Main Title: Love Takes Two
Author: Mrs Mustang
Disclaimer: Don't own, never have, and never will. This is for entertainment purposes only and not for momentary gain. So don't you sue me. Thank you.
Main Genre: Romance
Main Pairing: Maes Hughes/Roy Mustang
Main Rating: M, for sexual content.
Main Warning: Yaoi, yadda, yadda.

Title: A Little Too Perfect
Genre: Romance
Pairings: Maes/Roy
Rating: M, for sexual content.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: When he thought about it, Roy was a little too perfect.
Author's Note: Okay. So maybe I got a bit more hooked up with this pairing than I should. I have a few unfinished one-shots with this couple, and at the time only this is finished. I promise to finish them as soon as possible. There will also be more to come. This is not the first time I write Maes/Roy, but it's the first time I write about them as students at the Military Academy. Yes, you heard right. I'm writing teenager!Maes and Roy. They might seem a bit OOC, because I think I wrote them a bit OOC (hopefully not though). I'm not that pleased with how it turned out. But oh well. I'll shut up now. Have fun reading!

A Little Too Perfect

Sometimes, Maes wondered if his roommate did anything else but study. Sure, once in a while, Mustang accepted Hughes' offer and kept him company at the bar for a couple of hours. Sometimes Roy even got drunk. But how often? Once a month maybe, if he was lucky. Roy was his best friend. They'd known each other for a while, and Maes was probably the only one who truly knew who Roy Mustang was; which was a great honor, because Roy was a great man and friend.

But the only thing Roy did besides being a good friend to Maes, was (if you haven't guessed it yet) study. The boy's almost pitch black eyes was always fixed on a book. His fingers was always turning a page or taking notes. And all this was annoying the hell out of Maes. Because the boy really needed to loosen up. He needed to chill, to give the books a rest and enjoy life like anyone else. Maybe get a girlfriend or something like that.

When Maes wasn't at their room, looking at Roy study, he hung out with a group of guys and girls, and a time or two, the girls had talked about Roy. It wouldn't be hard for him to get a girlfriend if he tried.

Maybe he should do that, get him a girlfriend? Or at least try to hook him up with some girl. Maybe that would help him loosen up a bit.

As he watched Roy study, he remembered Gina's birthday party. And he decided he'd bring Roy there. Give him some alcohol, hook him up with a hot chick, and let the boy enjoy himself.


"Roy, can't you leave those books alone for one sec? You've been studying awfully much lately - as always, I might add -, and I think it's time you loosen up a bit. Maybe get yourself a girlfriend, or something," Maes said suggestively.

"Look, Maes, I know I read a lot, okay," Roy said, eyes fixed on his book as always. Delicate, thin, feminine fingers turning the page. "But flame alchemy is actually interesting, and I want to study."

"You my friend, always want to study," Hughes' sighed, and his heart skipped a beat as Mustang's eyes finally met his. Such a short and intense look. It made him uncomfortable but at the same time warm inside.

Roy opened his mouth, as if to say anything, then closed it. It felt like the right time, the right time to tell Maes that he liked him, probably more than a friend. But as always, he backed out.

Maes raised up, walked over to his friend and patted his back. "I'm telling you, Roy, you need to chill. Come with me to Gina's birthday party, and I promise you we'll have a good time."

"And an awful headache in the morning. No thank you, Maes."

"Okay then, what about this; we go to her party, and we'll go home whenever you want to."


So Roy had agreed to his offer, he was drinking, he was tipsy, he'd made out with a girl named Sarah, who now was hanging on his shoulder, but it didn't look like he was really enjoying himself. He looked uncomfortable and Maes could tell he didn't really like the girl who was hanging all over him. It wasn't hard to figure out. Everyone who knew Roy could tell. But then it hit him. He wasthe only one who really knew Roy.

He'd also noticed the looks Roy every now and then shot him. Those please-come-and-help-me-looks, mixed with some other look he couldn't remember having seen before.

"Roy, enjoying yourself?" Maes asked casually as he approached and smiled as he saw the relief in his friend's eyes. The girl made an unpleasant grunt as Roy shook her off of his shoulder, and turned his attention to Maes.

"Yeah," he lied. "But I'm not feeling very well. Is it okay if we head back now?"

"Sure buddy," Maes smiled, and almost burst out laughing as the girl - Sarah - bent up to kiss Roy goodbye on the lips, but hit his cheek instead because Roy turned his head another way (Maes could've sworn Mustang did it on purpose).He waved her goodbye and told her maybe he'd call her sometime.

"So, did you have a good time," Maes asked when they were outside.

"I guess," Mustang shrugged. "Didn't see you that much though," he added miserably.

"Did you go there to see me?" he asked with a cocked eyebrow, and stopped to look at Mustang. "You see me all the time." Roy turned his head away, and Hughes could tell he was blushing.

"You're quite stupid to be a smartass," Mustang said, turning his head around again, to meet Hughes'. Maes watched Roy turn his head up. He watched as the younger male's lips parted. And he watched as Roy's eyes closed and as he kissed him. As Roy kissed him.

Roy let go of his friend's lips. He'd finally done it. He had kissed Maes. But he had to start talking before Maes ran off.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have…" he started and Maes eyed him curiously. "I know it's gross, because we're both guys but … I just couldn't keep it inside anymore. I like you Maes Hughes, probably more than I should."

Hughes wasn't sure what to think. Yeah, it was kind of gross. But it had felt nice. It had felt really nice. And now, he saw Roy with different eyes. Had Mustang's kiss awakened something in him he didn't know existed? When he looked at Roy now, he didn't only see a scrawny boy with black hair and dark eyes. Oh no. He saw a beautiful, pale boy with soft skin longing to be touched. He saw wet lips wanting to be kissed. He saw ebony, silky strands waiting to be played with.

"Don't run away," Roy pleaded. "I'm really sorry. I understand if you don't want to see me again. I can move out if you-"

"Oh, shut up," Maes smirked, pushed Roy closer with the hand he'd sneaked behind the other man's back, bent his head down and kissed him.

"We should go," Mustang said, breaking the kiss. "Before anyone catches us out here." Maes whined and tried to kiss Roy again, because really, he was having a good time kissing Mustang and he didn't want to end it so soon. But Roy pushed him away. "I'm serious, Maes. Let's go back to the room, we can, uh… kiss more there, if you want."

"Fine," he sighed. "But can I at least hold your hand on the way back?"

"But what if-"

"I don't care. Now hold my hand."


Never had he thought he'd fall in love with Roy Mustang. And it all happened so soon even. Now that he thought through it, Roy had given him lights hints of his feelings a long time. And he was stupid not to have seen them. But luckily for him, Roy had found courage enough to kiss him.

It was all new to Maes, because he wasn't really attracted to guys. Roy was just an exception. Because Roy was Roy and Roy was perfect. When he thought about it, Roy was a little too perfect.

The fact that they were both guys should scare him. But it didn't. In his opinion, gender shouldn't matter when it comes to love. Unfortunately, not many shared his view on such matters. But he didn't really care what other people thought as long as Roy loved him and vice versa.

He looked down on the man sleeping on his chest. He could see the sun permeate through the curtains. Had he really been up thinking about Roy all night? Anyhow. He needed a shower. He was sticky with semen, thanks to Roy. So he placed a sweet little kiss on his new lover's cheek and headed for the dorm showers.


He was about to dry himself when Mustang came. He looked tired and he smiled shyly when he noticed Hughes. Roy walked casually over to him, his towel thrown over his shoulder.

"Sorry I ran off like that without telling," Maes whispered. "But you looked so cute so I didn't want to wake you up." Roy grinned and stripped. Maes knotted a towel around his waist, gathered his clothes and bent down to give Roy a quick kiss.

"Not in here," Roy hissed.

"Don't worry, buddy. There's no one here."

"But… Ah, fine. Anyway. Care to wait for me? I'll be quick."



When they got back, Roy went straight to his books and Maes let out a whine. Really, all he wanted now was to feel Roy, which was all Mustang's own fault, and the first thing he does when they get back is study. He didn't even give Maes a kiss. And above it all, he has to be so damn sexy, with only a towel around his waist.

He watched as Roy shifted, as his towel slipped to reveal the curve of the top of his thigh and the slender muscles underneath that perfect pale skin. A drop of water ran down between Roy's lean shoulders, leaving a wet trail all the way from his shoulders to his smaller back, where the towel was.

Maes had to bite his bottom lip not to let out a small moan. He looked down on his own towel, and could see a small tent forming. He glowered fiercely at the wall and wished Roy Mustang would drop dead for being so damn hot.

Roy sighed then, closed his book and walked over to Maes. Hughes was watching every move he made and he knew it. He laid his hands on the other man's shoulder and he pushed him firmly down on the bed. Maes' eyes glowered of confusion, but it didn't take long before a smirk found its way to those perfect lips.

Roy climbed on top of him, and he could feel his friend's erection poke him in the cleft of his ass. Maes yanked him down for a kiss, and he wholeheartedly returned it.

Maes groaned, sliding his tongue against Roy's as his hands came up to cup a cheek of that perfect ass in each hand. He massaged it and earned several loud moans. His hips rocked forward, earning another moan from the perfect man above him. He tugged and Roy's towel came off, which was discarded on the floor.


"I think I am in love with you," Maes admitted as Roy cuddled him. The youngest of them giggled.

"I'm glad to hear that," he replied.

"Are you in love with me, too?"
