Chapter 1:

"Ponyboy, Johnny, wait up!" I yelled as I ran to catch up with them. I was in high heels and I was carrying a lot of book so I couldn't run fast. I saw they stopped and waited for me. I finally caught up with them and caught my breath. "Morning Johnny; Morning Ponyboy," I said.

"Good morning Cassandra," they said. Then we began to walk again.

"So what's new?" I asked.

"Nothing much," Ponyboy said. "There are track tryouts today and I'm staying after for that." I looked at Johnny and saw he was scared. Still Johnny got jumped that one day, we made sure he always with someone. I didn't have cheerleader practice today so I could take Johnny home.

"I'll stay with Johnny," I said. "I have nothing to do today."

"You sure Cassandra?" he asked.

"Sure; Johnny and I could go to a movie and we'll pick you up after practice," I said.

"You better not do anything bad," I heard someone say as they lifted me up into the air. I dropped all my books and looked at who picked me up. It was my twin brother Dallas. He was older than me by ten minutes. I never called him Dally because I thought Dallas was a better name. "Damn sis; you had to wear a skirt and heels again." He set me down and picked up my books. I thanked him and we continued to walk to school. Dallas was probably going to skip again. It was weird how Dallas and I ended up twins. We were complete opposites. He was 100 greaser and I acted like a Soc with the way I dressed and acted. Plus Dallas and I didn't even look like. He had his dark brown hair and cold brown eyes while I had light, curly, long brown hair and calm brown eyes. We were like yin and yang; me being yang and him being yin. (Author's note: I looked up that the darker side is yin and the brighter side is yang.) I actually moved down here after mom died two months ago. My parents broke up after they reached Tulsa. So that split me and Dallas up but we wrote to each other though. My mother ended up being murdered in the end though. I'm not sure who killed her but the police are looking for that person.

Now I live with Dallas and our dad. Because there's hardly any room in the apartment, I sleep in a sleeping bag. Dallas offered me the bed but I refused it. It was his bed after all. He never came home most of the time but I always go home unless dad gets really drunk and I ask the Curtis brother if I can stay with them. They would always say yes. Dallas warned me not to go home if dad was really drunk; especially if I was there alone. Dallas was over protective of me. He would kick a guy's ass just for looking at me. I don't know why but he did. We reached the school, said our good byes and Johnny and I walked to our math class. Johnny and Ponyboy were in some of my classes. Like next class I had English and Johnny and Ponyboy were in my class. Johnny and I took our seat next to each other and waited for class to begin. Some of my friends and I chatted as they came in. Most of my friends were Soc girls. I couldn't get along with greaser girls for some reason.

The bell rang and class began. As our teacher collected our homework and handed out our warm up worksheet, Curly Shepard walked in through the door with his black, curly and greased hair and his dark eyes. He had no books, no binder or anything that involved school. He took his seat in the back with his friends and started to talk to them. The teacher stopped handing out the worksheet and went to talk to Curly. We all turned around in our seats and watched the teacher. "Why are you late Mr. Shepard?" the teacher asked.

"I had to finish my weed," he answered.

"You've been late more than once Mr. Shepard," the teacher said. "I have to give you a detention."

"Will any hot broads be in detention?" he asked.

"No," the teacher said.

"Than I ain't comin'," he said.

"Do you need to take a trip to the principles office Mr. Shepard?"

"Yes sir I think I do." He said it in a sarcastic voice. Everyone started to laugh except me and Johnny.

"Ms. Winston, please escort Mr. Shepard to the principles office and escort him back here," the teacher said as he went to his desk, walked over to me and handed me a pass. I got up from my seat, asked Johnny to get my work for me and waited for Curly by the door. He took his sweet time and we finally left the room. The office was on the other side of school and I knew Curly was going to take his sweet time with getting too. I didn't look at him. I just kept looking forward.

"Finally I'm out of there," he said. He walked in front of me and made me stop. "You're Dally's kid sister?"

"I'm his twin sister," I said calmly. "Now can you please move and walk a little faster. I would like to return to class." I walked around Curly and headed toward the direction in which the office was in

"You're no fun," Curly said as he caught up with me. "Why don't we skip class and have some fun."

"I think your definition of fun is different from my definition," I said.

"I think they are; you sure you're related to Dally? You are nothing like 'im."

"Yes we're related."

"Come on Winston; skip class with me for once." He walked over to a window and opened it. "It will be fun."

"I'm suppose to take you to the office," I said calmly as I walked over to him. "Please come with me Mr. Shepard." I called everyone out of my brother's gang Mr. or Ms. Curly walked over to me, pushed me against the wall and grabbed my chin. "Mr. Shepard, please removed your hands from me," I said.

"You're to hot to be Dally' sister," he whispered into my ear. "And don't you dare scream." He brought his face closer to mine and was about to kiss me when we heard someone coming our way. Curly let go of me and we continued to walk to the office. Good thing too because it was a teacher. I would have gotten in trouble too if she saw us. We finally arrived at the office and Curly went to speak to the principle. I waited out in the foyer for Curly. I should have brought some work to do while I waited. It seemed it I was waiting forever. The bell rang twice before Curly came out with the principle behind him.

"So Ms. Winston is here too?" he said. "What did you do?"

"I was just here to escort him sir," I said as I got out of my seat.

"Oh; okay. Tell your teacher he has detention on Saturday along with four other people," the principle said. "And I expect to see you here at seven o'clock Mr. Shepard."

"Alright," Curly said sarcastically. He and I left the office. He was in front of my and I was walking behind him. "That sounds like a good day to skip unless…" He stopped, turned around and looked at me. "Unless you come to this too, it won't be any fun." He was asking me to get up at seven in the morning on a Saturday and come to school. Saturday and Sunday are the days I get to send time with my friends. I'm usually busy with homework or a school activity. I was a cheerleader captain; I played volleyball, softball and soccer. I know I don't seem the type to play sports but I love to play sports. Whenever we had a game, the gang would come and watch. Then whenever Ponyboy had a track meet, we would watch him and I would cheer him on.

"I'm sorry Curly but I can't come," I said.

"Why the fuckin' not?" he asked me.

"I-I-I'm busy," I said as walked around him and headed to English class. It was near the office so we didn't need to walk far. Before we entered the class, Curly grabbed me, pushed me against the wall roughly and his hands on both sides of my head. My body was shaking.

"You're comin' this Saturday or you'll regret it," he said as he brought his mouth down to my ear. "The last broad to make me mad, well, she's a mother of two children now." He removed one hand from the wall and grabbed my chin again. "Got that Winston?" Just as I thought he was going to do something, I heard a door open and my English teacher walk out.

"Remove your hands from her Mr. Shepard," he said. Curly let go of me and I rushed into the class. I sat next to Ponyboy and Johnny.

"Are you alright Cassandra?" Ponyboy asked. I was about to tell him when Curly came in front of me and gave me a glare. I didn't open my mouth and the teacher went on with our assignment. Curly went to sit with his friends. Curly really scares me now. He never tried anything like he did today before. I was shaking in my chair. "Are you cold Cassandra?" Ponyboy whispered to me. I shook my head and listened to our assignment.

"I have paired you all up into group and you'll be working on a project for the book we've been reading: A Tale of Two Cities," our teacher said. "When I call your names, get into your group then I'll explain the project. First…" It wasn't our names so I zoned out. I couldn't get my mind off Curly. What did he do that to me? He knows not to mess with me or Dallas out beat him. I broke out of my thoughts just as my teacher said my name. "Cassandra Winston, Johnny Cade, Ponyboy Curtis and Curly Shepard will be group six." Please don't tell me she said Curly was in this group. I must be hearing things. After she finished, everyone got into their groups and to my dismay, Curly was in our group. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw him sit in front of me. "Alright, the project is to create a newspaper. You will use nine events from the book and write about them. The newspaper must also include a title for the newspaper, title for each article, pictures, at least 100 words per an article, color, and creativity. This project will be due in two weeks. Now for the rest of the time read the rest of the book and start planning out what you are going to do."

Everyone started talking about their projects. I turned to my group and looked at them. "We can meet at my house still I know we wouldn't get any work done at the Curtis house. Johnny's house we want to avoid and Curly's house, I don't know about. We can meet at my house after school tomorrow."

"Alright," Johnny and Ponyboy said.

"How about you Curly?" I asked nervously.

"That's cool," he said. Then I opened my book and began reading it from where I left off. I was at Darnay's second trial in France where he was denounced by Monseigneur and Madame Defarges and Doctor Manette. I was reading what Doctor Manette wrote while he was in prison. It was getting good when Curly grabbed my books from me.

"Can I please have my books back?" I asked him.

"No," he said.

"Please Curly?" I asked again.

"I said 'no'," he said. "What are you goin' to do if I don't give it back; get your bro to get it back for ya?" I reminded silent. I wasn't going to get my brother involved with my problems.

"Curly man, give her back the book," Ponyboy said.

"Why should I?" Curly asked. I got out of my seat, grabbed the book back and began to read it again. This time however, I kept a good grip on it. I think Curly got mad at me. The bell rang and I gathered everything and left. Johnny and Ponyboy were walking with me. We put our stuff up and headed for lunch. We walked outside to meet my brother and while we waited, I read some more of my book. I was a slow reader. I think everyone else finished the book but I haven't.

"Cassandra?" Ponyboy asked me. "What kept you and Curly so long?" I can't tell you. I looked up from my book and at him. I wanted to tell him but Curly would get even with me.

"He just walked slowly," I said. Well that was part of the truth.

"What happened with ya outside the class?" Johnny asked.

"Listen guys, I really don't want to talk about it," I said. My brother came in his car, picked us up and we went to Diary Queen. I didn't eat much. I couldn't get my mind off Curly.