A/N: Thank you to my reviewers! XD! Special thanks to Sugar Kat, mandapandabug (who seems to somehow guess all my plots…!), Pharaohess1 and Landi McClellan!

Oh, and I am SO sorry for the uber late update! I have exams to pass!! I mean, I'm failing Science! ;o;! Due to fucking pullouts! -cries-


Haha, turns out I got the wring translations -giggle-! Sorry!

Warnings: Mild cursing, Shounen Ai, Possible OOC
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own it.

Story Notes:

1) -.-.-Page Break-.-.-

2) I got the French words from a random online translator—so I'm not sure if they're right. I mean, how should I know? I'm not French.

3) Final Chapter!

4) Thank you, Yukiko-Angel! For the translating to frenchiness!! XD!! -hugs-

And here it goes…





…Kidding, heehee.

Paint Me Love

Chapter Nine: Road Side Fairytale Kisses

His blond hair waved through the wind as he continued to sway his hands back and forth, coloring his soon-to-be-finished art work. His brown orbs closed as he took a second's rest. His lips graced with a calm smile.

It had been a year and a half since Jou started studying—right now, he was a sophomore at the university.

…And as for his love life?

Let's just say…

First love never dies.

Even though he dated some French guy and had his first kiss from a French guy—the whole of him still feels for a certain CEO.

A certain brunet CEO…

A certain tall brunet CEO…

A certain tall brunet CEO named Kaiba Seto.

This made Jou sigh.

The teen had avoided all news about Kaiba. No matter what, he tried as much as possible to get away from gossip or such.

He didn't want to hear it.

He didn't want to think it.

But he knew he couldn't escape the fact that…

Yami and Kaiba might tie the knot any time soon… after all, they've been 'together' for so long… too long.

Or, so he thought.

"Augh…" With that, Jou shook his head—clearing off such images from his mind.

Why couldn't Kaiba leave him alone?

Why couldn't Jou just forget and move on?

Why didn't the wind just die down?! Now he Jou had to chase his papers that were just blown away! Stupid wind!


His feet stalked the sidewalks of France—he didn't really care about those paparazzi people who seemed to be following him after the so-called 'Controversial Break Up' he had with Yami, which happened a year ago. Strange, that some people never forget.

But, as I said before—Kaiba doesn't care.

Well, he does… but it was more of care for finding someone.

So, he continued his walk.

As to why he came only now…? Remember, he said he'd give Jou a head start. Meaning, he was giving him a chance to fulfill his dreams. But not give him up. After all, Kaiba doesn't 'give up'—I even doubt such words even exist in his vocabulary.

"Where in the seven hells are you, Mutt…?"

He continued his way to somewhere—honestly, he didn't know where exactly to look for the blond. All Kaiba knew was Jou staying in France.


The said teen continued to run after his papers—taking the direction the wind blew. If you're worried he might get lost… well, don't. With all the time Jou spent walking through the boulevards the place, it was already impossible for him to lose his way.

…You could also say that about his life.

He knows where to go now.

He knows what direction.

He knows the steps.

But the thing is… he doesn't even know if it's right. Sometimes, Jou would wonder if there was another path secretly hidden away.

If there was a chance that there's a hidden pathway—if ever—would lead him to the arms of his one true love… or better yet, lead him into Kaiba's arms.

"I should really stop thinking about him…" Jou huffed. "Better yet, I should stop thinking all together!"

And with that, he rushed through the park bushes.

Not really caring whatever was waiting for him on the other side.

Well, he didn't really know—so why give a damn, right?

Boy was he in for a surprise.


Meanwhile, Kaiba felt something strange—as if something was about to pop out right in front of him. And something did.


That landed not too far off on the street.

Strangely, before one of the sheets landed, he caught a glimpse of familiar strokes. Familiar style. Now, if he could only guess whose.

Though that really wasn't what he came for.

"Ah Merde! (1)" A familiar voice rang from the bushes. "Excusez moi…! (2)"

The brunet blink for a moment—just noticing a familiar blond mop rushing past him. A very distinct blond mop.

This made the CEO smirk inwardly.

He knew who he was.

Slowly, Kaiba made his way to where Jou, who was too busy picking his papers up, was. Silently, with one hand he picked a sheet up.

His eyes gazed through the drawing.

It really wasn't out of the ordinary. Though Kaiba had to admit, the Jounouchi's skills had improved greatly since the last time he saw him.

His smirk turned to a grin.

He missed Jou—greatly.

"Excusez moi…" The brunet huskily whispered from behind Jou.

With that, the blond teen turned and smiled at the 'stranger', firstly noticing an outstretched arm holding a piece of paper. Jou was happy to find one of his favorite drawings safe.

Though ironically, he missed looking at Kaiba's face.

"Désolé de vous déranger. (3)" Jou spoke, still missing the chance to look at the stranger's face. "Merci. (4)" He said as he took the paper.

"Les vieux chien peuvent encore APPRENDRE des tours à ce que (5)" Kaiba finally replied, looking at the twitchy teen before him. "Long time no see, Jounouchi."

"H—holy hell…" Jou's breath hitched as he looked up at the man's eyes. "K—kaiba! Why the fuck are you here?"

Soon, Kaiba's grin turned back into a smirk again. He loved how Jou looked; it always made him too easy to read. In every emotion.

"Why, Mutt?" The brunet calmly said. "Why shouldn't I be here?"

Yes, why shouldn't he be here?

"I—I don't know!" Jou argued. "That's why I'm asking!"

Jou had a strange point.

At this, the CEO blinked in surprise. His puppy gained a few tactics on how to make good arguments.

"Well, well…" Kaiba then, crossing his arms. "I came here… because of work."

For some reason, Jou already knew it was coming. Come on, it was a fairytale! Mere imaginations! Why in Christ's name would the brunet be visiting?

…Unless, there was something else.

'Maybe he's here to invite me to their wedding…!' The blond thought painfully as he bit his lip and gripped the papers in his hands, causing them to crumple. "…Oh."

"And I have something to discuss with you."

Now, Jou was uneasy.

"Yami and I—"

"Don't say it!" Jou butted, shutting his eyes.

"Broke up. They day you left." Kaiba continued, not listening to what Jou said. "Now, he's dating Yugi."

The smaller teen opened his eyes and looked up at the CEO quizzically.

"T—then… why are you he—mmph!"

Sadly, Jou couldn't finish his sentence. What? It wasn't his choice to! It's just that, Kaiba's lips were on his, that's all.

Brown eyes were wide opened.

It was dream come true…!

…Or maybe it was a dream.

"Learn to keep your mouth closed at times, Pup." The brunet stated as he pulled away.

"Hu—huh?" Jou blinked, obviously semi-dazed.

"Silly Dog," The brunet replied as he viewed Jou's confused features. "I thought you developed a brain. But I see I stand corrected."

"Hey! What was that supposed to mean—wait… oh…?" This time, the smaller teen blinked twice, blushing madly.

Kaiba looked at Jou, obviously from the looks of it—he knew the blond's would-be response to him. And yes, he felt the same way too.

"The feeling's mutual, Katsuya." He said, using Jou's given name. "I love you too."

"I—I…" Just when you think it was a magical happy ending… come on, people! Jou's not gonna let up that easy. "WHAT THE HELL TOOK YOU SO LONG!"

Normally, Kaiba would've argued back… instead he let out a chuckle.

"I do have a life and a job, Mutt." He said as he pulled Jounouchi by the waist. "And I don't want you to waste your dream away."

"…Eh…?" Jou replied as he slowly let go of the papers he once held in his hands, slowly changing moods. "Really now?"


"Hmph, selfish prick… ever thought you were my dream?"

"I came, didn't I?"

And with that, Jou's arms found their way around Kaiba's neck. Slowly, both teens closed their eyes as they both leaned on for a sweet lip lock.

The papers soon fell onto the dry ground, facing upwards. One paper, the paper that the CEO returned to his puppy, stood out from among the rest.

Drawn on it were silhouettes of lovers kissing underneath the summer sky. On the bottom left corner, the words: 'Road Side Kisses' were written.

Kaiba and Jou learned two things that day.

One. Papers are the best things ever made.

And two. Fairytales can come true.

The End

A/N: Oh dear! It's finally done! Til next time, guys! Thank you SO much for the reviews! I love you people!

Please don't forget to review this chapter!!!

Here are the French words I used. O.o!! Haha! Uhm, like I said! I found them on an online translator! So please tell me if there's something wrong with me French…


Haha, Am never trusting online translators…! Xox;;! Thank you SO much Yukiko-Angel

(1) Ah, shit!

(2) Excuse me…!

(3) Sorry for bothering you.

(4) Thanks.

(5) Old dogs can still LEARN new tricks, I see...

BBye!!! -waves-