Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy VII or any of the characters or locations. It all belongs to Square-Enix.
Theme(s): #3 - Hand phone, cell phone, mobile phone (a call from heaven) Title: Listen Up Rating: T ---
Yo, Tseng. Sometimes, I just gotta wonder what 'Lena sees in you... and why you don't pull the ever present stick out of your ass and see it in her. Yeah, yeah, I've overheard some of the conversations you guys've had. That's right, I was eavesdropping 'cause I'll be damned if there's anything else to gossip about with Rude. So, in short, if you get that itchy feeling right around your nose, we're probably talkin' about you... but I'm getting off track here.
The point is, I've heard you talking to Blondie, talking about how it would be oh so unprofessional to date or fuck or whatever the hell it is you 'deeply regret' not being able to do with her. Look man, boss, whatever... I somehow doubt Ruf--the prez would really give two shits what you do with your private life. So, if you wanna bang Elena, bang her. If you don't, then for the love of the planet, stop half assing it and TELL her you ain't interested or you can't have a relationship right now or you're gay or whatever the fucking problem is.
You obviously didn't see her right now. We've pretty much finished the mission. She was just waiting for you to call to check in on us. She knew you'd call her phone 'cause Rude's battery's dead at mo' and mine, well, it's in my other jacket pocket back at my apartment... I think.
Anyway, the phone rang and you should have seen her eyes. They abso-friggin'-lutely lit up when she answered and heard your voice on the other end. Did you even listen to her voice when she told you how we'd done? No, probably not. It was just the words you cared about, and the mission process. Now, I'll applaud you for being all 'professional', but geez... you've seriously gotta open your eyes.
For all I tease her, I gotta admit 'Lena's a great chick and she shouldn't have to put up with this bullshit.