Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this story…unfortunately.

Runny noses aren't always bad

It was 6am and many alarm clocks started going of all through the 7th floor of the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City. Slowly but surely, each of these alarms got turned off, except for one.

As everyone met downstairs in the lobby, Ashley noticed something was missing. She started to look around and making a check list of everything and everyone that was supposed to be there. Me-check, Corbin-check, Corbin's hair, check, Zac-check, Monique-check, coffee-check, Lucas-check, Vanessa -ch…oh no. Vanessa wasn't there. Ashley asked Corbin to hold the car until she got back and she quickly ran to the elevator. After realizing that there was a long line, she decided to take the stairs. 'Why didn't I think of that before?' After reaching what felt like the 1,000th floor, but really was the 7th, Ashley thought 'That's why!'

Too tired to run, she walked to Vanessa's room and took out the extra key card Nessa had given her. After knocking twice to announce her arrival, she opened the door and walked over to the heap of sheets in the middle of the bed. One…two... three…NESQUICK! WAKE UP! WE'RE LEAVING IN 5! Ashley was expecting Vanessa to jump up but all she got in response to her loud antics was a small whimper. Preoccupied, Ash slowly pulled the covers from Vanessa's body to reveal a very red and swollen nosed brunette.

"Nessa? What's wrong? You look terrible?" Ashley said with a concerned voice.

"I don't feel good. I kept coughing all night and I couldn't breathe through my nose so every time I breathed through my mouth I coughed more." She sounded as terrible as she looked.

"Aww! I feel so bad for you" Ashley cooed. "Do you want me to get you anything?"

"A box of tissues and my cell phone would be great!" Vanessa said through puppy dog eyes.

"Sure thing, but why do you want your cell phone? You can barely speak as it is." Ashley said, while walking into the bathroom to get the tissues.

"I need to call Kenny and tell him I'm going to be a little late to the set today" Vanessa said as loud as she could so Ashley could hear her in the bathroom.

"Nope, I won't let ya!" Ashley said, while coming into the room.

"What do you mean? I'm already late as it is!"

"No that's not what I meant, what I meant to say was that your not going in today, if you do, you'll get more sick than you already are and we have a filming schedule to comply with, plus, your not filming today, only me and Lucas are."

"But Ash"

"No buts! You are going to stay in bed young lady!"

"What am I supposed to do all day in bed? I'll get bored so easily and I hate sleeping when I could be doing other things! Plus, I only bear staying home sick when I have my mom to take care of me or someone to bring me soup, if not, I hate being sick!"

"Well we'll just have to do something about that won't we?" Ashley smirked.

"What do you mean?" Vanessa confusedly asked.

"You'll see. I gotta go. You better stay in bed or else. And now, cheesy Ashley comes out. It's not gonna be the same without my best friend on the set. I love ya ness! Get better soon!"

"Thank you Ash" Vanessa almost grunted.

Ashley walked out of the room and closed the door slowly behind her. She smiled to herself. 'Ashley, you are a genius' And this time, she took the elevator.

A/N: This is my first fanfic ever so please be as honest as you can be with the reviews. I don't know if it's good or not so please, really, be critical, not mean, but constructively critical. THANKS! I'll try to update the next chapter later today.