Happily Ever After-Maybe
Chapter 1( Rikou's P.O.V )
I watched him every day.
I know I shouldn't have. He's a servant for lord's sake. What would they say if they found out? I'd be a laughing stock in court. I just can't help myself. He's so perfect. His body, hair, eyes. He's perfect everywhere. It will never go any farther then my polite stalking though.
For one thing he's a servant and I'm the prince of the entire kingdom. I could have anyone in the kingdom and I want the man who makes my bed! Not to mention the fact that he belongs to the Amancle Brotherhood. They go through villages once a year and recruit willing families. The children are taken away and trained. Most of them resent their parents for making a choice that should have rightfully been theirs. The choice to lose their virginity before or after marriage. The Brotherhood taught that to lose their virginity before marriage would cost the students their lives. Anyone found not to be a virgin was immediately put to death. Rather bleak existence huh?
Well anyway, while I was watching the sexy "maid" make my bed I saw a group of the young men from court (including my own little brother) enter the room quietly behind the young virgin.
"I told you he'd be here" my brother whispered to his companions. "He's obsessed with my brother. Always takes the longest to clean his room. Once I caught him smelling one of the shirts in the closet there."
This was news to me. I always noticed he took longer to clean my room but I thought it had just been hopefulness on my part.
I watched them circle around him, closing off his exit. One of the young men I didn't know examined his necklace.
"We got ourselves a member of the brotherhood here boys." He said softly. "This should be interesting"
They grabbed my precious blonde from behind and I relised what they were going to do.
They were going to rape him