A/N: I apologise profusely for taking so long, but Laseri brought to my attention a couple of plot points I had forgotten about due to not having seen POTC 2 in quite some time, so I had to wait until my best friend could lend it to me to see it again, and then once I saw it, I couldn't think of what to do with the Kraken. Plus I was absolutely terrified of trying to keep Jack in character, which is the main reason he's been unconscious until now, it was easier, and that's why he really doesn't have quite as big a role as we all would have liked and why I am never going to do POTC fic again. Unless I have a really good idea.

Chapter 7

When they arrived back at Davy Jones' lair, they found the crew of the Flying Dutchman in complete disarray. A loud roaring noise outside was accompanied by the sound of the glass walls being thrashed by something very big and very angry.

'The Kraken,' Elizabeth gasped, as Jack, who had obviously recovered while they were away, skidded to a stop in front of them.

'Elizabeth!' he exclaimed, and promptly hid behind her, peering fearfully over her shoulder out the window.

'Ah, so that's the Kraken,' the Doctor mused thoughtfully as the giant sea monster continued its attempt to thrash the entire space-station.

'Aye,' replied Gibbs, eyeing the Kraken's tentacles fearfully.

'And it was working for Davy Jones, yes?'

'Yes,' replied Elizabeth and Gibbs in unison.

'No,' retorted the Doctor, looking at them as though they were stupid. They returned him quizzical expressions. 'Well,' he continued, 'I say no. It was working for Davy Jones, but it didn't have any more desire to than any other person in Jones' crew.' Everyone just looked at him perplexed.

The Doctor took on his explanation mode, and explained, 'Davy Jones was controlling everyone through some very strong telepathy. He said that they had a choice to work with him or not, but I doubt they really did…'

'What's telepathy?' asked Jack, still hiding behind Elizabeth, but figuring that the Doctor sounded like he knew what he was talking about and that hopefully they were in safe hands.

The Doctor looked for a way to explain it in terms he and the others would understand. 'If Frankenstein hasn't been published yet, I don't s'pose you've read Harry Potter, then?' He had been planning on comparing Davy Jones' form of telepathy to the Imperius curse, but then realised that wouldn't really help them understand at all.

Rose suppressed a laugh and took over. 'It means he was able to talk to them in their heads. He was able to tell them what to do and how to act and stuff. Yeah, Doctor?'

'Yeah, pretty much,' the Doctor agreed, wondering why he hadn't thought of such a simple explanation. 'If Davy Jones was strong enough to control the Kraken, we're lucky he didn't try any of us. That creature was sent here as a sort of baby-sitter, to make sure Jones wasn't doing anything wrong. But he was clever enough to get the Kraken under his control.'

He pulled out the Sonic Screwdriver and held up to the glass walls. A piece of the wall seemed to fizzle and disappear, though there was no water rushing inside. Somehow he pushed his hands through the glass that may or may not have been there and touched the Kraken on the tentacle. It started at first and roared a bit more, but the Doctor murmured to it soothingly in a voice Rose was quite sure the Kraken couldn't possibly hear at all and it began to settle down.

'You… you can talk to it?' asked Gibbs incredulously, watching the Doctor.

'Weeeelll, not exactly talk to it, but it gets the gist of what I'm saying. Like when Eragon talks to the bird in the ancient… you haven't read Eragon either.'

'So you were able to tell him that Davy Jones is dead and that all the crew are free?'

The Doctor shrugged modestly. 'Pretty much,' he said, perhaps not so modestly. 'The Kraken is a bit to the Ramudians what the gorilla is to humans. Can't really talk, but is very similar.'

'And a lot bigger,' commented Rose.

'Ramudians?' asked a confused Jack.

'Davy Jones was from a planet called Ramudia,' Elizabeth explained to him. 'The Doctor found a way of destroying him. He saved your life, Jack.'

The Doctor completed his discussion of sorts with the Kraken and turned back around to the rest of the group. 'Well, that's sorted out. It says it can survive underwater - live off sharks, dolphins… that kind of thing.'

'Did it tell you that,' Rose asked sceptically, 'or did you just get the gist of it?' She grinned.

'Weeellllll….' the Doctor trailed off and shrugged again.

Jack walked up to him and looked him warily up and down before extending his hand.

'It appears,' he said, 'that I am in you debt, Doctor.' Elizabeth noted that even though he had been unconscious for nearly twenty-four hours, he still swayed where he was standing. Perhaps there was so much rum in Jack's system these days that he would never truly be sober again. Not that it would bother Jack…

The Doctor grinned and shook his hand. 'Pleased to meet you, Jack, but really, there was nothing to it. Just had a few tricks up my sleeve, that's all.'

'Doctor, what are we going to do about the rest of the crew of the Flying Dutchman?' Elizabeth asked. The Doctor looked around. There were fifty men at the least encircling them. They had been watching the Doctor's dealings with the Kraken in awe, and were hanging on his every word now. There was enough room in the TARDIS to take them all somewhere, but the question was where? They were presumed dead, and if they started turning up in the cities somewhere, people would become suspicious and just plain freaked out.

'If I may say so,' Jack chimed in, 'I know a fantastic island they could live on. Plenty of shade, and coconuts, so they won't die.'

'Coconuts?' the Doctor repeated and Jack nodded vigorously.

'We've lived on less while we've been here,' said one of the crew members.

'Well, then,' said the Doctor, brightening up, 'Coconuts!' They herded the crew of the Flying Dutchman into the TARDIS, which was met with many exclamations of surprise, along with some about it being the devil's work and other such things. This was mostly ignored. Jack, who strangely enough, wasn't bothered by the TARDIS' dimensions, explained to the Doctor roughly where the island he had once been marooned on himself was located, and from that the Doctor worked out the approximate coordinates. If it wasn't the exact island, it wouldn't matter, just as long as they definitely materialised on an island and not in the middle of the ocean.

A few minutes later, they were all standing on the sand, looking up at the abundance of coconut trees and date palms.

'Well, I hope you'll all be all right here, then,' he said. He didn't look to sure, but where else could they go? They all had starfish and other such creatures permanently stuck to them, and half of them had green tinges to their skin. As Jack had pointed out, they'd even look out of place in Tortuga.

A few of them shook the Doctor's hand and thanked him for getting rid of Davy Jones, and then they headed off to settle in on their new island paradise. The Doctor turned to Elizabeth, Jack and everyone else.

'Well, I suppose I'd best be getting you lot back, then?'

Elizabeth nodded. 'We've done what we set out to do,' she said.

They filed back into the TARDIS and the Doctor headed them back to Tia Dalma's house

and it was time to say their farewells and for the Doctor and Rose to head off. Jack was once again shaking the Doctor's hand, saying how much he was indebted to him for his life. The Doctor, as usual, was modest in his reply. Rose hugged Elizabeth goodbye; she would have liked to get to know her better, but the Doctor was never one for sticking around afterwards so she didn't have any hope of that.

Rose went and changed her clothes, and when she got back, she found the Doctor pondering over the console. He looked up as she came in.

'Where to this time?' he asked.

She shrugged, and then replied, 'Well, we didn't exactly get to the eighteenth century naval vessel…'


A/N: I love the Sonic Screwdriver. It is such a convenient plot device. May I make a point of saying that I realise that Barbossa and Will kind of disappeared, but I got sick of them, and I hate having bunches of characters and having to share dialogue between them all… so, yeah. I'm not really pleased with this chapter as a whole, but I wanted to get it done so that I could move on to other things without this looming over me.

Thanks for reading! A belated Merry Christmas - catch up with you all in '07!!!

Extra Disclaimer:I thought I should perhaps also mention the fact that I don't own any of the books that the Doctor refers to throughout this, even though I'm not entirely sure if that is needed in the Disclaimer, but you know, just to keep myself safe. I have no money for legal fees, etc.