Shigure, Ayame, and Hatori will be the main characters in this fic. The story is mostly just me having fun and I hope you like it. The song Aaya sings in this chapter is "Big Spender" from the musical "Sweet Charity" if anyone was wondering. It's really great and if you don't already know it I would reccomend listening to a recording of the song. It would just make my fanfic so much more funny if you could hear it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket. For if I did, the series would revolve souly around the Mabudatchi Trio.

"example" Aaya singing.

Everyone in the Sohma family had to get a checkup twice a year. Even the people who were generally sick all the time still have to make an annual appointment with Hatori so that he could record their weight, height, palse... you know, just the basic stuff.

No one hated checkups more than Ayame and Shigure. Sure they loved to be around their best friend and everything, but you'd have to sit on a cold table for an hour while Hatori pokes at you. It just wasn't fun!

Hatori knew how much his two best friends hated these appointments so he'd usually try to do something to make it fun for them. Well, Hatori wouldn't be the one to come up with the fun thing... but he'd go along with whatever his friends had planned, usually,...sometimes, depending on the thing. But his friends always had something planned.

It was a warm afternoon when Hatori looked at his scedual. 'No...' he thought to himself with dread, 'todays Aaya's checkup.' Hatori didn't like giving checkups any more than people liked getting them. He sighed and opened a file cabnet and pulled out Ayame's medical history file (which was the easiest one to find because Aaya had decorated it one afternoon when Tori had his back turned).

There was a knock at the door and Aaya walked in. "Ah Tori-san, I have the perfect plan. Take the rest of the day off and we can take a drive up to the coast! I'll pack a picnic!Doesn't it sound tempting?"

Hatori sighed, "I'll be right back with your gown." and he left the room. Another thing Hatori always did is make his patents change into a docters gown. You know, the thin cold ones that tie up in the back, exposing your underwear.

Aaya groaned inwardly. He hated the gown. The little lightbulb above Aaya's head clicked and his expressioned brightened up. He turned around just in time for the docter to come back into the room.

Aaya started walking up to him slowly, singing, "The minute you walked in the joint...I could see you were a man of distintion, a real big spender."

Hatori knew exactly where this was going, "Aaya, you can make this hard or easy. Just cooperate and the checkup will be done before you know it."

Aaya wasn't listening. "Good lookin', sooo refined." He came up and snatched the gown away from Hatori. "Say, would you like to know what's goin' on in my mind?" When he sang that last like he tuned his back to Hatori, but rotated his head around to look at him. He started to undo his braids.

"But let me get right to the point!" He snapped his silk scarf off from around his neck, "I don't pop my cork for every man I seeeee!"

At this point, even Hatori couldn't help but laugh. He crossed one arm holding the clipboard and rested the other one on it so he could cover up his mouth to muffle the laughter. He didn't want to encourage Aaya anymore than possible. He sat down at his desk.

Aaya came up to sit on his desk where he was working. "Hey Big Spender!" Hatori's eyes opened wide with the volume Aaya was singing. He put a finger up to his mouth and shushed him, not wanting anyone to come in and see Aaya saranading him. Aaya got very close to Hatori's ear to whisper, "Speeend... a little time with me."

Just when Hatori thought it was all over, it wasn't. Aaya jumped up and started to unbutton his dress. "Do you wanna have fun? Fun? Fun? How's about a few...laughs! Laughs!" By this point Aaya was standing in the middle of the room, just in a pair of white and blue boxers, trying to find the opening to the docters gown.

"I can show you a... good time!" Ok, he found how to put the garment on. He was getting dressed agian,... phew... "I can show you a... good time!"

Aaya grabbed Hatori's hands from where they were rubbing his temples (a.k.a. covering up his laughter) and pulled him out of his desk over to the examining table, and hopped up to sit on it. "But let me get right to the point, I don't pop my cork for every man I seeee!"

Hatori's knees gave out when Aaya wrapped on of his around them, causing Hatori to lean closser to his friend. He knew that Aaya was like quicksand, if you tried to wiggle your way out, he'd just tighten his grip. He remained motionless with a slightly ammsued look on his face. "Hey Big Spender! ... Hey Big Spender!..." again he got dangerously close to Hatori's ear, "Speeend... a little time with me."

Ok, the song was over. Now was Hatori's chance! He quickly whipped a thermomiter out of his pocket and stuck it in Aaya's mouth before he could say anything more.

"Geeze Ha'oree, yoou rooin all thhe fon." Aaya said, the thermomiter made his speech sound slurred.

Hatori was able to undo himself from Aaya's grasp and he pulled out a pen and clipboard, "Don't talk while I'm taking your temperature." he scolded. With his back turned to the patient, he couldn't help but smile at his quorkiness. He covered up his facial expression with one of fake annoyance, took the thermomiter from Aaya and recorded the data.

They were able to get through about half of the examination without another one of Aaya's ideas. While Hatori was taking his pulse Aaya said, "I wanna be the docter next."

"What are you talking about?" the docter asked him.

"You always take care of everyone in the family, but who takes care of you?" the snake tilted his head to one side.

Hatori recorded Aaya's pulse, "I take care of myself."

"So you've never had a checkup!" Aaya was shocked.

Hatori did a good job of keeping a straight face when actually he was rather surprised. 'When WAS my last checkup?' He shined a light in Aaya's eyes, making sure they dialated properly. "I haven't had an annual checkup since I became a docter."

"WHAT?" Aaya yelled.

Hatori jumped back away from his friend, ripped out the stethiscope he had placed in his ears, and glaired at Aaya. "Don't do that again, Aaya. I was making sure you had healthy lungs and you decide to goburst out yelling." He scolded nastily. Hatori masashed his ears gently, slightly pained.

"I'm sorry." Aaya said. He truly looked sorry too. "I didn't mean to hurt you. Your answer just surprised me."

The docter huffed at his patient, "It's ok Aaya. Just don't do it again." Hatori felt like he was scolding a child. Ayame looked down to the floor and sat on his hands, ashamed. Hatori felt sorry for his friend. He didn't mean to hurt his feelings... it's... just... stethiscopes make everything louder. Ayame's outburst had startled him.

They went on with the checkup without any more outbursts or songs to sing. They talked strickly like they were docter and pationt rather than two best friends. When they were done and while Aaya was changing back into his normal clothes he said, "What time are you free tomorrow?"

Hatori was writing something down in Aaya's file. "Why?" he asked in a voice that didn't sound the least bit interested.

"For your checkup! I'm going to be your docter tomorrow and you are overdue for your annual checkup." Ayame informed him, folding up the gown and placing it on the examining table.

"Your not authorized to be a docter. And I don't need a checkup." he protested.

"If you don't let me be your docter tomorrow I will never come to another one of your pointless checkups." Ayame sounded completely serious for once which make Hatori stare at him for a moment.

Hatori had to think for a minute. He still felt bad about yelling at him earlier. He really hadn't been spending a lot of time with Aaya lately. A checkup could only help. 'Come on Hatori. You can do this one thing to make your friend happy...' he selfconcious was telling him. Hatori looked to the snake, who was now on his knees, begging him, "Alright. Fine. But I'm not going to help you at all. You have to do all this on your own."

Aaya started jumping in circles, "YES! This is going to be so much fun!" He suddenly got serious, "Be here by 2:30. I don't like it when my patents are late." And in the next instant he was back to his normal self, "Ta ta!"

As soon as Aaya closed the door Hatori folded his arms on his desk and lay his head to rest in them. "What have I done?" he asked himself.

Ok, so that's chapter 1. This was so fun to write. All the words just started to flow and beforeI knew it, here I am. I feel bad starting another story considering I have four others left to finish. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to learn how to multitask!

This is WHPIAR... signing off.

I ♥ reviews!