"What did I do!" Jack yelled over his shoulder, running for his office.

"I think you know perfectly well what you did!" Jacob responded, nearly trampling a lieutenant as they came around a corner.

Jacob slammed the door behind him when he reached the office, Jack was fiddling with the door on the other side but, in his haste he didn't realize that it was locked. Giving up on the door, Jack resorted to keeping himself on the opposite side of the desk from Jacob.

"What did I do?" He asked again, nearly tripping over his chair in an attempt to get away from Jacob.

"You know!"

"No, I don't! I'm very confused!"

"Who's child was Teal'c holding?"

"Carter's," he said honestly, making sure to use her last name instead of her first name. It took conscious thought to do this, he'd taken to calling her Sam, especially after Claire's birth.


"And some guy who died in the attack."

"What?" Jacob stopped, unable to believe that his daughter would have a fling like that.

"That's what she told me."

"And it's eyes...?"

"You have brown eyes, Jacob, and that sort of thing can be passed down..." Jack thought as fast as possible, trying to come up with as many reasons as possible to keep Jacob's temper down. Jacob didn't have a response, but he glared.

The staring contest was interrupted a moment later when Sam, now holding a sleeping Claire on one shoulder, entered the room. "Jack, Claire and I are..." she stopped abruptly, noticing her father for the first time. She spoke at a whisper to keep the sleeping baby asleep. "Dad?"

"Jack?" Jacob glanced from Sam to Jack and back again, surprised at Sam's use of her CO's first name.

"What?" Jack asked, trying to cover the slip.

"You called him Jack," Jacob didn't take his eyes off of Sam.


"So, you're on active duty, and he's your CO."


"You lied!" Jacob said, running around the table after Jack. His voice startled Claire awake and she let out a cry of disapproval.

"Dad!" Sam cuddled her daughter closer, rocking and bouncing in an attempt to settle the child.

In the past few months Claire had developed very specific cries, she had one for when she was hungry, and one for when she needed a change among other things, but she also had cries for certain people, more specifically her parents. This was a cry for Daddy. Sam and Jack both recognized it at once, and Jack immediately came over and took Claire. The moment she saw his face she stopped crying and smiled her gummy smile. Jacob stopped and stared at the man smiling down at his granddaughter.

"You did lie," Jacob repeated, almost as though he hadn't believed it when he said it the first time.

"Dad," Sam started to explain but only managed to distract him.

"Do you have any idea what this means?"

"Dad. Of course, we do..."



"Don't even start with me, O'Neill!"

"Now we're down to O'Neill?" Jack gave him a mock-offended look, glancing down Claire who was still smiling at him. "Grandaddy doesn't like me, hun," he pouted a lip, and was mimicked by the girl in his arms. Jacob sat down in Jack's chair, putting his head in his hands and his elbows on the desk; massaging his forehead.

"Your careers..."

"Are fine, Dad," Sam glared at her father while her daughter gurgled in Jack's arms, she smiled softly at the pair of them before looking back at her father. He was watching the three of them, they were all still standing close together and looked very much like a real family. "I think we should talk... somewhere not on base."

"Good idea," Jack said handing Claire back to her mother. After a moment's protest Claire settled down again, but she wouldn't let go of her father's finger. "Claire... let me go, now... You and Mommy need to take Grandaddy out to lunch; it'll be your first time to leave the mountain, it'll be fun. There'll be lots of pictures," he frowned at the thought of his daughter being swarmed by a flock of cameramen. He glanced at Sam before kissing Claire's forehead good-bye. Jacob rubbed his forehead again before getting up and following his daughter and granddaughter out the door. "See you later," Jack smiled at their retreating backs.

It took them much longer than normal to get ready to leave the base. First, Sam had to gather supplies for Claire, change Claire's diaper so she'd be ready for the ride, change into her civilian clothes, find civilian clothes for her father, and then relocate the diaper bag she'd packed before feeding Claire that had been lost in the process of everything else. Her father watched her, not saying a word. She didn't dare look at him.

Sam took a deep breath and made sure that Claire was completely covered in her carrier before she opened the doors and stepped out. Cameras began flashing at once, and she squinted the entire way to the parking lot, ignoring the microphones that were shoved in her face, and the questions bombarding her from all sides. The fact that her father and her child were making their first appearance to the media at the same time didn't help.

"How long are you planning to stay on Earth, General Carter?"

"How do you feel about your new granddaughter?"

"Will you be visiting your son?"

Jacob fell behind Sam as he was bombarded with questions; though he didn't answer any of them, he wasn't nearly as used to it as Sam and he had trouble ignoring the microphones. Sam already had Claire settled in the back seat and the engine running when Jacob climbed into the passenger seat and heaved a sigh. "I don't think I like them."

"Me neither."

They drove without speaking, Sam had the radio tuned to the classical station because it wouldn't disturb Claire as much as strange voices would. The stopped for a pizza on their way, calling it in as they left the parking lot and only having to wait a few minutes when they arrived to pick it up. Jacob went inside the shop to get it because he wasn't mauled every time he walked into a public place- yet.

Sam's driveway wasn't much better. The news had spread that she had finally left the SGC, and had taken her daughter with her; Jacob was only an extra footnote that made the story all the more valuable. Again, Sam ignored them as she unlocked her front door and entered the house, locking it again behind them. Before the stargate went public she might've opened all the curtains and maybe a window or two, but the last thing she wanted was for the press to look in while she and her father argued about Claire's father.

Deciding to postpone the inevitable for as long as possible, she fed Claire and put her down for a nap. When she returned to the kitchen she found her father sitting at the kitchen table with an untouched plate of pizza and a beer, his bag at the foot of his chair. Sam ate a slice of pizza and poured herself a glass of water before speaking.


"How did this happen?"

"We thought we were all going to die..."

"So you...?"

"Dad..." This was the last thing she'd ever wanted to discuss with her father.

"Sam, it's illegal. It's against regulations for a reason."

"We're aware of that."

"How did this happen?" He asked again.

"Well, Dad, when a man and a woman love each other very, very much..."

"That's not funny."

"I know it's not. Why are you reacting like this? This is the last thing I would've expected from you!"

"I'm sorry, Sam," though he didn't sound sorry at all. "I was just kicked off the Tok'ra base, even though I've been living and working with them for the past how many years? Then I come home to discover that my daughter, who's supposed to be living the perfect life, has given birth to a daughter who, if her parentage is ever discovered, could get both her parents court martialed. It's been a pretty bad day, Sam. And don't take this wrong; I'm very happy for you, she's a beautiful little girl, but Sam..."


"Couldn't you have used protection?"

"We weren't exactly planning on... you know."

"Yes, I do, and that makes it even worse," he shuddered and Sam couldn't help but smile. She sat down across from him, running a tired hand through her hair. "Who knows?"

"Who knows what?"

"About you and Jack."

"Oh. Daniel and Teal'c."

"That's it?"

"Yeah. Everybody else we would want to tell could be court martialed if they didn't report us and we didn't want to put anybody in that position."

"You're a good girl, you know that?"

"Yeah, well, good girls don't sleep with their COs," that drew a chuckle.

"She has his eyes."

"I know," they paused for a moment, Sam just stared at the box of pizza, while her father started eating his own.

"How old is she?"

"Almost two months."

"You look good, for giving birth less than two months ago."

"Thanks, Dad."

Another pause.

"How are you planning on managing this?"

"We're not sure yet."

"You've talked with him about it?"



"We aren't sure what's going to happen. Neither of us want to quit at the SGC, but we don't want something to happen and she ends up by herself... Daniel and Teal'c have been great for this past month, they're really attached to her. There's plenty of other people at the SGC who have kids who send them to daycare and things, I suppose we can do that too."

"And on the day that Earth is attacked again, or one of your missions goes over schedule?"

"Jack doesn't go on missions anymore, he'd be able to pick her up."

"And when Earth is attacked?"

"The stargate isn't a secret anymore, the daycare would understand where we both would be in that situation," her father's response was a raised eyebrow. "All right, fine. I've been considering giving up command of SG-1 to be the full-time head of the science department; that way both of us will be able to pick her up in the evenings." Sam was saved from his questions by an irritated cry from Claire's room. She was immediately on her feet and in the room, smiling at her daughter.

I'm so sorry! I've had this done for weeks and I thought I'd posted it- found it tonight and now you have it. Again, so sorry! More will come, hopefully faster :)