Chapter one

It was the first time he had smelled green in weeks. The voyage across the ocean had been a long one. Saichi moved down the dock taking in the port. He didn't remember this place but it had been over fifteen years since he passed through these parts. Bankotsu and Zelgadis kept pace two steps behind him. Where the pier gave way to shops three Sound ninja in cloaks stepped into Saichi's view. Two men followed behind a lead female. Good, here they are. Saichi moved to meet them.

The woman hurried to bow to the prince of Sound. "Welcome Saichi sama. I am Yukina. We are honored to escort you to your retreat."

"Yukina, you are in charge?" the Uchiha asked looking over the team that came to meet them. He knew who she was; the high ranking jonin sent frequent reports across the ocean.

She straightened and faced the young master "Hai."

"Then I want you with me, you're my new number two."

Again she bowed before Saichi. As she had expected he was impressive in person. "Hai Saichi sama."

Saichi's associates caught up to the group. "Gentlemen, this is Yukina. She'll be serving under us now, our liaison with Sound. These men are with me, Bankotsu and Zelgadis. You will keep them informed as me, is that clear shinobi?"

"Hai," Yukina bowed to acknowledge the master's ninja.

Behind his sunglasses Saichi's Sharingan looked Yukina over. It had been a long time since Saichi had been so close to a white woman and he stared taking in details of the her appearance and mannerisms. He took a step back toward his men. He addressed Bankotsu. "So what do you think?"

Bankotsu settled his huge sword on his back and stepped past Saichi to their contact here on the new continent. She straightened as he inspected her moving her cloak to check her gear. "What's your specialty ona?"

"Taijutsu, Bankotsu sama," Yukina answered looking at the swordsman for approval or doom.

"Well?" Saichi wanted to get going. He was sick of salt and fish smell.

"You're not making use of your most effective weapon," Bankotsu flat eyed the she's so pale woman. You should be using that beautiful body of yours to distract your enemy."

"Agreed," Saichi sighed. Ninja gie looked terrible on a woman. "The outfit is unacceptable. Its so ugly it hurts my eyes to look at it."

Zelgadis had been quiet until now but he had to murmur is own disapproval. "A woman should never try to look like a man."

Yukina swallowed hard. She felt the first beads of nervous sweat form behind her head protector as she looked over to the quiet man with pale blonde hair. "Hai."

"Good then its decided." Saichi resumed walking; Yukina and her shinobi hurried to lead the way. "You can give me your report as we move Yukina. When you are finished tend to your wardrobe. Your men can take us on to the beach house. I expect you to be ready to attend to us by breakfast tomorrow morning."

"Hai Saichi sama." Yukina would follow orders and please the prince. "This way," she directed them divulging all of the latest intel to her new master.

It didn't take long for his new number two to bring Saichi and his team up to speed. With her report given Yukina went to follow other orders and the group from New Sound was led away from the city and up the coast. It was the first time in forever Saichi had been able to stretch out his muscles like this. He had missed a good run.

The Uchiha cut his eyes over to Bankotsu. The samurai had never seen shores like these. Again he asked his right hand "What do you think?"

Bankotsu had taken in everything about this place since he stepped of the ship. "Soft, weak. The people are relaxed, slow." Bankotsu stepped closer to Saichi. "Your attendant seems competent enough." He cut his eyes over to the young master. "A woman in charge, she must be pretty strong then."

"More exactly, she's smart," Zelgadis interjected stepping between the two streaming black tails of hair. "She's espionage, recognizance, intelligence; a brain nin get it?"

The swordsman frowned at Zelgadis. He was aware of the human experimentation that went on in Old Sound. "She's still just a woman."

Zelgadis enjoyed arguing with Bankotsu. "Women are often psychologically stronger then men, better genjutsu users too."

"They don't have a head for power," Bankotsu's frown deepened with his agitation.

"Have you looked over Yukina's service record, read any of her prior reports?" Zelgadis knew the answer to that was no. All sword and no brain. He turned his attention back to Saichi. "She's been all over the place, knows what's happening where, and knows the ways of Old Sound; she will be useful in many ways."

Bankotsu huffed out an annoyed sigh. "Are all female shinobi in this world that pale?"

"I'm sure it will be fine Bankotsu," Saichi appeased immediately. He wasn't in the mood to pull his attendants apart again. Bankotsu was missing the Dark Continent and his harem, but Saichi had more important things to worry about."Zelgadis, I want you to prepare some questions for Yukina. I want to put her knowledge to use right away."

"What about me?" Bankotsu stride ahead to show Saichi his frown. The end of his braid almost hit Zelgadis in the face. "You're not leaving me out of any planning."

Saichi moved between them and did hit Zelgadis in the face with his ponytail. "Sorry Zel. We're all going to meet in the morning and set Orochimaru's plan into action. When otosan and okasan come home, I want to be ready to greet them."

It had been a long mostly boring day and Gabe was ready for it to be over. He leaned tiredly back against a tree. Neji sensei was lecturing Hope about something. Ace was sprawled out in the grass trying not to hear it. Sabaku no Gabriel watched Hope squirm a little. Her cheeks were turning pink, sensei was really busting her chops this time. …so pretty when she blushes. The ninja's bored mind wanted to remember less professional things about his female teammate.

Ace couldn't take it anymore. He groaned loudly and looked up at Gabe. "Oi, come on. Make them stop. I want this day to be over with already!"

Gabe rolled his eyes down to his friend. "Why don't you stop them then?"

"Cuz nobody ever listens to me asshole." Ace sat up quick, his dark hair was sticking up all over the place. "You're the peacemaker around here pal; besides you're the birthday boy." He flashed his friend a winning smile. "Gabe's finally twenty one. Nice!"

"My birthday is tomorrow you dork," Gabe shifted and straightened. He had always been the voice of reason in the group. Gabe was ten when he graduated from the academy and signed onto team Neji. Even when he was the smallest off them all he could always make them listen. Gabe stepped over Ace's scruffy looking hat on the grass dropping some sand on the brim. It was time to break up sensei and Hope.

"I've got a long list of bars we're gonna hit before we go to Tokiji's keg party." Ace smiled deviously at his friend as Gabe moved to help shut Neji sensei up.

"I'm sure you do, but I've already told you. My mom planned this dinner and shit. My whole family is gonna be there."

Ace sagged; Gabe's mom was a great cook and a total milf! "How come I wasn't invited to dinner? I thought your mom liked me? Hope too? Aww come on Gabe."

The red head turned on his friend. Ace's griping had drawn sensei and Hope's attention to him. Gabe sighed slightly aggravated. Of course his mom had invited his team, but Gabe felt uncomfortable extending an invitation to Hope and her husband Hoshi. He couldn't help it but Gabe didn't want that guy in his house. "It's a family thing. Tomorrow night I'm hooking up with all my friends. We'll all have a drink together ne?" he appeased all three of his teammates.

Neji sensei stepped away and Hope smiled at Gabriel. I have a present for you Gabe. She giggled a little and happily piped up, "I can meet you guys at the party!" Hope ran forward and hoped up onto Gabe's back. She pulled at his ears. "I'm gonna make you wear niko ears on your birthday Gabe!"

"Damnit Hope," Gabe shook to get her off his back. Hope giggled again and dug her heels into his sides.

"Gimmie a ride home!"

He sighed annoyed and reached for the back of her jacket. Hope was good at dodging him. "Get off of me. I don't have time for this today Hope. I have to go see my parents."

She let Gabe catch her and pluck her off his back. He was giving her that impatient look again. "Tell them we say hi," she nagged a little. Gabe had mostly cut her off from his family since she married Hoshi.

Gabriel's right eye twitched slightly. "I always do." He turned away from Hope and looked at their leader. "Oi, Neji sensei are we done here or what?"

"You're all dismissed. Have a good birthday Gabriel," Neji smiled and offered, "I drink at Rick's."

Ace snorted a laugh. "Come on Gabe, let's go home."

"Right." The other guys started out. As usual Hope was bringing up the rear. Gabe looked back over his shoulder at her. "Let's go Hope."

Hope smiled at Gabe; he had that effect on her. "Right behind ya."

Sheza leaned against the counter sipping her soda. Beside her Kiba sensei was doing the same thing. Again right before her eyes Uchiha Renji proved he was a pervert and a man whore. The blonde in the street slapped the red head in the face and moved on. Sheza bit down on her straw. Renji shook his head swishing his long red ponytail around. "Stupid Renji asshole," Sheza growled.

Kiba sensei chuckled and shook his head as his chunin came over. "You got yourself in trouble again Renji."

Renji smiled rubbing his cheek. "But she really had nice legs yo."

Inside the sling that held Heen to Sheza the dog coughed. Her hand crushed at her cup some as she tried to drink through her messed up straw. "You're such a little man whore Renji. How many girlfriends do you have this week?"

"Just three," he grinned devilishly at Sheza. "I'd give them all up for you in a heartbeat though beautiful."

"For five minutes," she glared at him accusingly and he laughed nervously.

Kiba swallowed a big gulp of lemonade. His students were amusing. "Don't be too hard on him Sheza. Renji cant help that he's a raging hormone."

"It's true," Renji stole Sheza's soda and bit the straw the other way to fix it. Her painted cheeks were burning. "I come from a long line of perverts."

Heen coughed again and Sheza kept her eyes on the red headed Uchiha as he drank her Coke. "That doesn't mean you have to be a scum. You're probably getting herpes all over my straw right now."

Renji rolled his down at Heen. "I feel sorry for you. You can never get away from her."

"Go fuck yourself Renji." Sheza shoved away from the counter and her teammates. "Hasta manyana," she called waving goodbye over her shoulder.

Smiling a little Renji watched the little brunette in spandex disappear into the stream of rush hour traffic. "I hate to see her leave but I love to watch her go."

Sensei shook his head. "You should be easier on her Renji."

"She calls me man whore," Renji defended.

"Because you act like one."

"I can't help it that there are so many nice looking breasts and legs and asses everywhere I go."

Wish this lemonade was spiked. Akamaru sighed and settled on his paws. "You're a pervert Renji, the likes Konoha seldom sees. Defiantly one of the top three; hokage sama, Naruto and you."

"Keh," Renji looked away from his sensei. He knew deep down Kiba sensei was a letch too. "Sheza doesn't have to be so mean to me all the time just because I have this little handicap."

He couldn't hold the laugh in. "So that's what you're calling it now?"

"Why not, it's an addiction."

"And you're addicted to…"

"Sexy women of course."

Kiba howled laughter. Man I remember being eighteen. That reminded him. "Gabe's party tomorrow."

The young man frowned at his teacher. "You gonna stare at my mom's boobs all night sensei?"

Sweet little sister. Kiba thought Raine was still the hottest thing to ever happen to Konoha. Lucky Sasuke. "Did I mention I have this addiction," he teased back.

Renji shook his head. "Right. See you tomorrow Kiba sensei."

With his students gone Kiba relaxed and finished his drink. "Gabe is going to be twenty one," he spoke to his dog. "He was only four when he fist became a shinobi of Konoha." He smiled at the memories he had of chibi Gaara in diapers. "I guess it's true, they grow up fast." Akamaru sighed in agreement.

When Gabe finally arrived in Uchiha town it was almost dinner time. Kaiya was sitting on the front porch of the Naara house with Brianna when Gabe spotted her. He waved to his sister and his cousin. "Shouldn't you be helping mom? He questioned his sister as she got up to join him.

Kaiya said bye to Brianna and hurried to catch up with Gabe. "No way" she grabbed his arm and clung. "Mom's all emotional about this milestone thing you've got going on."

Gabe sighed. That meant hugging and crying and hearing about how proud Gaara would be of him. "That's just silly."

"You know how she is."

Mom and her crying. "Yeah I know."

"Daddy's taking good care of her though. She'll get over it." Kaiya tugged harder on Gabe's arm. "Is Hope coming to your party?"

"No, I'll see my team out later."

She was pretty sure Gabe had a big ol crush on his med nin; Brianna thought so too. "Ace is going to get you drunk."


"I can wait at your place for you to come home," little sister offered. She had missed Gabe since he moved out. "Make sure you don't puke all over the house."

He smiled down at the little Uchiha on his arm. Kaiya was petite like their mother but closely resembled Sasuke. "I think I'll be alright Kaiya. Maybe you can come check on me in the morning ne?"

Kaiya was content with that. "I'll make you breakfast."

The sand user suspected he was in for some burnt toast. "That would be great."

"Oi, Yusuke!"

The ninja pulled his nose out of the book and looked for Ino sensei. "What?"

Ino put her hand on her hip and frowned at the Uchiha. "I told everyone they could go home five minutes ago. Aren't you paying attention?"

Yusuke closed his book and got to his feet at once. He didn't want to make sensei angry; she was scary when she got angry. "I was just finishing that part."

Uncle Shikamaru has defiantly warped these kids. Yusuke and Renji were both too laid back for their own good. "Go home."

He favored Ino sensei with a smile and hopped into the closest tree. Yusuke's stomach growled and he wondered what mom was making for dinner tonight. Yusuke wanted to find out. Keeping to the trees he made his way back to the Uchiha district. Gabe and Kaiya were headed into the house when Yusuke fell in behind them. "I'm home."

Kaiya let go of Gabe and grabbed her favorite brother by his arm instead. "Yusuke!"

Gabe smiled and rolled his eyes a little. So now I'm chopped liver. It couldn't be helped. Yusuke had been spoiling Kaiya from day one. She spent most of her early childhood glued to Yusuke oni chan's leg. "Come on you guys." Gabe went inside and announced them. "Mom, dad, we're home."

Renji was last to arrive home. The family was gathered around the table to eat and they had saved him a spot. "Alright!" he squeezed into his spot between his brothers.

"You missed talking Renji," Rain scolded immediately. "Gabe's party starts at four tomorrow. I don't want you or Yusuke to be late understand?"

He pushed his ponytail back and started shoving food in his mouth. Beside him Yusuke sighed. Mom must have got to him already. "Mmmhmm" he nodded at his mother sucking in noodles.

Rain sighed. "I mean it you guys. Turning twenty one is a big deal."

"Mom, stop." Gabe reached for his tea. He didn't want her getting all upset again. "It's just a birthday. Can you relax please?"

Her son smiled at her, Raine was a sucker for that smile. "Alright."

Sasuke pat his wife's knee under the table. "It's going to be fine Rain."

Yusuke picked up a napkin and wiped some sauce off his arm. "Renji, do you mind? I swear you can't eat anything without sharing it with me."

Uchiha Sasuke could remember when the brothers across the table picked each others noses. All grown up and Renji still makes a mess of Yusuke. Daddy laughed and sipped his wine.

Gabe stuck around for a while after dinner. He watched some television with the family trying to hide behind his siblings. Raine cornered him anyway as he was leaving for the night. She reached up and hugged her son. "I'm so proud of you Gabe."

"I know mom," he bent down a little and hugged her back.

"Gaara would have been proud too."

He tried not to sound impatient. "It's okay mom I know." He pulled away and smiled for her again. "I'll see you tomorrow." Before she could start in on him again Gabe fled.

Sasuke came up behind his wife. "Don't worry so much Raine. Gabe is fine."

Raine turned to Sasuke. He held out a hand to her and she took it. "I've been worrying since he moved out."

He pulled his wife closer. "He's just down the street. Gabe didn't go far."

"But he's all alone. What if he isn't eating right?"

"Gabe is fine. He's a grown man; he can take care of himself."

She cuddled against Sasuke and he held her. "I just wish they could have stayed small a little longer."

Kaiya came out into the hall on her way to the kitchen to get a drink. "Eww," she immediately protest her parents public display of affection. She hurried past them with, "You have a room for that."

His daughter vanished into the kitchen. Sasuke smiled down at his frazzled looking wife. "Shall we then?" he teased.

Raine lifted a brow at her husband. There was a reason they put a lock on their door. "Goodnight kids," she called to no one in particular.

Chuckling to himself the Uchiha took Rain back to their bedroom.

The beach house was nice, spacious and secluded. They were welcomed with a feast and fine sake. Saichi and his team took rooms on the second floor leaving one amongst them available for Yukina upon her return. When it got late Saichi soaked in a long hot bath. He could still smell the salt of the sea in the air but the retreat was surrounded by lush floral gardens that gave way to tropical forest. Saichi could smell the soft perfume of the flowers and the green of the leaves. Here he was free to run again; he defiantly preferred dry land to a life at sea.

Comfortable and feeling cleaner then he had in weeks Saichi sat on his bed looking over some of Yukina's files. Things had not been good for Orochimaru's shinobi on this continent in a long time. There were few Sound ninja on the move; the army had shriveled in size. The weak had deserted, that suited the Uchiha just fine. He wouldn't have to weed out the useless himself. A war between shinobi villages was enough to provide Manda with his sacrifices.

Saichi picked through until he found the file he was looking for. There was a little fan on the tab. The Uchiha pulled the stack of papers free from the manila folder and read up on the family that had abandon him. Uchiha Sasuke was still with ANBU, still with Raine of the Red Sands. Big brother Gabriel was a jonin, paired up with a Hyuuga and living down the street from mommy and daddy. Yusuke and Renji were chunin in weak teams. As Saichi suspected Yusuke was wasting his Sharingan eyes. The little brat that replaced Saichi wasn't much better. Uchiha Kaiya hadn't even started using her Sharingan until she was six years old. He sighed disgustedly between his teeth. "What a waste."

A rapping at his door pulled his attention from the papers in his hand. He assumed it was Bankotsu. "Come in."

Yukina stepped in to master Saichi's room, bowed to him and went straight to her report. "Saichi sama, all three missions in Rock Country has been a success."

His attendant looked drastically different. She had ditched shinobi gei for more seductive clothing. Her skirt was short and laced up on the sides to keep it on. The miniscule top she had on under her fishnet shirt was also tied on to her body. Yukina had nice curves. Saichi took in her new look with his Sharingan. He liked her make up and what she did with her hair. Two soft ponytails framed her face. "That's good news."

"Everything is going according to plan. Shinobi will be assembled and awaiting your instructions in the morning."

Saichi dropped the papers back into their folder. "Tell me Yukina," he tested her. "What do you think of the Uchiha of Konoha? You have studied them haven't you?"

"I have. They are inferior ninja compared to you. They are of little consequence anyway. They will all meet their end with their village."

He smiled pleased by her matter of fact response. "I agree. Is that all Yukina?"

She was probably bothering him. Her master was dressed for bed and his hair hung free still damp from his bath. Yukina bowed. "Hai."

As his attendant turned to go Saichi complimented, "I like your new look Yukina. It's much better on my eyes."

"Thank you Saichi sama." Smiling Yukina stepped out to let him get some sleep.

Yukina closed the door and Saichi looked back at the notes in front of him. Tomorrow the daddy stealing patricidal maniac was going to turn twenty one. Saichi dug out a recent gate photo of Gabriel with his team. "You're not as good as you think you are big brother." He let his Sharingan pick out every nuance of the photo.

Saichi hated birthdays. He still remembered Yusuke and Renji getting cake and toys while sick little Saichi got nothing but yelled at. "That stupid fucking Renji." More shuffling and Saichi found the other gate photos he wanted to look at. Renji's team was weak, but they had two dogs in their group. Akamaru was indeed huge but he was old too. Yusuke's team was no better, led by a genjutsu using woman. Like big brother Gabe Yusuke kept his hair short. He looked just like Uchiha Sasuke.

He picked up the photo with little sister in it. The stupid girl was a genin now and her sensei was the jinchuriki Uzumaki Naruto. It amazed him how fools could live so long. It doesn't matter. Kaiya looked like both of his parents. Yusuke and Kaiya can come with me or die. Saichi closed the folder over. He was done for the night.

Not this again. It was the dream, the memory Gabe couldn't escape. Gabriel was twelve years old staring down at his dirty feet as he dangled them from the deck of the dojo. He was tired and hungry. His dad had been training him hard for the tournament. The Forest of Death had left Gabriel deeply troubled and feeling torn. Black hearted Rain ninja has said horrible things about his mom and dad; stuff that didn't match up to Gabe's memories.

As always Uchiha Sasuke was there to comfort him, to put things into their proper perspective. That's not how it was Gabe.

Then how was it dad? I don't remember you or mom like that at all!

Sasuke decided Gabe was old enough to hear the whole unpleasant truth. I was the bad guy, your mother and Gaara were in love, married. I wanted Raine but there was never an affair between us. Your birth changed so many things Gabriel. Sasuke still had some memories of being angry, wanting a super Uchiha baby too. You were a super ninja; I had to have one too. I wasn't satisfied with them just making Saichi; I wanted Raine to raise him. I stalked her, I stole her away from Gaara, and Kabuto put Yusuke in the womb with Renji. Your mother was mortified and then Gaara almost killed me. I should have been dead but I survived.

"Nnn…" Gabe groaned in his sleep. In his dream the devastated boy started to cry. I don't remember you ever being like that!

Sasuke went on When I woke I was a different person. Brain damage. I remembered your mother but not the right way. It wasn't just obsession anymore; I was in love with her. I became Gaara's shinobi to protect her. Gaara gave me a second chance, a way to atone and live a different way. Raine and you boys were my life, my reason for living. I loved you all so very much.

Sabaku no Gabriel twisted under his covers.

Uchiha Sasuke knew his boy was shaken. Yes Gabe he sighed even when I was a good guy I was still an asshole. I was in love with another mans wife, the cutest and most controversial couple in the history of Sand. He hung his head I didn't do anything to interfere with her and Gaara. I helped them both the best I could. I did what Gaara asked of me when Kasangi took him.

Gabe didn't need a reminder about the way his mother had grieved for her lost husband. When the anger settled in Raine couldn't even look at Sasuke sensei or her four year old ninja for weeks. Sasuke had nurtured his small friend enough for two during those dark times.

Gaara had been gone for long time, Raine and I were still married, eventually we decided to make us a real family.

A foot freed itself from his blanket and Gabe rolled over. The dream of the day he spoke with his dad lost continuity and started to fade. Almost immediately Gabe fell into a more pleasant dream. "Hope," he snored cuddling into his pillow.

Gabriel slept peacefully the rest of the night.

"Morning sensei! I brought you coffee!"

Naruto had got two steps out of his front door before his adorable student was offering him a travel mug. "Thank you Kaiya."

Sensei took the coffee and sipped it as he started to zombie shuffle down the street. "Don't forget we have to finish early sensei. Gabe's party!"

He hadn't forgotten. Naruto was looking forward to Raine's home cooking. "Yeah I know. Twenty one, bet he'll get shit faced tonight."

"Ace is a bad influence," Kaiya agreed.

Gabe's teammate was a little impatient, wild. "Somebody will be in jail before the night's over." He chuckled and sipped his coffee. Kaiya always had it perfect for him.

"I certainly hope not. Gabe better not do anything else to upset mom."

"He can't help having a birthday." More coffee. "You're mom just has to let go, cut the apron strings already. Gabe's an adult."

Kaiya dragged her feet as she walked. "She's been upset since Gabe moved out."

The shrew was back, Sasuke had told his best friend all about it over sake. Poor Sasuke. Naruto smiled beginning to wake up. "I'm sure it's nothing your dad can't handle Kaiya. Come on, lets meet the others and get training done early."

The littlest Uchiha put on a happy face. She and Brianna were defiantly sneaking their own booze in tonight. "Yep yep yep!" she babbled happily.

There was something about all that happy Naruto didn't trust. I was a kid once too. Kaiya and her cousin were thick as thieves. "You behave yourself Uchiha. No one on my team gets fucked up before they're eighteen you hear me?"

"Of course sensei," Kaiya giggled innocently and tried not to think too hard about the wine coolers Brianna had scored for them off of Auntie Temari. "I'm a good girl."