DISCLAIMERS: Mr. Mouse and his whole crew own all the characters in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

This is my take on the resurrection of Jack Sparrow in the third Pirates of the Caribbean film. Also, I am a Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swann shipper fan; ye be warned.

Many, many thanks to everyone who has read this story, regardless of whether they left a review or not; but for those who did…Big Hugs for all!

I apologize it took me so long to update; between the move, computer/internet issues and coming down sick ( stress from the move and everything ) I was kept busy or in bed.

Chapter 9 : Treasures and Truths

Jack and Elizabeth walked back onto the main deck of the Black Pearl, where some of the crew were relaxing and others, the faces she would recognize, were still searching for Will.

Well, I can tell the Wicked Lady's crew from the Black Pearl's.

"Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Cotton and the others must still be searching for Will, and we have so little time left." She said, as she looked around the ship.

She felt Jack stiffen, if only briefly, under the hand she had on his arm, before he relaxed.

"No worries, luv." He said. "We'll find 'em quicker than a pirate can find treasure."

"How many treasures have you found Captain Sparrow; during your illustrious pirating career?"

He grinned at her, his gold teeth flashing in the moonlight. "All kind o' treasure, not all shinny metals and stones." He lifted her free hand and kissed it. "Got both me best treasures right 'ere."

"I can only assume you mean the Black Pearl and I; at least I hope so." She seemed to think for a moment. "But I wonder which of us comes first?"

Now that is a question I would like an answer to.

Jack's eyes widened and he seemed to ponder her question. "Lizzie, ye shouldn't be putting a man in such a terrible way. Makin' a man, pirate or not, choose between his two ladies."

Lizzie responded by removing her hand from his arm and crossing both of her arms across her chest. She began to tap her left foot.

Jack, looking trapped, finally said, "Ah, I love ye both, but in different ways. Both of ye be strong and willful, set in yer ways, but always in me 'eart. I'd die for either o' ye."

"That is an answer only a man could give, when put upon with a question he cannot give a good answer." She said, taking his arm again. "And I will not hear of you dying, for either of your ladies."

"Aye, Captain." He directed towards her, looking relieved.

I have had enough of death and it's ever present threat.

"We need to find your crew, those that survived and witnessed the Kraken's destruction of the Black Pearl, although, I am not sure if Pintel or Ragetti can be considered your crew. I am not even sure who they owe their loyalty. "

"Like any good pirate, their first loyalty be to themselves. It's the way o' things."

He saw her looking around nervously. "Luv, don't worry yerself so. Mr. Gibbs will show up soon 'nough; always does when I be needin' 'im." He looked around the deck. "The rest will follow."

She leaned in close to him. "I am sure you are right."

But I can still worry.

"We have a little time." He pulled her close.

"Look." He pointed to the night sky, in which the stars twinkled like diamonds. "That's the North Star; all seafarer's guide, whether a pirate or not."

"I never realized how beautiful the night could be." Elizabeth snuggled in closer to him, shivering slightly from the cool breeze coming off the ocean.

"Aye, beautiful it might be, but you outshine them all, in me humble opinion."

Elizabeth laughed and pulled on one of his chin braids. "Captain Sparrow, there is absolutely nothing humble about you."

She felt the rumble of laughter in his chest, before she heard it. Looking up at him, she saw him making an offended looking face.

"I can be humble, if I wanted to. I jus' don' want to be." He sounded indignant. "It takes too much bloody time effort. Not worth it, as I see it."

She responded by pulling his chin braid again, giggling.

I can't believe how much I have laughed this day. I feel so free.

"Ouch." He batted her hand away. "Jealous Lizzie, that ye can't grow hair on yer chin?"

"If I grew hair on my chin, I don't believe you, Will or James would have found me quite so interesting. Well, not interesting in the good way."

"Ahhh," Jack said. "But think o' the fun we could have had braiding each other's beards."

Elizabeth playfully punched Jack in the arm and ran over to the railing, looking out at the open ocean. It appeared deep and black, with silvery highlights, not the pure blue she knew it to be.

Still, it is so beautiful.

She heard Jack walk up next to her, enfolding her in his arms. She felt the press of him against her back.

Sighing, she leaned into it, feeling his hair brush against her.

I love his hair. I can't wait to play with it, with him.

Even in the moonlight, Jack must have noticed her blushing at her wicked thought.

"Lizzie, what terrible thoughts are ye thinkin'?" He leaned in to whisper in her ear. His breath tickling her. "Can they be thoughts o' me?"

"Perhaps it's Will I am thinking of, on this beautiful night." She said saucily, continuing to stare out at the ocean.

She felt his grip tighten around her, before he answered. "If that be the case, I best do something to wipe him from yer mind." He turned her around, so they were face to face. "I feel sorry for the lad, but alls fair in love and pirates."

Her eyes were drawn hypnotically to his lips, which came slowly towards her. Just as he claimed her lips, in a deep kiss, she heard him say, "I win."

Elizabeth closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around him, as she stood on the tips of her toes. She lost herself in the kiss; the feel of him against her body. She breathed in the scent of Jack. He filled her thoughts.

He is like a drug to me. The more I have, the more I want.

She felt his hands rove over her body and responded by touching him anywhere she could reach.

They pulled apart briefly; if only to gulp in much need air, before returning to their kiss.

She heard guttural sounds and with shock, realized they were coming from her. She tried to pull away, but Jack growled and pulled her closer, returning her to their kiss.

Once again she becomes lost. Drowning in all things Jack.

Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack…

Before either of them realized it, something jumped on Jack's head. Startled he broke the kiss and quickly snatched the offender.

Just as Elizabeth opened her eyes, she saw Jack throw a furry body away, in the opposite direction. She heard the thump and chattering it made when it hit the deck.

"Damned monkey." She saw him pull his pistol. "I've had it with the little bugger."

"Jack." Elizabeth cried, as she saw the monkey leap into the arms of it's master.

Jack stood their, his body shaking from his desire to shoot his namesake.

Or shaking because of me? I am shaking for him.

Jack seemed to hesitate. She could see he was debating whether he would shoot the monkey or not, taking Barbossa with it.

She saw Barbossa stand still, daring Jack, with his smug smile.

After a few more moments, Jack reluctantly lowered his pistol, sliding it back into the sash at his waist.

Taking Elizabeth's hand, he leaned in and said for ears alone. "One day I'll kill that monkey."

"Jack, it's an undead monkey. You can't kill it."

He smiled a wicked smile. "But I'll have fun tryin'."

Turning back to Barbossa, he asked, "How long have ye been standing there?"

"Long enough to wish we be switchin' places." He responded, rubbing the other Jack's furry head.

"Aye, Ms. Swann," He continued, looking at Elizabeth. "I be wishin' to take Jack's place with ye."

She shuddered at his look, stepping closer to Jack.

"What are you doin' here Hector?" Jack asked.

"Why, I've come to see the show. I expect to be a glorious one."

Jack stepped closer, relaxing. "Have ye found Mr. Turner?"

Shaking his head, he replied to Jack. "Nay. I've checked me ship several times over and cannot find even a whiff of our dear, missing, broken-hearted Will Turner."

"Perhaps Mr. Turner, seeing as how he was all broken hearted and such, joined his father in Davy Jones' locker?" Ragetti said, rubbing his wood eye.

So engrossed in the conversation with Barbossa, she hadn't noticed both Ragetti and Pintel next to Captain Barbossa.

The look in both their eyes tell me that they witnessed what had occurred between Jack and her.

Pintel agreed, with a dirty tooth grin. "Aye. He could be, seeing what he had lost to Captain Sparrow."

Pintel and Ragetti turned to each other and barked with laughter.

Barbossa joined them in their laughter. "Aye, 'twas quite a performance, which Jack and Ms. Swann entertained us with."

Elizabeth felt her palms itch.

How I would love to smack the grins off all their faces.

Jack, for once, being more practical, asked, "Have ye seen Mr. Gibbs and Cotton?"

"'Course," He answered. "They be waitin' at the wheel."

Jack escorted Elizabeth pass Barbossa, keeping a close eye on the other Captain.

Both heard Barbossa say to Elizabeth. "Indeed, quite a performance. I believe most o' the crew saw all. Molestin' poor Jackie boy in full view."

Jack paused, looking Barbossa in the eyes, "Once this is all finished, I want ye and yer crew off the Pearl. We'll part ways and hope ne'er to see each other again."

The monkey leapt to Barbossa's shoulder, as the Wicked Lady's Captain placed a hand over his heart. "Jack, ye hurt me feelings, truly ye do."

He still had his smug smile in place, but wickedness and amusement danced in his eyes.

He enjoys these little insults, as much as Jack enjoys insulting him. They have a strange respect for one and other, even if they do not like or trust each other. A very strange friendship, if it can be called that.

"Come on then," Jack said. "If ye be wanting to see the night's entertainment."

He motioned to Pintel and Ragetti. "Besides, ye both need to be there."

Pintel and Ragetti pointed to themselves and then to each other, confusion on their faces.

Barbossa explained. "Yer both idiots. Ye both need to be there." He walked past them, heading towards the wheel, pushing them out of his way.

The push was enough to cause Ragetti's wooden eye to pop out it's socket.

It rolled behind Barbossa, as he walked towards the wheel. Ragetti chased it, bent over, his knuckles scrapping against the deck, as it outwitted him.

Elizabeth heard Pintel mutter, "Idiot." beneath his breath, shaking his head as he followed Ragetti, still following his wooden eye, which continued to roll behind Barbossa.

Jack and Elizabeth looked at each other, before following the others, in their strange parade.

Pulling her close, an arm around her shoulder, he leaned in and said, "Barbossa be right about one thing, ye were mosetin' me again."

Elizabeth's face turned a scarlet red and she felt tingly from remembering what had occurred between them, but moments ago.

She saw, as they approached the wheel, where their small group, minus Will, waited; that Ragetti had recaptured his eye and was brushing it off, before placing it back in.

The time is upon me.

Just before Jack lead her up the steps, to the wheel, he stopped and turned to her, saying with a wicked grin and even more wicked look in his eyes, "I can't wait until we are done with all o' this, and we get to molest each other again, without any interruptions."

"Ye two goin' to be givin' us 'nother show?" She heard Barbossa remark, as the others laughed.

"Be showin' some respect." Mr. Gibbs came to their defense, at the same time Mr. Cotton's parrot let out a huge squawk. "Mr. Cotton agrees with me. "

Elizabeth saw Mr. Cotton nod his head in agreement with Mr. Gibbs remark, as both she and Jack walked up to the wheel, joining them.

Will they all hate me? I didn't realize how much they came to mean to me. Enough that I can't bare the thought their hatred.

Jack sauntered up to Barbossa, smirking. "Jealous Hector?" He put his hands on his hips. "I can understand; all ye 'ave is a bloody undead monkey."

Barbossa gave a bark and clapped and arm around Jack's shoulder. "Might be that I am."

"Why did ye need us all 'ere, Captain?" Mr. Gibbs asked.

"Because there be something' very important that must be explained." He answered to all. "Somthin' that has to do with the slight occurrence o' me death at the slimy, foul tentacles o' Davy Jones' lovely little pet."

"The Kraken?" Mr. Gibbs asked.

Pintel and Ragetti began to cross themselves, looking nervously around, expecting the Kraken to appear at any moment. Barbossa simply shook his head at their behavior, his expression between amusement and disgust.

"Aye." Jack continued. "A confession o' sorts."

Pintel asked, "What kind o' confession?"

They all heard a click of two pistols and a voice at the bottom of the wheel deck say, "That she betrayed Jack and left him and the Black Pearl to their watery end. A watery end they should not have come back from."

Will Turner stepped out of the moonlit shadows, a pistol in each hand. One aimed at Elizabeth and one at Jack.

Oh my God Will. What are you doing?

"Pardon me," Will continued, "for stating it so bluntly, but dear Ms. Swann, if you will, allowed Captain Jack Sparrow to be killed and the Black Pearl destroyed."

She heard them all gasp, turning to look at her, with questions and accusations in their eyes.

Give me strength to do what must be done.

To Be Continued…