Don't make him mad! Don't you ever make him mad! If you do, you won't live. He'll kill you, I swear he will. Play nice. Just leave him be.
When I was younger. When I was a kid, a baby, I had this dream. A recurring one.
Not every night, just some nights. I couldn't tell when. No way. It just happened and I couldn't wake up until it was over.
I would be in the bath tub. It was larger than normal. The sides rose up and up and broke the ceiling, crashing through and never stopping. It never stopped. It broke the sky.
I was small and vulnerable, naked and alone and just how I hated it. And then the water would come. Flooding in, out the faucet that grew out of the wall. There was no drain, so the water grew. I never floated, I stayed glued to the tub floor. I choked and sobbed but no one ever knew. Even the water shed no tears for me.
Seclusion and drowning and being caged up was nothing. Last came the drain.
It was stronger than anything; my father. It came from the floor, down- some hellish place. It was beastly and its jaws opened wide, smirking and drinking the water. Gulping and dripping no drops, sharing its thirst with no one. And I was still.
I was being dragged down as well. No where, emptiness and dark and a clutching binding ripping terror was over-coming. I never lived I woke up.
I would stay in my bed, thinking and never being able to take my eyes away from the ceiling.
I was wrong. I lived and age overcame it all. The dream left me and I was haunted no more.
For a while.
Then my brother, that monster, him, he, it was born.
The dream, my dream, my nightmare, came back. Only, the water became sand and the tub my tomb.
But that was still only a dream. My brother was real.
True story.
I think I have a drowning fetish. Childhood traumatic experience? Umm, I did almost drown twice. Also I did have the tub dream. Only, my sister got sucked down the drain, not me. I bet Kanky wishes he would have that dream. Haha.
Naruto and its characters are not mine.