Two modern girls dream of being a part of Tolkien's epic fantasy world, and they suddenly find themselves right in the middle of the War of the Ring! Using their craftiness and knowledge of the novel, they follow the Fellowship along their journey to destroy the One Ring. At the same time, they have to figure out how they'll get homeā€¦ In one piece!

Sara is a teenage girl with many talents, including archery, music and sports. She is about five and a half feet tall and incredibly thin, with light brown hair and dark brown eyes. She becomes Serenity, an elf with an unknown history. As she struggles with her feelings for a member of the Fellowship, she constantly worries for her friend Kay, whose strength seems to be declining with every day.

Kay is the same age as Sara, but not too talented. Like Sara, she enjoys music, but she's no athlete! She tires easily. She's only about four feet tall with about another three or four inches to spare. Unlike Sara, she's a little plump. Her dark brown hair is rather curly, but her blue eyes are laughing and bright. She becomes Kayla, a hobbit who suddenly appears out of nowhere. She worries that their involvement in the story could change it completely. Her strength seems to be waning every day they go on, but she's determined to finish the quest to the end, even if it means giving up her life.