Hey all. Okay, so here is the epilogue. I really enjoyed writing this story and I'm really glad that you

all stuck with me on this. That's a bunch for all your "Update SOONNN!!" comments. I am happy to

know that you liked it so much!! Anyways, I'm sure your all dying to know how all of this ends, so here

we go!


Kagome Higurashi, 25 years old, smiled happily as she and about 10,000 other students tossed their

black hats into the air, cheering jubilantly. Watching her hat fall to the ground swiftly, she picked it up

and cradled it with her honors diploma. Her eyes fell on the band that graced her finger, the gold

glistened in the shining sunlight of the crisp summer afternoon when the commencement ceremony for

graduates had began about three hours ago. Friends waved and laughed through tears and

screeches of car tires could be hears distantly through all the commotion. Drinks were passed around

and a party soon erupted from the once formal commencement ceremony. But Kagome had other things

on her mind. Quickly saying good-bye to her friends of five years and setting up some days where they

could meet.

Kagome made it quickly to her car and was making to get in when a throat clearing sound came from

behind her. She turned, thinking she had forgotten to say goodbye to Miroku or somebody, and her

breath caught in her throat. A Tall, somewhat aged man stood in front of her. His black hair was speckled

with grey and his face, wrinkled and cold. A Girl about Kagomes age who held her mirror image stood to

one side of the man and a kind looking woman to the other. "Kazumi! How are you?" She asked,

completely disregarding the other two. The aged woman smiled and hugged her quickly.

"I'm fine, how bout yourself?? Ms. Graduate! I'm so proud of you!" she stated, smiling kindly. "Thanks!

Kind of hard to believe its over though." Kagome said, opening her car door and dropping her purse

inside. Looking back up from her position, she noticed that her step-mother had a sullen looking

expression on his face. "Kagome… I think it best not to ignore them, they have something to tell you"

she said seriously. Kagome rolled her eyes and sighed, crossing her arms.

"Oh alright, if I must." She said turning to face the other two. She shifted her weight to her right hip and

stared at them. " Well, I'm waiting." she said angrily. After watching them stand there in silence for

about a minute, she sighed. "I think they're broken" She said, turning to Kazumi.

"Well, if you have nothing to say to me, I'm going, I have somebody I have to meet." She said, making

for her car. "Wait!!" Kikyou shouted from behind her. Kagome snickered and turned around. "What

could you two possibly have to say to me? Haven't you made my life messed up enough as it is?" She

said, crossing her arms across her chest and glaring at them. "Yea, yea we have. And that's why were

here. Mom forced us to come and apologize." Kikyou said sadly. Kagomes eyes grew wide.

"Mom? Moms dead in case you haven't noticed, Kikyou. Kazumi, though motherly as you are, is not our

mother. And you two are wasting your breath apologizing to me! I don't want to hear it, because I've

heard it all before. Now, I have to go meet Inuyasha… Kazumi, be sure to write, Please understand that I

am by no means being rude to you. If you took the mother comment offensively, I'm so sorry. But as for

you two. Just take the hint that I don't want to see you, Ever!" Kagome ranted, Glaring at her Father and

sister angrily. "Don't worry Kagome, I know where your coming from, and I understand completely…

Um… I wont bring them around anymore. I just thought it might be a nice reunion." Kazumi said, a bit

sad, but completely understanding of where she was coming from. Kagome grinned at her and hugged

her lightly. "I understand, but I've known them longer than you have I'm sure, and I know that once

they grow accustomed to something, that's how they work. Nothing you or I can say will change them.

Now if you will… I seriously do have to go." She said getting into her car and closing the door. After a

few minutes, Kagome calmed back down and flipped the radio on, finding a station that wouldn't play

something loud or obnoxious. It took her about ten minutes to get back to her apartment. She wasn't

meeting Inuyasha till later, but needed an excuse to get away from her family. She strolled nonchalantly

into the lobby of her apartment building and smiled at the receptionist, Kanna. Checking her mailbox

quickly, she was surprised to find a rose petal and a small note. Flipping the note open, she chuckled at

its contents;

Kagome! Lets have a scavenger hunt! I've planned this for a couple of weeks now (Hence my strange

ways of keeping things from you, please don't hurt me!) And now, you have to find the prize. Now. Lets

start. To find the first clue, go out of the building and down second street until you see a vase filled

with white roses. You'll find out what to do from there. Have fun!


Kagome smiled and pocketed the note, walking briskly outside and quickly making her way down

second street. After about ten minutes, she found the vase with white roses, a single red rose with a

piece of paper tied to it in the center.

Alright, you found it I assume, unless you aren't Kagome, And if your aren't, put this down and go get

yourself a cup of coffee or something. But if you are. Hah! Okay, now turn right and walk until you see

a sign for a small seafood restaurant. Go inside and ask the concierge for ' the big blue Tuna'. Have

Fun!! Again!


Laughing, Kagome followed suit and went to said restaurant. Asking the concierge for the big blue Tuna

got her another note on a piece of paper shaped like a tuna and colored in blue crayon.

Like the paper? I thought so. Now then. Stare through the fish tank by the concierges desk and look

for another red rose… Okay, so you don't have to stare through the fish tank, but it would look pretty

funny. Just go to the fifth table on the right and pick up the rose. Love you!


Kagome shook her head and sighed, walking over to the table and picking up the rose. She read the next

clue and continued on for about another hour or so until the sun was setting and The last clue was

sitting on a bench, tied to a blue carnation.

Guess what. There was never any scavenger hunt. But I had my reasons for doing this. Why don't you

come on home. Its about time for us to meet anyways! See you there!


Kagome sighed and slapped her forehead. She was sent on a wild goose chase for no apparent reason.

As it turned out, the bench was right across the street from her apartment. She sighed and walked inside.

Smiling at Kanna once more, who this time, had an awkward expression on her face. Quickly making her

way to the elevator, she pressed the button for the 14th floor and waited as the elevator jolted up and

made its way to the designated floor. As the double doors slid out of the way, Kagome smiled as she

noticed another rose petal, placed randomly in front of the elevator doors. She slowly walked to her room

and unlocked the door. The lights were off, and everything seemed just the way she left them. She

flipped the light switch and walked into the Kitchen, where Buyo was sleeping lazily. She noticed,

however, that there was something under his collar. She walked over to him and slid the piece of paper

out from under the blue material. Upon unfolding it, something small and shiny dropped from the paper

and fell quietly to the floor. Bending down and picking it up, she gasped and felt a lump forming in her

throat. In her hands was a small ring. The band was gold, small diamonds speckling it in a circle and a

considerably larger diamond sat atop it, shining brilliantly. She stood up and read the paper. Two words

quickly scribbled on it rang in her head.

Turn Around.

She followed the instructions and quickly turned, smiling as she saw Inuyasha leaning against the door

frame. Dropping the note on the floor, she walked over to him quickly and smiled.

" 'Lo there. And how are you today?" he asked, sliding his arms around her waist and smiling at her.

Kagome shrugged with a grin and looked up.

"Well, rather exhausted actually, some maniac sent me on a crazy, non-existent scavenger hunt which

only led me back to my house to find an abnormally shiny ring and a Hanyou standing in my doorway."

she said tiredly. Inuyasha mock gasped

"Oh! The nerve of some people I tell you." he said, shaking his head with a shocked expression.

"I know! Its lunacy I tell you." Kagome said, leaning her head on his chest and sighing.

"But you know. I think your maniac had something else he wanted to put on the paper, but felt better asking in person." He said with an accusing tone. Kagome looked up and smiled.

"And what might that question be?" Inuyasha shrugged and sighed.

"I've no idea. But I think it might have been something like this;" He said, bending down and whispering

something into her ear. Kagome smiled and nodded as the ring slid across her finger.

"Yea. I think that can be arranged" she muttered, tears in her eyes. Inuyasha smiled and pulled her into a

light kiss.

You don't have to close your eyes.

There is room for love again.

Ease the pain to realize

All that love can be.

Forced apart by time and sand.

Take a step and take my hand.

And don't let it go.

Never let go.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm DONE!! THAT'S IT! Over!! Huzzah! Lol, yup, so that's it! No more Never let go.

I'm so glad everyone liked It so much. One can infer what happened in the end, I kind of figured that

it was one of those "better seen than heard" things. But I suppose in this case its ' better read than

heard' type of things. I think… maybe. Ah whatever. Its over and I'm done! Onto the next fic! Yay!

Thanks to everyone who stuck with me during this, all you fellow Kikyou basher and Inu/Kag lovers.

Its been fun! And so,

Until next time!
