY SURPRISED LOOK! WHAT IS GOING ON!' Li-chan thought. She heard some minor clinks, and she rolled up her cackies she was wearing just a little. Her mouth dropped. Automail? She had automail limbs?
"IEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" she cried in high pitched. "OHMYGOD! I COULD NEVER SQUEAK THAT HIGH! WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH ME?" she cried in bewhilderment. 'Hey! I'm swearing!...Feels good! CHA!' she thought. The door opened quickly, and a familiar face walked in.
"...Hazel?" Li-chan cried. Hazel was in anime form too! But she looked so different! Then again so did Li-chan. They had perfect figures for girls their age (not saying they didn't in the real world), and they looked even hotter in anime form like they always thought they would be. Hazel was wearing a red jacket that went with a blue T-shirt. She wore one white glove on her right hand, and had on some ripped jeans. She was wearing regular white sneakers. Li-san was wearing a pink tank top and long cackies. She had on boots that looked a little similar to Edward Elrics, just a different color. Blue.
"L-Li-chan?..." Hazel asked. The two walked up to eachother, and touched eachother's faces. Then, Li-san noticed that Hazel had automail too! She had hers on her left arm.
"Hazel! You have automail too!" Li-san exclaimed.
"I know! It's weird! Why do I have automail! What about you!" Hazel cried.
"I have automail limbs! WHAT'S HAPPENED TO US!" Li-san cried.
"IEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" they screamed together. Finally, a noise unfamiliar yet familiar at the same time came charging in. They looked down at the old lady with a pipe in her mouth, glasses on, and her hair in a very high ponytail. It was Pinako herself!
"What's with all the screaming in here! You're giving us all a headache!" Pinako cried.
"W-we're sorry miss! This is just...new to us." Hazel apologized and had sweatdrops as she bowed continuously. Li-chan was laughing.
"Hahah! Hazel! Get this! Whatever we do, say, think, we do it in anime form! And yours is totally funny!" Li-chan laughed and was hit over the head, a bump could be seen. Tears streamed down her face. Pinako stared at Li-chan, a puzzled look on her face. She might've thought that Li-chan was insane. Anime form? What was that?
"Owchee." Li-chan said with a sniffle.
"Where are you two from anyways?" Pinako asked.
"Not from here is all we can say." Hazel answered.
"Grandma? Ed, Al, and I heard screams. What's going on?" a voice asked from outside. 'Winry-san!' the two thought. 'Hey...we can hear our own thoughts! COOL!' Winry came in, her usual outfit was on and she had her red bandana on her head and her brownish green gloves on. Also, a wrench could be seen in her left hand.
"As you can see these two are awake." Pinako said and walked out. Den walked in past her.
"Hello there. I'm Winry Rockbell. It's a pleasure to meet you." Winry said and extended her hand.
"I'm Hazel. Hazel Manson." Hazel said and the two shook. Li-chan was playing with Den until Hazel smacked her on the head so she would introduce herself.
"Oi! And I'm Li. Li Yamanato. But usually people call me Li-chan. Whatever works. Someday I'll be called Li-san, and I hope to attain that name! It is so honorific!" Li-chan said and put an anime pride face, tears streaming down her face, her mouth was up like an arrow, her eyes were sparkly, and pink sparkles could be seen around her.
"Don't mind her...she's a little, unstable let's put it. We're trying to find a cure." Hazel whispered, her eyes were half narrowed.
"Hey! I heard that you!" Li-chan cried, a vein popped and she grew fangs.
"It's nice to meet you Hazel, Li-san." Winry said.
"Hazel! Did you hear that! I was called Li-san! Oh thank you Winry-san!" Li-san said with a sniffle.
"Will you cut that out? You're making yourself look like a total baka." Hazel said and rolled her eyes. Winry had a few sweatdrops.
"It's no problem. Would both of you like to come downstairs and meet everyone?" Winry asked.
"Will you excuse us for a moment please?" Li-san asked and pulled Hazel to the side.
"Listen Hazel! We're going to meet Ed, and AL! Oh I can't wait! Maybe you'll get to see Mustang too!" Li-san cried happily.
"Yeah! Let's just play it cool for now. I still don't know how this all happened, but I'm liking it lots." Hazel replied and the two quickly whooshed back to Winry.
"Sure!" they said in unison and the three walked downstairs. There was no one to be seen. They were puzzled, and walked outside. Li-san ran faster than everyone crying, "THIS IS REALLY IT HAZEL! WE'RE REALLY IN RISENBOOL! WHAT ELSE COULD BE BETTER!"
"So much for playing cool..." Hazel said and rolled her half narrowed eyes.
"Heads up!" someone cried from afar. Winry and Hazel looked at the person who spoke, and their mouths dropped. Li-san, too distracted, was in her own fantasy world of happiness, not hearing the warning.
"DUCK!" another voice cried. It was all too late though. When Li-san snapped out of her happy transe, she turned with a smile to see something flying at her. In seconds dark lines could be seen under her right eye, and her mouth seemed to be twitching. Coming straight at her was a metal helmet. Although, it looked alive, but in it's 'other' form. It had dark lines under it's eyes, and it's mouth was just zig zag lines. Her eye began to twitch. WHAM! The helmet fell to the ground a few feet away, and Li-san fell on her back on the ground, a big red spot could be seen in the middle of her forehead. She had X's for eyes. Winry and Hazel had sweatdrops as the two people rushed to the scene.
"Miss? Miss we're so sorry are you all right!" the voice from before that cried, "Heads up!" asked. Li-san's eyes were tightly squinted before she opened them. The scene went to her point of view. She was a little fuzzy, and saw a blonde haired boy stand above her. His golden eyes made her in a transe. He helped her up with a metal arm, and she gladly accepted. The person next to him was the favorite suit of armor, in 'it's' hands were the helmet.
"I'm so sorry Miss! I didn't mean for that to happen!" the suit of armor apologized and bowed. Li-san blinked several times.
"Oh no...brace yourselves everyone she's about to blow!" Hazel screamed and ran off to a corner, she shoved her fingers in her ears. All at once, Li-san burst.
"What's the hell's wrong with her! Did that hit make her insane or something?" Ed cried.
"No...she's just a freak when it comes down to...this." Hazel replied. 'More like a total anime freakazoid who can't control herself sometimes...'
"THIS IS SOOOO COOL! I CAN'T BELIEVE I NEVER TRIED ALCHEMY BACK THERE BEFORE! I'VE BEEN--WE'VE BEEN MISSING OUT!" Li-san roared as she charged at them. She finally quieted down.
"Are you sure she's okay?..." Ed asked.
"Yeah. She's fine don't worry. I've known her a long time now so this isn't anything compared to some stuff in the past that she's spazzed about." Hazel replied with a small sweatdrop.
"Hey Miss, what's your name? You're the first person to ever realize that I'm the Fullmetal Alchemist." Ed said with a proud smile.
"Oh? I'm Li-san. It's an honor to meet you Edward Elric." Li-san said with a grin.
"Haha. Just call me Ed." Ed said with a laugh. Li-san smiled, and then felt something in her pocket. She curiously took it out. It was her state alchemist pocketwatch that she had gotten on She gasped out of surprise.
"You! You're a state alchemist?" Ed cried as he lept up.
"I am?..." Li-san asked and realized that in this world, she could very well be! The paperwork would be right there and she wouldn't have to lie!...well, maybe she would just a little.
"Y-yeah! I'm the Soulfire Alchemist!" Li-san cried. In an instant, the paperwork for Li-san was done with and at Central.
"We've never heard of you before miss Li-san." Alphonse said.
"Please, just call me Li, Alphonse Elric." Li-san said with a smile.
"Thank you Li. You can call me Al by the way." Al added with a grin.
"And you've never heard of me before cause I...well, I just started. I'm a newbie really." Li-san said sheepishly. She was pulled by the ear by Hazel.
"Excuse us for a minute." Hazel said coldly and dragged her friend to a corner.
"What?" Li-san hissed.
"Huccum you get to be an alchemist, and I get to be nothing? It's not fair I tell you!" Hazel cried bitterly.
"Don't worry Hazel. Here since we can do this, here's your pocketwatch. You'll be...the Bullseye Alchemist!" Li-san cried and in an instant, Hazel had her pocketwatch and her state name in Central. Everyone would know about them, so no questions would come up. As they walked back, Ed pointed in bewhilderment.
"You're a State Alchemist too!"
"Yeah. See we're partners. I'm the Bullseye Alchemist." Hazel said with a smile.
"So, what can you guys do as alchemists?" Al asked.
"Hazel, do you want to go first?" Li-san asked.
"I would, but I don't have my guns right now. They're in Central remember?" Hazel replied and Li-san's eye twitched.
"Well um...hold on let me get my transmutation gloves." Li-san said and in an instant, in her pockets were the gloves with transmutation circles on them. 'I am soooo loving this!' She took a deep breath, and clapped her hands. Her eyes were closed, and she placed her hands on her chest. A glow began to shine, and a little white orb could be seen. She transferred it to something far away, and then it came to them. It's soul was reborn, and it began to do tricks. When Li-san clapped her hands again, she placed them over the object and the orb flew out of the object! It landed on the floor with a plop. The orb returned to Li-san, and she smiled in success.
"Wow! Amazing! Brother did you see that!" Al cried in amazement. Li-san blushed at Al's compliment.
"Yeah. That was very good! And you're saying you're a newbie!" Ed cried.
"More like an expert!" Al added and Li-san blushed even more, she began to laugh nervously.
"Thank you all for the compliments." she said.
"I can't wait to see what you can do Hazel-san. Would you like to come to Central with Al and me? I need to get there anyways, important business." Ed suggested.
"Sure!" they cried happily.
"Great! We'll be leaving tommorow. I still need to get my automail fixed up a little." Ed said with a grin.
"Say, Hazel, Li...where are you two from?" Al asked. The room grew deadly silent.
"Um...well, not here." Li-san said plainly.
"Yes, but where exactly?" Al asked.
"We'd rather not talk about it..." Hazel said sadly, hoping to give an impression that something sad about their past was meant to be kept secret. Ed understood, and Li-san had a puzzled look. Hazel nudged her in the rib.
"O-oh!...Y-yeah...It's sorta, personal I guess. I mean, we're not sisters but we're really close as best friends." Li-san covered.
"I see. Well, Al, let's show these guys around." Ed said with a smile as he stood up. Al nodded and he got up as well. The two showed Li-san and Hazel around Risembool. It's not like they needed to be toured, but to play it safe they played dumb with the Elrics. When they finally reached a place where nothing was, Hazel and Li-san knew it was the Elric's home.
"This was...our home." Ed said quietly.
"Why did you burn it?" Li-san asked. Playing dumb was a great way to get answers.
"Brother and I, we--"
"We did something bad." Ed answered quickly, interrupting his brother. Li-san and Hazel were quiet. There was a light breeze, and Li-san shut her eyes a littel bit. She yawned to show some sign of extreme boredom.
"I can't believe people would get you mixed up Ed. I mean, I know people have said that Al is the Fullmetal Alchemist because of his armor, but still." Hazel said.
"I'm sort of used to it by now. But I'm really happy that you were able to figure out that I was the Fullmetal." Ed said with a laugh. Li-san sniffled.
"What's wrong?" Al asked.
"I...I...I'm shorter than everyone heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere!" Li-san sobbed. It was true. Compared to Ed, he was 2 inches taller.
"N-no you aren't! Um...you're taller than Auntie Pinako!" Al said.
"BUT SHE'S OLLLLD!" Li-san wailed and tears flew down her cheeks.
"Not that I'm glad you're shorter than me, I'm sure you'll grow." Ed said with a laugh. Li-san sniffed.
"You think?" she asked.
"No. Brother knows." Al said as he raised a finger. Li-san smiled.
"So, Ed, how old are you guys? I mean, we know you're the Fullmetal, but it's hard to believe you're Al's older brother." Hazel asked. They didn't answer. Li-san pulled Hazel over for a short little private chat.
"Psst, I bet you anything we can make up our pasts here! We should make them sad so the Elrics will trust us with personal stuff. I think it'll work." Li-san exlained.
"Yeah...The best part is, we can have sad backround music!" Hazel giggled slightly.
"Okay..stick with sad pasts. And we're partners because at Central they made us be partners to search for...I know! A crimson stone. Like the Philosopher's Stone! Then we'll be able to travel with the Elrics!" Li-san cried. Hazel nodded. Anything they talked about, time for the anime world of the Elrics seemed to stop thank goodness, so the brothers wouldn't know what was going on.
"But first, we need some answers ourselves. How did we even get to the Rockbell's house for one." Hazel said.
"Right. We need to know exactly where they found us." Li-san added and they walked over to Ed and Al.
"Um, Ed, Al...we never really knew where you found us..." Hazel said.
"Yeah...where did you find us? And how did we end up at the nice Rockbell's house?" Li-san added. Ed and Al blinked.
"Well, actually..." Al started.
"We really didn't find you. Den, Winry's dog did. He brought us to where you guys were. You were on the outskirts of Risembool. If Den didn't find you soon, you would've been a gonner for sure." Ed said. Li-san had dark lines under her right eye, and it started to twitch.
"You mean we woulda...gulp D..Died!" Li-san squealed.
"Yeah...you were right in the middle of the train tracks. You both were knocked out and had minor fevers. Den luckily dragged you off the track just in time and ran off to get us." Al explained. The two shivered.
"Really, you've been out for three days." Ed finished.
"Wow! Three days!" Hazel cried and the brothers nodded. The group was silent once more.
Li-san and Hazel could feel a dramatic scene coming, and was very prepared. They could make out the backround music, it was the Brother's Song!
"Alphonse...Edward...would you um, if you have time, come with us on our mission?" Hazel asked.
"Depends on what your mission is." Ed replied with his hands behind his head.
"We're searching for the Crimson Stones." Li-san said.
"The..The Crimson Stones! Brother!" Al cried.
"Yeah...the Crimson Stones, they're part of the famous Philosopher's Stone!" Ed answered as his hands dropped to his sides, showing amazement in the two girls mission.
"Yes...and we think that finding the Crimson Stones will give us clues to the Philosopher's Stone. Both Hazel and I want to make something right that happened in our past." Li-san explained. Hazel just played along with a nod.
"Make something right...you two sound a lot like us..." Al said quietly.
"Like you? How so?" Li-san asked, puzzled.
"Brother, I think we can tell them. They're pretty trustworthy." Al said.
"Yeah..you're right.." Ed said silently.
"I'm sure both of you know the law of alchemy." Ed said. They nodded. "Well, of course in order to obtain, something of equal value must be lost. Equivalent Exchange. Both my brother and I performed Human Transmutation, to bring our dead mom back to life. We failed, and in the proccess I lost my leg, and Al his soul. I was able to get Al's soul back though by sacrificing my arm..." Ed explained. Both Hazel and Li-san gasped, their eyes had fear.
"So really...there's nothing inside you, is there Al?" Li-san asked sadly. Al shook his head no, the armor's red eyes couldn't be seen.
"We're trying to find the Philosopher's Stone to get Brother's arm and leg back, and my soul." Al said. Hazel and Li-san looked very sad.
"Oh, and I'm 15 and Al's 14." Ed added to answer their question they asked earlier.
"Really? I'm 15 too and Li-san is 14." Hazel said quietly. A short silence took place, and then Ed spoke.
"What about you two? What do you want to make right?" Ed asked. The two were silent, sadder looks on their faces. Ed and Al looked at them, innocent eyes. Li-san sighed.
"Well, I guess, since you told us your past, it's time to tell you guys ours..." Li-san said and looked at Hana. It was like they knew what to say! It all would play out.
"Li-san and I, we lived in the same town. My mother, and Li-san's father were in the Ishbalan War when we were only still little kids. Our mom and dad, were all that we had. We were all inseperable really... See, my dad died before I was born, and Li-san's mother died right after she was born..." Hazel said silently.
"My dad was in the military forces while Hazel's mom was a nurse. When they left, Hazel and I were like close sisters, we were all that we had really." Li-san said.
"Yeah...we were only 5 and 6 when they left. While waiting for our parents to come home from the war, we began to do alchemy. It interested us. We couldn't wait to show our folks what we had learned." Hazel said with a slight chuckle.
"But when the war was over, my dad and Hazel's mom didn't return. They were both killed...my dad was killed by an Ishbalan, and Hazel's mom along with two other doctors were killed by the military themselves for taking care of some Ishbalans who were hurt." Li-san said. Ed and Al gasped. It seemed that the other two doctors they had talked about were Winry's parents. Go figure.
"We tried desperately to bring them back, searching for answers, and finally found out about Human Transmutation." Hazel explained.
"The only real difference between Hazel and me, was that we weren't sisters and didn't have the same idea of it. I didn't think Human Transmutation was a very good idea, and tried to make Hazel stay clear from it. But when something comes to her mind it sticks. She was determined to bring back her mom and my dad. When I couldn't win with telling her to forget it, we practiced more alchemy and made ourselves better at it before we could perform the forbidden stuff." Li-san said. The Elrics looked very stern from this point.
"When Li-san was 7 and I was 8, we performed the alchemy. We gave up very little though, and apparently it wasn't enough. The things that we created...they weren't human...They were lifeless homunculous...that was our conclusion. We created monsters, and in the proccess I lost my left arm and Li-san lost her limbs." Hazel said quietly. The four were silent. Ed spoke once more after a long while.
"Hazel...Li-san...did any of you, after you performed that alchemy...Did you come across a door of some sort?" Ed asked.
"A door?..." Li-san asked, puzzled.
"I remember something like that...It was huge!" Hazel exclaimed.
"Can you do alchemy without transmutation circles?" Ed asked.
"I..never tried." Hazel replied. She clapped her hands together, and placed them on the ground. All of a sudden, a small toy horse was created! "WHOA!" Havel cried. Ed nodded. He said that he could do that as well. He also explained, that what Hazel saw was, 'The Truth'.
"The truth?" Li-san asked.
"Apparently...you were unconcious at that time Li-san." Hazel said.
"Where are you guys from? And how did you get automail? There aren't many towns with automail engineers." Ed said.
"We lived near Rush Valley. I had to carry Li-san on my back as we were able to make it there without completely draining our strength." Hazel explained. Luckily they didn't have to say what their town name was. As long as something came up near Rush Valley they'd take it. The rest would just play out like that. The sun began to set.
"Well, now with confessions done with, let's get some shut eye. Tommorow we'll head to Central." Ed said with a grin.
"Yeah." the two girls said with a nod.
"Say Al." Li-san said.
"Yes Li?" Al asked.
"Before the suit and all, were you taller than Ed?" she asked.
"Yes." "NO!" the two said in unison. Li-san and Hazel giggled and ran off, Ed and Al following close behind. So ended the first day in the world of fullmetal. The question was, how long would it last, and how would these two girls from the outside world ever return to reality? Then again, whoever said they wanted to go back?...
A/N: Well, here's my chapter 1! lol for those of u who have read it, please review! i just thought it'd be cool to post this. anywayz, i'll be updating soon, so if u like this story: stay tuned! i will say this though, if u haven't figured it out Li-san is Me: EmiieRoxs, and Hazel is my good friend Sweetnevermore! She and I are total fma fans. lol well, that's all i have to say and again, plz R&R and stay tuned for chapter 2: To Central! We're Off To See Mustang! -Em