Too Young 3: All Grown Up?
Disclaimer: I do not own Charmed! ------------------------------------------------------------ This story takes place 7 years after Too Young: The Sequel.
The Halliwell-Wyatt's: ------------------------------------------------------------
Leo- 28; Piper- 28; Jess & Mel- 12; Wyatt- 6; Chris-4
The Trudeau's:
Andy- 30; Prue- 30; A.J.- 10; Alex-7; Alison- 3
The Halliwell-Turner's:
Cole- 29; Phoebe-26; Savannah- 8; Ben- 4; Nicole- 4
The Brody's:
Kyle- 25; Paige- 24; Jack- 4; Ashley- 1
Chapter 1: The Storm
"Jessica! Melinda! Hurry up! You'll be late for school!" Piper yelled up the stairs of the manor to her daughters. She went back to the kitchen where she was preparing breakfast for her family. Her younger children and two of her sisters' children were already seated at the table.
Andy was still working at the police station, and Prue was a photographer. It had extremely rainy in the early morning, and Andy had gotten a call around 6am about a serious accident near Golden Gate Bridge. Prue decided to go with him and see if there were any good scenes worth photographing. On their way, they dropped off their kids.
When Leo walked into the kitchen, Piper stopped him before he sat down. "Leo, could run upstairs and get Alison down here so she can have something to eat. And then when you go to work, I need you to take her and Chris to pre-school," Piper said.
"Ok. What about the rest of the kids?" he asked.
"Well, I'm hoping Jess and Mel will be ready in time to catch the bus, A.J.'s taking the bus, right?"
"Right," A.J. said with a mouth full of cereal.
"Don't talk with your mouth full," Piper said. "And I can take Alex and Wyatt to school."
"Ok. I'll be right back. While I'm upstairs I'll nag the girls more."
"Thank-you honey."
After Leo left the room, Phoebe and Paige walked in the back door with their kids.
"Oh, hey!" Piper greeted her younger sisters, nieces and nephews. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, our husbands had to leave at 6:00 this morning, so we thought we'd come see what our sisters are up to," Phoebe said.
"Well, you'll have to accept just one sister. Andy got called in this morning, too and Prue went with him to take pictures," Piper said.
"We figured that. Can you handle getting all of the kids ready?" Paige asked.
"Yeah, we have to do it a lot. Leo's upstairs getting the girls. You know, I'm not liking the tween twins. And I don't think I'll like them when they're teenagers, either."
"Why not?" Phoebe asked. "Is it that bad?"
"Every morning, I have to yell at them to wake up, yell at them to hurry up and get ready so they don't miss the bus, and then after supper I have to yell at them to do their homework, get ready for bed, get too bed... You two will love having teenagers."
"Aunt Piper," Savannah said. "Are Jess and Mel still in their room?"
"As far as I know, yes. You can go up and see them if you'd like."
"Ok, thank-you." She ran up to see her older cousins.
"Mommy, can I go play in the living room with Ben and Jack?" Chris asked.
"Did you finish your breakfast?"
"Ok. Go ahead. You can go, too Wyatt, if you'd like. A.J., Alex, as soon as you're done your breakfast, you can go, too. Boys, make sure you are all ready for school before you start playing. A.J., when you finish eating can you make sure all of them are ready, please?"
"Ok, Aunt Piper."
As four little boys ran out of the kitchen, Leo walked in dodging them, holding Alison. "I see we have a full house."
"Yeah. Cole and Kyle got called to the accident this morning, too," Piper said. She decided to turn on the small TV they had in the kitchen to see if the accident was on the news.
Female News Reporter: "Every school and daycare is closed today because of the multiple accidents that have happened this morning due to the rain this morning. Some businesses are also closed today because of flash floods." The video was changing to different scenes all over the city. "The most recent closures we've heard about are South Bay Social Services, 415 Magazine, Quake..." The picture then changed to P3, Piper's club.
"Oh my gosh! That's the club! Paige, I need you to stay here and watch all the kids for me. I have to go check for any damage. I'll call as soon as I can," Piper said very quickly. She grabbed her keys and purse and started to head out the door.
"Piper, wait," Leo said, still holding Alison.
"What is it Leo?" Piper asked.
"Look at Alison. She's not looking too well. I think I should take her to the hospital, what do you think?"
"Leo, if you think she should go, then you're probably right. After all, YOU are the paramedic, not me." Piper had a look at the small child anyway, and placed her wrist to Alison's forehead. "Leo, she's burning up. And she's really pale! Why are you still standing here? Get going, take her to the hospital!"
Leo grabbed his keys from the hook on the wall and ran out the door to his car. He buckled the three-year-old into a car seat in the back, and drove to the hospital.
"Piper, do think she'll be alright?" Phoebe asked.
"I hope so. I don't think I've felt any of the kids as warm as she is though," Piper said, a little worried. "I gotta go. I'll call you when I get to the club to let you know what it's like out there."
"Ok. And we'll call you if we find anything out on the news or from Leo," Paige said.
"Ok. Oh, if Prue calls, please don't let her know about Alison. We don't want her to panic."
"Gotcha. Now get out of here!" Phoebe urged her sister. When Piper was gone, Phoebe turned to Paige. "I'm going to call Elise and see if I can work from here today. You know, so I can help you out with all the kids."
"Ok. I'll go tell the kids about school being closed."
Phoebe grabbed her cell phone and dialled the number to The Bay Mirror, where she was an advice columnist. Paige carried Ashley into the living room where her son and five nephews were playing.
"Guess what boys," she said.
"What, Mommy?" Jack asked.
"There's no school today! We're all going to stay here!"
"Yay!" all of the boys cheered at once.
"I'm going to go upstairs and tell the girls, now. I'll be right back." She left the boys and strolled up the stairs, making funny faces at her one-year-old the whole time. When she reached the door to her nieces bedroom, she knocked twice and then entered. "Guess what girls."
"What is it Aunt Paige? We heard Dad panic and go downstairs quickly after he got Alison. Is she ok?" Jess asked.
"We aren't too sure right now. You're mom said she's burning up and that none of you or your cousins have ever felt that hot before. But that's not what I came up here to tell you."
"Then what is it?" Mel asked.
"All of the schools are closed today because of the storm. There have so many accidents and flash floods that I don't have to go to work either. It's been closed for the day. Phoebe is even calling her boss to see what's going at the paper."
"What about the club?" Jess asked. "Has there been any news on how it is?"
"Actually, they showed a picture of it on the news and your Mom even rushed out to check on it. It's just me and Phoebe here right now with all you kids."
"I really hope everything's ok," Savannah said. "I'm gonna go see my mom and see if we can call my Dad."
"Why don't we all go downstairs and wait to here from everyone," Paige suggested. "You can spend all day giving each other make-overs if you want."
"Your mom should be calling soon anyway. And maybe your dad, too."
A/N: I hope you liked the first chapter. Please review and look for the next chapter.