I haven't written in a while but here we go.
Chapter One: Velocity (KPOV)
"So what"
I raised my head to confirm the unexpected response that I just heard from Kenny's mouth.
"So what dude?" He repeated as he ate a handful of Cheezy Poofs from the bag on the coffee table. I put my head down again. "I have plenty of gay friends; it makes no difference if you're gay too." Kenny added as he reached for the remote to turn off the TV.
He walked towards me and looked at my forlorn face which was presently staring at the floor. "Actually," he lifted my chin so that we made eye contact, "Its kinda exciting knowing my childhood friend is joining the club…"
I jokingly slapped his hand out of the way, "Make up your mind Kenny," I held back some tears, "I thought you were Bi, or at least that's what you told me last week." I commented as I sat upright on the recliner that I was slouching on. Kenny basically fucked everything that moved, his excuse?
"Pshh, I'd rather screw a hot guy than a butt ugly woman." Kenny stood up from his kneeling position and grabbed his coke. "But I must say," he mumbled as he slammed his drink back onto the table and sauntered back to me with an unsatisfied look of pure intensified lust, "You would make an excellent addition to my long list of boyfriends." Kenny fell on top of me.
"Agh!" I yelled as the chair reclined in reaction to the sudden increase of weight. His blonde hair tickled my cheeks. "Thanks Kenny, but knowing how many people you've fucked…" I kicked him off me. "Harsh," he blurted as he toppled over the arm rest.
I fixed the chair and helped him up, "And anyway," he stood upright, "I have my eyes set on someone else right now."
Kenny looked at me suspiciously, "Oh really? I didn't know you knew any of the fags here…" he walked back to the couch he was previously sitting on.
I sat back down as well, "I actually don't know many gay people here," I took a sip of his coke, "The guy I'm after, well, I think he's straight."
Kenny nodded, took his coke away from me, and then sighed, "It happens," he sipped his coke again, "But the fun part is making him fall for you." He then sighed loudly, "It's rough, but it can work out." He glanced over my way, I was looking pretty upset. "Ok, who is it?"
I stood up and walked toward the door, "I'll see you later Kenny."
Kenny almost spit out his coke, "Hey! My 'coming out of the closet' sessions aren't free! You have to tell me who the guy is! Or at least give me 10 bucks!" He yelled out of door still standing on his doorsteps. I was already in front of his house about to walk across the street. "I'll pay you back later." I yelled back as I wrapped my scarf around my neck.
"Whatever," I could still faintly hear Kenny, "Just don't beat yourself up too bad, ok?"
"Thanks Kenny, I won't."
"Bye Kyle!"