Kaylee was wondering when he would notice. If anybody else would notice. 'Leave it to me' Kaylee thought, 'to fall in love with an idiot.' She thought about the last six weeks: jetting from place to place, Serenity practically screaming in protest, all running, no rest, no work. And Zoe. Zoe was quiet all the time. No one hardly ever saw her but when they did it was like you were walking on eggshells. Kaylee couldn't imagine what Zoe felt like. Ever since Wash died she had just slipped further and further away from everybody.
Nothing had gotten much better since exposing the Alliance's secret. Simon had loosened up enough to be with her. Not that it had been everything she had cracked it up to be. Now all Simon did was irk her some. Even though River was on the mend, Simon was always busy or smothering her. And the man didn't know how to treat a girl, always criticizing as if he was so much better. So Kaylee decided she was pretty much finished with him: all the correction, the stiffness (or lack thereof in some cases) and arrogance. The man was just plain full of himself.
When she had come to that decision, she realized it wasn't just her or Simon driving it. It was something or someone else. It had caused her to hold onto Simon just a little bit longer, to feel her way out. Fact was Jayne had been looking at her in a way she liked. But she wanted to be sure.
Jayne was shook. It wasn't easy sittin by her at the table. Seein her sittin by that idiot doctor. God, the boy didn't know the first thing about how to treat a real woman. He kept treaten her like some core girl who didn't know the first thing about where she was stepping outside her house. Little Kaylee may have been small but she was tough, tought then she seemed, tougher than that gorram doctor for sure. The girl had survived Reavers, bounty hunters and Niska for God's sake!
Jayne wasn't sure where his protectiveness came from. He'd never been in love before and he couldn't say he was now, but he'd always been a mite possessive of Kaylee. He didn't stop to consider why; Jayne Cobb didn't pride himself on being a thinker, it wasn't to his nature. That gorram doctor though….