DISCLAIMER: Man, I'm terrible at this. I've gone through an entire fanfiction and I still don't own FMA. Maybe I should write to Hiromu Arakawa or something...I dunno.

A/N: Okay, so here it is. The 17th and final chapter of CrossFire. It is not very long at all, but I couldn't think of much else to write at this point since the story is pretty much over. I thank all of you who have stayed interested during the entire writing process and I hope you will take interest in some of my other work.

Chapter 17: I'll Cover You. RH.

I sat silently in the soft chair behind Roy's desk. My eyes scanned the words of the book in front of me, occasionally glancing in the direction of the door. He was gone again, but this time I didn't mind if he came in to find me at his desk. I actually anticipated it.

"When the war concluded..."

Wars and such could only keep my attention for so long. I dropped the book onto the desk and sighed, looking around for something else to do. The unsettled feeling had returned to my stomach and I was trying hard to ignore it.

A few reports sat on the edge of the desk and I reached out for them. The top one was the one about Victoria and the mass murders attached to her. I flipped through the pages in the file.

She was going to be locked away for a very long time. I was surprised that they didn't kill her, but unfortunately, many of the military's scientists were interested in studying her and her Alchemical powers. All of the circles had been removed from her body, meaning that she couldn't do Alchemy at will anymore. I was very thankful for this.

At the thought of Victoria, I shuddered. A strange chill was sent up my spine and I could almost feel her probing hands wandering the lines drawn on my back. I had been lucky that she hadn't gotten the chance to get a good look at the tattoo. It wouldn't have been entirely useful, but she may have been able to make something out of it.

The door opened suddenly and I looked up, placing the folder back on the desk. I smiled lightly as Roy leaned against the door, watching me.

"Trying to steal my position, Lieutenant?" he asked, not moving.

I smirked at him and turned playfully in the chair. "I don't know. Colonel Hawkeye has a nice sound to it, doesn't it?"

He stepped forward, approaching the desk. His eyes never left mine. "Colonel Hawkeye, eh? I sorta like it..."

I leaned my elbows on the desk and stared up at him. He stared back at me, a strange glint in his eye. Laughing, I gave up his chair and moved away.

"Welcome back, sir..." I said. "How did it go? What did they decide?"

He frowned slightly as he moved toward his now vacant chair. "It took them forever to come to a decision. 'We must look at what's best for the team' blah blah blah 'may become a distraction' blah blah 'conflict of interests"..." He sank down in his chair with a heavy sigh.

I couldn't believe it. They were going to move me to another area. For a while, I almost believed they'd let me stay.

How stupid could I be?

"Then they talked a little more, making me leave," he continued. "Then I went back in..." he sighed again, shaking his head.

I sat on the edge of his desk, peering down at him. He turned slowly in his chair. My foot brushed against his leg with each turn.

"It's going to be hard..." he said quietly.

He sounded so sad. I just wanted to hold him. Remembering that I could do so no, I moved onto his lap, wrapping my arms around him. His arms slid around my waist, pulling me closer to him. My head rested by his.

"It's going to be distracting with you in the same room. My work will never get done," he whispered into my ear.

It took a moment for this to click. Suddenly, I jumped away from him, glaring.

"You jerk!" I yelled. "You had me thinking that they were-"

He laughed. "That was the whole point..."

"You mean, I can stay?" I asked, trying to suppress my excitement.

He smirked. "Did I stutter?"

My heart soared, but I didn't want him to know that, at least not yet. He wasn't going to get away with tricking me so easily. Instead, I looked at him angrily.

"Damn, I don't think I want to stay anymore," I said matter-of-factly.

He looked offended. "After all that?"

I walked away from his desk. "Yeah. I'm not sure I'll be able to share an office with you anymore. You've become quite a problem."

He rose out of his chair, moving toward me. "Is that so?"

I glanced at him over my shoulder and nodded. "Yes."

"Hmmm..." I heard him say. "That's funny. Last I know, you said you loved me..."

"I don't remember this," I said teasingly, turning back to him. "I'm not sure I know what you're talking about."

"Really?" Roy raised his eyebrows. His hand found the handle to one of his drawers. "Maybe I'm wrong..."

He pulled a small brown book from the drawer and shut it slowly. Carefully, he started to flip through the pages, searching for something.

"'Why can't he look at me like he does those Nurses? I wish that just for once he'd look at me as something other than his subordinate'..." he turned another page. "'Why do I still care about him? He keeps looking at me. His eyes are so beautiful'..."

Realizing what he was reading, I shot after him. "Give me that!"

He raced around his desk, still reading from the journal. "'I love him so much' little heart, little heart, little heart..." he laughed. "Aw, Roy and Riza forever. How cute!"

"Roy Mustang!" I screamed, reaching around his waist for the book. I tugged at the cover. He pulled back, grabbing my arm and bringing me in front of him. A strange look had penetrated his eyes.

We fought over the journal around the entire office. We screamed, we tickled and we even tripped each other. I was certain that someone on the floor below would think that a bunch of children had just stormed Colonel Mustang's office.

"I can't believe you!" I hissed. "How did you get this?"

Roy began to push me backward. Finally, he smiled and let go. I tumbled backward, landing on an armchair. A moment later, I felt his body press up against mine, preventing me from moving.

For a minute, we stared at each other. His hand brushed along the side of my face. I blinked slowly, feeling my journal slip from my hands. Roy dropped it to the floor. Bringing his lips dangerously close to mine, he whispered.

"I win..."

"Screw you..." I muttered back to him, my eyes closing.

"You wish..." I heard him mumble before covering my mouth with his own.

My hands caressed his chest, wandering up to his shoulder and falling down his back. One of his arms was locked behind my neck and the other rested peacefully on my breast. It was an awkward position, for the chair wasn't very large.

Neither of us noticed when the door opened behind us. Nor did we notice when someone gasped, however, the sound of Hughes' voice broke us apart.

"Well, well, well..." he said loudly. "Perhaps we should get the Lieutenant her own office. Nothing will ever get done in here..." he paused and smiled devilishly. "Well, actually..."

Roy gritted his teeth and closed his eyes in annoyance. "Hughes, what did I say about knocking?"

"Yeah, I'm working on that," he said simply.

Roy pulled himself away from me and straightened out. I was still trying to get to my feet, finding my body refusing to move. I had gone strangely limp and my heart was still racing a mile a minute from the long kiss we had just shared.

"What are you doing here?" Roy asked bluntly.

Hughes stared at him and a look of realization dawned on him. "Oh yeah, that..." he cleared his throat. "There's been a Scar sighting and the Führer wants the two of you out there immediately."

Roy nodded shortly and waited for Hughes to leave. He didn't seem to be getting the hint, for he continued to look back and forth between the two of us.

"So," he started slowly. "When can I be expecting a wedding invitation?"

"Oh, get out of here!" Roy told him, shooing Hughes toward the door. I felt myself turn bright red. I had only fantasized about marrying Roy. Now, that fantasy could very well become a reality.

He turned back to me and sighed once the door was shut and Hughes was gone. I had finally found the strength to stand and was watching him, waiting for my next order.

"I suppose we should go after that Scar thing..." he said quietly.

I nodded. "I suppose..."

He nodded as well and looked around uncomfortably. He turned toward the door, but paused and looked back at me, his dark eyes burning deeply with a look I'd never seen him wear before. I was strangely attracted and comforted by it.

"Will you cover me, Lieutenant?" he asked, sounding very serious.

My hand rested on the gun in my holster. My eyes did not tear from his for even a second. A moment of silence passed before I answered, the same look now donning my own eyes, I was sure.



A/N: There it is. Those two final words. Again, I thank all my readers and reviewers for their love and support. I hope you'll read some of my other stuff, because it's a bunch of more Royai and I know you all love it oh so much. Thanks again, so much! I love all of you!

Yours Fondly Forever,
