Sara was sitting at a table at the coffee shop near her house. Which she'd never been too.
The scenery? Pleasant.
The coffee? Good.
Music? Peaceful.
Service? Friendly.
Greg? Cute. As ever.
Wait…oh shit.
"Sara Sidle, I though you didn't go out for coffee."
So it wasn't as painful as it could be, thought Sara. She was enjoying Greg's company…however.
She watched his fingers accidentally brush her own as he reached for his coffee.
Sara felt like dieing.
Because if she did, she'd die happy.
And she didn't know why.
"You know something Sara?" asked Greg suddenly.
Sara looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, egging him to continue. "In every Disney movie theirs a kiss."
Sara frowned. "That can't be right."
Greg nodded his head.
"What about Snow White?"
"How do you think her prince woke her up?"
"Lady and the Tramp."
"Anastasia, and that one dude, Demitri."
"101 Dalmations."
"The owners."
"Lelo and Stich."
Greg quirked an eyebrow at her. "You've seen Lelo and Stich?"
Sara pursed her lips, unable to hide the smile on her face. "You tricked me."
"Nooo," said Greg disbelievingly. "I would never!"
"Shut up Greg," mumbled Sara pouting.
"Sara, I would never trick you! Why would you think that-,"
"Greg, stop talking so loudly people are starring."
"Are you telling me to shut up Sara?"
"Yes that's exactly what I'm doing."
"You know Sara, I would never tell you to shut-,"
Greg was cut off as Sara leaned over the table and kissed him. Efficiently shutting him up.
The two pulled away slowly, Sara hovering very close to Greg, not wanting to break the contact. She leaned in and kissed him again quickly.
Greg smiled at her mischievously.
Sara frowned.
"you tricked me again didn't you."