Pairing Do's and Don'ts
Aang's Character Development
Age: 12 (112 if ya wanna get technical)
Nation: Air
Bender: Yes, the Avatar
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Bald
Distinguishing Marks: Blue tattoos wrapping around his body, symboliziing his mastery of air
Development: Aang is a kind and understanding boy. He's nice, smart, and tries to create harmony in the universe. His culture keeps him from believing in killing any people, but he will defend himself and his friends. right now, he's mastered air and water, and is training on earth. Soon, he'll need to master fire.
Questions and Answers
Q1. If Katara falls for someone else, will he go into psycho mode?
A1. No. Aang will not go all Avatar state on us and destroy the whole world. He's not mad. He would be heartbroken and shattered. Make that a note when writing your fic. He won't have a sugar rush wihile Katara and say...Haru or something are all smoochy smoochy.
Q2. What are Aang's feelings towards Katara?
A1. At this point, I say genuine love. He's not too young to fall in love. Do not write a fic saying that it's just a silly crush. It's not. You're only doing the fandom a diservice by assuming. And we all know what assuming does...
Q3. Can I make Aang befriend Zuko?
A3. Sure. Go for it. But I'm going to tell you just to do it right. Aang's not going to walk up to Zuko and say "Let's be best pals forever, you and me" and Zuko won't reply "Okay!" Come up with a plausible explanation, please...
Q4. Can I make Aang fall in love with someone else?
A4. Go right ahead. But do something within reason. His feelings for Katara run deep. He won't wake up tomorrow and just go "Hey, I don't love Katara, I love Azula" or something. It's waaaayyyy too OOC. M'kay?
Q5. What about Aang flashbacks?
A5. Aang flashbacks are great, but try to keep them within reason. Make it before he found out he was an Avatar. I'm sure the fanbase would love to see a oneshot or drabble on Aang receiving the airbending master title. Or how long and hard he worked to receive it.
If you have other questions I didn't answer here or think I should add, please, do let me know and I'll add it. Okay? Thanks. Read and review, as always.