DISCLAIMER: Contrary to popular belief, I do not own Harry Potter or anything related to him or the books or movies. Hehe.

A/N: I work with this character A LOT, seeing as she's my own. She can be seen in Project: Newt as well, under similar, yet different circumstances. Please feel free to check that out as well. As for this chapter, it's just a prologue and I'll have the actual first chapter up soon. It's not coming out quite how I want it to yet.


If you are reading this, then you've probably read the story about Harry Potter. You know everything there is to know about the famed wizard from what you've been told in the books (or the movies). But there are a few things you don't know. Secrets not even the great J.K. Rowling could reveal.

But I know them...

I know what really happened. I know everything that happened to the boy I sometimes referred to as my brother.

Caught between two worlds, the Muggle and the Magical, I learned to cope with the fact that I would know Harry's fate before it even happened to him, with me, powerless to stop it. I learned to cope with the fact that I would never be normal, even by wizarding standards.

When I first met Albus Dumbledore, I thought I was dreaming. He told me of my past. The one that involved mysteries that have yet to be solved. My Father was a dark wizard called a 'Death Eater' and my Mother was a Siren princess from an island off the coast of Greece.

At least, that's what they were when they were alive. Both dying at a very young age, they left me to walk this Earth alone. But not for long.

I was taken in my Uncle, who did his best to raise me for a while. Then, disaster struck again. He was arrested and sent to Azkaban for a murder he didn't even commit.

When I first leaned the story of my Uncle's arrest, I never thought I would see him again. I didn't even know if he was still alive. Little did I know that the next seven years of my life would be equivalent to both a nightmare and a miracle.

But before I could run off to Hogwarts to become a full fledged witch, more problems arose.

I had been living with Muggles who believed me to be their daughter. I couldn't just up and leave them without an explanation, but under the circumstances, none could be given.

Dumbledore understood. He set up a plan to make it so that I could live both lives. The first magic I'd ever learn would be the hardest. In a matter of days, I harnessed a magical talent not known to many grown witches and wizards. I had the ability to split myself at will.

This ability made it possible for me to attend Hogwarts and my Muggle school at the same time. If I ever needed to, I could pull myself together and be entirely in one place, but that was a painful experience I only seldom chose to endure.

I met my other half face to face a couple times. I had expected it to be like looking in a mirror, but there was no way we would possibly be more different.

In appearance, she was larger. I was bony and frail and she was rather curvy and round. Her hair was shorter and brown while mine was jet-black and reached past my butt. I also had a small birthmark on my left ankle that was absent from hers.

Personality-wise we were opposites as well. She was meek and mild, a complete mess when it came to men, and rather down to Earth. She seemed to be more held together and rather popular. I, on the other hand, was a complete mess all around. I was a lost and confused child, stuck in a world I had only read about. I couldn't keep my thoughts or my feelings straight. I also tended to have a temper, which caused me to be quite standoffish and didn't help when it came to making friends.

No, it was not possible to tell that we were two halves of a whole person...

Enough with the chit-chat though, you'll learn more about me soon enough. This story is to give you another look-see at how things happened, from someone who was actually there. I tell it in third person to give it more of that story-like feel, rather than have you read my personal diary.

Remember, these scenes to focus on me (how could I retell something I wasn't a witness to?). I hope you enjoy reading through my experiences and perhaps learn a little more about the side of 'the boy who lived' not always shown in the books.

Oh and before we begin...

My name is Madeleine. Madeleine Black.

A/N: I know, it's short, but the rest of the chapters will be longer. I PROMISE. Please REVIEW if this has piqued your interest at all. I love getting reviews.