Disclaimer: I do not own Dawson's Creek or the characters. They are property of Kevin Williamson.

Always Known

Chapter 1

Joey Potter was sitting in her upstate New York apartment thoroughly engaged in "The Creek". She was blown away by this masterpiece that Dawson Leery had created. She and Dawson had been friends forever and ever since they were little he had always dreamed of making it big in Hollywood. She remembered him making his first movie, it won first prize at the junior film festival. From there, his enterprise of movies kept growing, becoming more rich and dumbfounding, until one day he got the chance to live that dream. He HAD made it big, and now he had his own television show, The Creek. She was so proud to be a part of something so wonderful.

Joey heard the sound of the door open, as she looked up. "You're home early,"

"I closed the restaurant early," Pacey responded, taking off his jacket and placing his car keys on the counter.

"You didn't have to do that," Joey said. Even though, Pacey would never say anything, she knew that he had done it for her.

"I wanted to. Besides, I'm the boss. I make the rules remember?" Pacey said, as he walked over to the couch, snuggling up next to Joey.

"Right, how could I forget?"

"Loss of oxygen to the brain," Pacey said, playfully.

Joey leaned in and kissed him, taking his face in her hands.

"Shut up," she said, jovially.

Pacey freed himself from her embrace and turned his attention to the television screen.

"So, what is the mellow drama between Coby and Petey about this week?" he snickered.

"Isn't it funny watching your life being portrayed through a television show?" Joey asked, leaning against Pacey's chest, her eyes plastered to the screen.

"Now that you mention it, it is sort of funny. I never really pictured Dawson as the type of person who would want to relive history twice. I wouldn't want to live in the past."

"That's the difference between you and him Pace. You look towards the future, but Dawson, he has never been able to let go of that part of his life. It is all that he has ever known. The way I see it, this is just his way of saying thank you to a couple of friends that mean the world to him," Joey told him, looking into his eyes.

They both turned their attention back to the television screen as the episode came to an end. Pacey looked over at Joey with a pleading look in his eyes. Joey rolled her eyes.

"What do you want?"

Pacey leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Can't a guy just look for a little affection from the women that he loves?" Pacey asked defensively.

He moves his lips downward until the brush against Joey's. "Okay, okay, okay…I'm sorry, I'm sorry I have to finish editing this and I have two more after that," Joey said, pushing herself off with a pile of papers in her hands.

"Suit yourself. I'm going to go and make dinner then," Pacey said, getting up off the couch.

Joey laughed as she watched Pacey walk away. Her life at the moment was beyond words, she was so happy…and this was only the beginning.

Authors Note: When reviewing, please NO SWARING OR FOUL LANGUAGE. Constructive criticism is welcome but please keep it clean. Thanks