I divided the last chapter into two. Hope ya don't mind!
"He cannot be asleep again!" Rodney McKay fidgeted with the hem of his blue shirt.
"Aye, and I will let him sleep as long as he likes. When he wakes, he will be able to leave."
Teyla brightened. "That is very good news, Carson. I am sure he is eager to return to his duties."
"Yeah. Duties. Whatever." McKay's frown deepened, his lips nearly nonexistent. That cocky bastard! How dare he make me care about him! The astrophysicist would have to wait that much longer. Wait for answers to questions that had been haunting him since they found that outpost. Wait for Sheppard to explain everything, hopefully in detail, definitely in flyboy-speak. And if McKay was honest with himself – and there was no reason for anyone to know this – he was excited for the occasion.
"What is he smiling about?" Ronon Dex grumbled from behind.
The smile dimmed slightly as McKay covered his start. "What do you care?" he huffed, crossing his arms tighter. "Look, it'll be nice to record some of what happened, and get Sheppard's viewpoint on the whole thing."
Ronon looked thoughtful. "It's funny how a SNAFU can turn out well."
McKay stopped his fidgeting. "SNAFU? You really need to stop hanging out with the military."
Something sparked in the runner's eyes. "Well, it's true. If anything, I think Sheppard would appreciate the company, McKay." A massive hand squeezed the scientist's shoulder. He knew as well as anyone the more irritable McKay became, the more concerned. Ronon watched him wander away, mumbling to himself.
"Sometimes, I wonder how Doctor McKay would be if Colonel Sheppard were not around," Teyla said quietly.
Ronon laughed loudly. "That is something I don't care to find out!"
John Sheppard opened his eyes again, confused. He only closed his eyes for a moment, but the sun had moved away from his bed. Instead of asking the time, he let a long stretch unfurl his body. Once all the kinks were out, he took a deep breath and sat up. A slight weight at the foot of his bed filled him with unrivaled happiness. His clothing. Sweats, a long sleeved shirt, and a jacket lay across his bed in a neat pile. Just as he threw back his covers, Carson Beckett appeared out of nowhere, Elizabeth in tow.
"Well, John! You're looking better!" Elizabeth strolled in, sidling up to his bed.
"Feeling a lot better, thank you," he smiled, making a grab for his clothing. He was getting out of here, and he could fly again.
But the doctor was quicker. "Not so fast, Colonel. One last check," Carson said, smiling as brightly as John felt. "Everything checks out–"
"I can go?" Sheppard's heart was yammering in his chest.
"Aye lad. But," the doctor pointed a severe finger. "Do not over do it. This will be yer only warning."
If it were possible, Sheppard would have disappeared into thin air, and re-materialized on a balcony somewhere. Instead, he gingerly stood and gathered his clothes. No dizziness or nausea was a good sign, he grinned. Moving quicker, he nodded to the beaming Elizabeth, and shuffled to the bathroom.
"Well, that was..." She searched for a word, frown furrowing her brow.
Elizabeth patted the doctor's arm amiably. "Just be glad all he had to do was sleep," she said, walking slowly out of the medical bay. Everything is fine. For now.
When he emerged from the infirmary, Sheppard was joined by McKay. They walked in companionable silence, the colonel with one hand in a pocket, the scientist with arms swinging at his sides. Together, they made their way to Sheppard's favorite balcony.
McKay glanced over at the colonel, watching him close his eyes and breathe deeply the crisp air. God, he still looks exhausted. He gets 10 more minutes, and I'm taking him inside. Whether he likes it or not. Turning towards the horizon, McKay folded his arms tightly across his chest. "You know," he said, tipping his head. "You owe me ten bucks."
Sheppard smiled and said nothing, eyes still closed. Atlantis sang to him; Carson was right. He let the sunshine, and friendship, warm his weary soul.
Well thanks to everyone who hung on for the final nail, um, chapter of this story. Sorry it took so long to post! RL and my own stubbornness got in the way.
BTW: Ride the Lightning is Part 2 of The City series, if ya want some more Sheplantis. Coming up: A tag for The Return, Parts 1 & 2 tentatively called The City, Part Three: Impulse. It was called 'Mine!' but it kinda changed as the story did. That should make an appearance soon; it's nearly finished.
Anyhoo, thanks for reading, and please review!