Disclaimer: I do not
own YugiOh.
Notes: Originally
written for the Sweet Candy Heart challenge on a Kaiba brothers'
MegaMart Monet
On Valentine's Day, Mokuba discovers the MegaMart.
He arches his head in wonder at the grids of fluorescent lights, checkered like a Las Vegas-styled board of Monster Chess. His sneakers squeak like crumpled tin as he walks over Clorox-ed tiles. A group of boys crowds over the video game section of the store - Mokuba doesn't bother; KaibaCorp makes the only ones worth getting. He absorbs the sharp wails of babies, the primary yellow of 99 cent rubber duckies, and the cr-ack of the teenage cashier popping her gum. Mokuba wanders around, dazzled by neon glitter-pens and donut-shaped floatation devices. Then he hits the candy aisle. His gaze devours flimsy wrappers, artificial sugar and nutrition-less calories. Gleefully, he eyes one particular purchase on the shelves.
A few minutes later, Mokuba passes by his classmates with the heart-shaped container pressed to his chest. He tells the boys that he's leaving but Mokuba's friends only wave him off, their faces still pressed against Plexiglas and toward the new BladeZ. The cashier rings up Mokuba's purchase and doesn't pay attention until he passes a credit card to her instead of cash. She raises an eyebrow and leans across the scanner with one elbow.
"You don't have $2.13 on ya'?" She grins but humors Mokuba and swipes the card through her machine. Mokuba watches as she masticates bubble-banana blast, then shakes his head emphatically.
"Carrying too much cash is dangerous," the Kaiba says gravely as he signs the receipt. The girl is still agape when he leaves - the "VALID SIGNATURE" flashing on her register has all the unexpected power of a typhoon.
At home, Mokuba opens his container and dumps the contents out, spilling a myriad of colors on a piece of cloth he's spread across the floor. He makes two trips - one to the art room and one to the kitchen - and returns with pre-stretched canvas and a sugar-gun.
When Seto returns that evening from Milan, Mokuba drags him into the living room.
"Do you like it?" Mokuba asks eagerly, drinking in the sight of his brother after Seto's week-long absence. The CEO is wearing a black peacoat. His leather boots are spotted with rain water. Mokuba watches as the duelist brings his hand to rest against his chin. He "hmms," then takes Mokuba's painting off its hook and turns the painting 90 degrees. After the duelist resets the canvas on the wall he turns to Mokuba and peels off the rogue candy piece sticking to his little brother's face. Seto reads the poorly misspelled, three-letter word with a "U" dangling after it before popping the confection into his mouth.
"I love it," Seto says ruffling Mokuba's hair. Mokuba's anxious frown explodes into a smile and then they're sitting on the couch admiring an impressionistic blue-eyed dragon made entirely of candy hearts. It's better than the Degas, Seto says until Mokuba tells him about the wonders of MegaMart.
Seto stands corrected.