A/N: Hey FallenforFallOutBoy said maybe I should try writing my stories this way so I thought I'd give it a go! Please tell me which way you like it better, the story is the same just to let you know, just I wrote it different. So PLEASE REVIEW! ENJOY:)

Our Love Never Dies

Chapter 1

Dear Hannah

Miley's House

Miley was pacing her room figuring out what to do,"I am soooo bored! I finished my homework and I don't have a concert tonight so what is there to do! Should I call Lilly? Yea…let me call her."

Miley then calls Lilly

"Hey Lil!"

"Hey Miles! What's up?"

"Nothing, that's the problem, Can you come over?"

"Yea sure…be there in a few!"

"Ok," Miley said hanging up the phone, to wait for her friend's arrival.

Oliver's House

"Why am I having this problem? How am I gonna solve it? Aaaaagh," Oliver asked himself

Miley's House

"Hey Lil…so…What you want to do," Miley asked her friend.

"Hannah E-Mails!" Lilly practically screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Fine," Miley then opens her inbox

Pointing her finger to the screen Lilly yelled, "Open that one!"

"Okay, let's give it a look shall we!"

Dear Hannah,

Your music is amazing! Big fan here! Well my problem is, I don't know if my friends actually like me, because I have a lot of money and it seems that's the only reason why they like me1 Help!



Miley then started to type her response.

Dear Leslie,

Test your friendship, ask them to do something that you know only a true friends would do for you! I hope it works out!


Hannah Montana

"Good Advice! This one now," Lilly said pointing to yet another letter.

"Okay!" "Wow this one must be Urgent!"


"Well lets see…The word urgent is in uppercase and it's bold!" Miley said pointing out the obvious.

"Sorry." "Now Open it!" Lilly said eagerly.

Miley then opens up the message.

Dear Hannah,

I am sorta stuck here! I have a girlfriend see, but I don't like her that way! I guess I only go out with her for 2 reasons I'm not very proud of. 1-She is the only girl in school that I know of who likes me. 2-I'm trying to make someone jealous. See this is my problem; I have been in love with this person since I've met her, but I know she doesn't feel the same! On top of that, she is a pretty close friends and I don't want to ruin our friendship! I need your advice Hannah, HELP!



"Whoa…what are you gonna say!" Lilly wondered.

"How bout this…"

Dear Oscar,

If you really like your friend and think she is worth the risk, if I were you I'd let down your girlfriend easy and when you're ready tell your friend your feelings. Plus if your friend is a true friend, she won't let this get in the way of your friendship. Hope I helped!


Hannah Montana

"That's good, now this one!"

"Listen…I don't feel like doing this anymore." Miley stated as her eyes began to fill up with tears.

Lilly seeing her friend a little upset asks, "Miley, What's wrong?"

Miley then Breaks down in tears, "You can't tell anyone."

"Lips are sealed," Lilly assured her.

"Okay, well I like Oliver…A LOT!." "You know the whole Becka situation, well I was going to let him dump her, but then I saw he liked her so I told him not to, and now I know I'll never be with him because they're never going to break up! When I'm around them they are always flirting and hugging and stuff that makes me want to kill her because I want that to be ME," A breathless, upset Miley told Lilly.

"You done."

"Yea, thanks for listening."

"You're Welcome." She then pulls Miley into a hug "It's okay, things will get better, I promise."