I don't own Kingdom Hearts or Organization XIII, If I did I wouldn't be here.

Destiny's Flame, Chapter 6-You can't trust him

"I promise..."


Fuu ran. It had been a weeks since Axel had left. She turned her head, the creatures where still after her. Seifer had tried to fight them off but failed. She slid around the corner and past a teen boy, a duck and a dog(?). "What's the rush?' He called after her. The he saw them. "NOBODIES!" The duck yelled. "THERE'S HEARTLESS TOO!" The Dog yelled. Fuu spun around to see the odd group fighting off the creatures.


"I'm Sora, this is Donald and Goofy." The boy told Fuu. "Fuu." She answered in a sorta sad voice. Fuu turned to walk away. "Wait! You can't go walking around out here with no protection." Sora called. "I have protection." She snorted. "Well they don't seem to be doing a vary good job..." She turned and growled. "AXEL IS DOING A VARY GOOD JOB! HE'LL COME BACK! HE PROMISED!" She yelled at the teen. "Axel!" Sora stared at her. "Listen... Fuu. He's evil! You can't trust him! Come with us." Her eyes watered at his words. "Plus we killed him..."


Fuu sobbed and looked at the staff that Axel had gave her. It had wind and fire markings on it. She had a mission- Find Axel. She picked up the staff and packed a bag living a note for her parents and friends. She walked out the door and disappeared into the night.


YEP I'M GOING TO FINISH IT D The next chapter will be uber long and maybe the last.
