I don't own Kingdom Hearts or Organization XIII, If I did I wouldn't be here

Destiny's Flame, Chapter 1-Sunset hill

Don't kill me for the couple. I really like it...

And in my time Fuu is around the same age as Axel or Vice-Versa. Axel is like 18 and Fuu is like 16 DYes Fuu is a little OOC


Fuu looked into the sunset. She'd be coming to Sunset Hill often as of lately. Seifer said she was lovesick. She sighed. "You ok?" a voice asked. She jumped and spun around, her hand on her chest. A redheaded teen stood looking at her. "Yeah." She said looking at him. "And you are?" She growled. He smiled, "Axel." He held out his gloved hand. "Fuu." She answered taking his hand. Fuu felt all her blood rush to her face as soon as she took his hand, she turned away blushing. "What is a young girl like you doing out here?" Axel asked standing beside her, looking into the sunset. "Thinking..." She answered. He turned to look into her red eyes. "That flame in her eyes... it's beautiful." He whispered. Fuu froze, her face turning as red as Axel's hair. "E-excuse me?" Now it was Axel's turn to blush. "Oh nothing'" He said turning away. "I need to be going now." Fuu said Looking at Axel. "It was nice meeting you." With that she ran off, her face red.


The next day at the Sandlot

Fuu was leaning against a wall thinking over last nights events. Why did I blush? Am I falling for a guy I just met? She shook her head and look over at Seifer, he was training ViVi. There wasn't another girl she could talk to...

"Hey Fuu!" She jumped and looked around. "Do you know this freak?" She looked over at Seifer, Rai and ViVi. She looked at who they were talking about. Her jaw fell, standing behind Seifer was Axel... "W-What are you doing here!" Fuu asked trying to seem angry, but still a red tint crept onto her face. "I came to see you." Axel answered, smiling. Seifer narrowed his eyes but stepped out of his way all the same. Axel walked over to Fuu and smiled at her. "Hey. What's up?" He asked. Fuu looked at her feet. "Not much..." She answered trying to hide her blush. "Mind telling us who this freak is?" Seifer growled. "He's not a freak! And his name is Axel!" Fuu yelled. Her face turned redder. Did I just stand up for him! "Woah Fuu take it easy." Seifer said. Axel looked at Fuu, amazed. Did she just stand up for me? Axel opened his mouth but was cut off a female voice. "C'mon Axel! We need to get back!" Axel and Fuu look up to see a blonde haired girl holding a male dirty-blonde's wrist. "Hey Larxene! You and Demyx have a "fun" time?" Axel laughed. Larxene blushed and let go of Demyx's wrist. "SHUT-UP!" She growled. The pair jumped down, Demyx helping Larxene. "Fuu this is Larxene and Demyx. Larxene, Demyx This is Fuu." Axel Smiled introducing them. "Hey." Demyx smiled at Fuu. "Hi. Axel we need to get back. Xemnas is mad as it is." Larxene Took Axel by the hood and took off, hand-in-hand with Demyx. Fuu stood, dazed.


First chapter D Not vary long D Is really hyper

Notes: Sunset Hill is a place for couples to watch the sunset

Demyx and Larxene are standing on a building/Roof xD


Words- 584