Author's Note: This will be a three way crossover and set in Spira. It's mainly character extractions from the various anime used and contains a lot of spoilers from the game. There will also be shoujo ai. I have provided endnotes explaining the different elements in the story that I think would be unclear but if you have anymore questions then feel free to review. Also, so you don't have to guess or read something you don't want to, it's Usagi and Rei centered.
Please view the disclaimer provided in my profile.
White foam swept across her feet as she turned her gaze towards the sea. The thunderous sound of waves breaking in the distance could be heard for miles, or so it seemed on this deserted beach. She glanced down, past her little bag and towards the wet sand. Even this far from the shore, the water surged up indicating that a storm was brewing beyond the horizon. Her gaze turned towards the sky: not a single cloud was visible and it was a brilliant deep blue, which was mirrored in her eyes.
She had been down to the beach, in an attempt to escape her professors. They were so boring, so ill tempered with her that she couldn't bare to go to another lesson. Her best friend and cousin, Minako had seen her as she made her way down here. She swore her to secrecy and then promised to collect shells for her if Minako wouldn't tell. And of course, a promise is a promise. She went back to her room, took her little bag and set off once again, this time with slightly altered plans.
Lady Selenity was also watching the sky from her private study, but with less innocent thoughts in her mind. A soft breeze entered through the open window cooling her face. Something ominous was definitely brewing in the horizon, unlike anything she had ever felt before. The feeling traveled to her very core, rattling her.
"Something is not right", she whispered to herself, rising to her feet from her chair near the window. She went to her desk, removed a quill and a piece of rice parchment paper and began to write.
Two hours later found everyone in the council hall. All nine chairs were filled and soft whispering could be heard. Everyone that was present knew exactly why they were there, although Lady Selenity's summons was vague. That ominous feeling was very strong, especially in herself, Lady Setsuna and Lady Furanoh. At times, it felt like her heart literally fell in her chest thinking about all the possibilities of what it could be. He hand crept to her chest and pressed against her heart. A futile attempt to ease the feeling. A handmaid placed a glass of water on the table next to Selenity, jarring her out of her trance-like thoughts.
Lady Selenity cleared her throat loudly, ceasing all whispering. "We all know why we are here right?" A collective nod passed around the table.
"What is that Selenity?" Lady Alrina asked, a hand toying with the heavy topaz necklace set in gold which graced her smooth neck.
"That's what we're here to determine." She responded.
"I hate this feeling. It's sending shivers down my spine, it's just awful!" Lady Marin blurted out.
"It definitely is. But if we feel this way, do you think the children know too?" Lady Furanoh.
"I certainly hope not," Selenity said. "My little Usagi is such a sensitive child already, I would hate for her to go through something like this. For any of them to experience something like this."
"Lets get down to the point of this meeting shall we Selenity?" Lady Sorin pressed.
"Yes, as we sit here and talk, the feeling is getting stronger and closer to us I'm afraid," Lady Durhiemn urged.
Lady Yohijia cleared her throat, gaining the attention of the room. "There's only one thing it could be, and you all know it."
Silence permeated the room. They knew alright, and each priestess 1 had questions racing through their minds.
"So, what now?" Alrina asked, in a hushed whisper. All eyes were on Lady Selenity at this moment. As head priestess she shouldered the responsibility of all of this on her. She made the final decisions, and her word was law.
But right now, Selenity was at a sever loss for words. Her mind was void of any ideas as to how to proceed next. "I-I don't know," she finally stammered out. All she could think of was all the stories the yevonites brought with them. The tales of Sin's toxin, and especially its horrible and frightening destructive power.
Up until now, Lady Setsuna had been silent. As the youngest of them all, she always felt a little intimidated when speaking, especially in front of her precious lady. "May I speak?"
"Of course, Setsuna. Feel free to say anything," Lady Selenity assured her kindly with a smile.
A light blush crept across her cheeks but it was quickly fought down as her thoughts turned towards the task at hand. "Wh-what we need to do is focus on protecting the islands, and its people."
Lady Selenity closed her eyes and nodded. "You're right, and this has always been our first priority. Based on reports of what this thing can do, that won't be easy."
"Based on what I'm feeling, that will be almost impossible!" Lady Sorin exclaimed.
"Nothing's impossible Sorin. Just difficult," Lady Furanoh quickly corrected her.
"We need to think, and think very carefully because the next move we make is the difference between life and death," Lady Marin said solemnly.
Usagi clutched her half full bag of shells and looked towards the horizon again. She felt something strange inside her, a feeling she could not quite grasp or put to words. A puzzled look tinged with fear crossed her face. But as quickly as it appeared, it was gone, and she wondered if she really felt it after all. She gazed up at the sky again. It seemed unchanged to her since the last time she looked at it. But there was definitely something different about it, even if she couldn't recognize it.
Shrugging off her thoughts, she bent down to pick up a particularly beautiful shell. It was milky white in color, just tinged with bands of pink and orange and cream. But it was the shape, not the color that attracted her. It was unlike anything she had seen before, and she knew this beach like the back of her hand. Turning the shell over in her hand, she tucked the shell into the pocket of her robes instead of the bag. Some things were just too pretty not to keep.
A few hours later, the priestesses made their way out of the meeting hall with solemn looks on their faces. Their plans were simple, and sounded like they could work, but plans so simple rarely do. They needed to act quickly, because even as they headed towards their respective temples, Sin drew closer and as an alarming rate.
Selenity quickly got to her chambers, and went to the top drawer of her dresser. She removed the key she kept close to her heart, opening the drawer and removed the box kept inside. She opened it, gazing at the smooth perfectly cut stone inside 2. Never in more than a thousand years had anyone used this, and now she was forced to. She touched it, and felt like ice beneath her fingertips. Closing her eyes, she grabbed it and left the room quickly. She had a few things to take care of before they carry out their plan.
Setsuna looked at the smooth stone in her jewelry chest. She inherited it from her mother, and like the previous ladies that held her position in the past, she also thought that she would never use it. She took it with her as she sat on her bed. For the first time, she would have a real test of what she could do, and she felt her heart skip a beat. She was only five years into her position, inexperienced in such matters to say the least. She took a deep breath, tucked the stone into robes and made her way to the meeting point.
Selenity was frantic. She couldn't find her daughter anywhere she looked. When she learned of her absence from her lessons and that the nuns could not find her at all she went into a tumble of emotions. She turned white as her thoughts targeted where she might be. And it was the last place in all of Spira that she wanted her.
That strange feeling again washed over Usagi, but stronger this time. She noticed something out of the corner of her eye and turned to face it. What she saw left her wide eyed and quite pale. The sky on the horizon was completely black, and something menacing was approaching and fast.
Selenity raced towards the shore, but stopped dead in her tracks at what she saw. Waves of energy rolled off of it, along with the fiends which fell from its twisted body. The water began to take on a light green tint and Selenity made a guess as to what that was. It was its famous toxin, and it was heading towards them faster than Sin was. She ran as fast as her long garments permitted her, praying to her patron goddess that she would make it in time.
Boats began docking in the small harbor and scores of people ran away from the shore screaming, with looks of pure terror on their faces. The day's catch lay forgotten and stalls of exotic fruits and vegetables were trampled in the confusion that ensued. They knew exactly what that was on the horizon and they couldn't get away quick enough.
Lady Alrina was the first to arrive at the sea shore. She was horrified at what she saw there. "Amazing!" she gasped out as she stared with a sort of twisted fascination at Sin.
As the others began showing up, she noticed something further up the beach. She shielded her eyes from the sun to have a better look and realized who she was looking at.
"What are you looking at Alrina?" Lady Durhiemn asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Is that not little Serenity up there?" 3
Durhiemn squinted for a while and finally confirmed who it was. "That's her, but what is she doing here? I thought she was with the others. Doesn't she have a lesson now?"
"Looks like she ran away from her teachers again," Yohijia said with a slight laugh.
"She cannot be here; it's too dangerous for her!" Selenity exclaimed, rushing past them. They all followed her up the beach.
Never had she seen anything so large in her life. Usagi knew that she definitely should not be here but something pulled her, making her stay and watch with morbid fascination. She slowly walked towards the water, towards sin.
"Usagi!" Lady Selenity practically screamed, tying to gain her attention. Finally she stopped and turned towards her mother, stonic and terrified.
She picked up her pace a little, knowing time was of the essence. "Serenity come to me!"
Somehow, her stonic position was broken and she ran towards her mother. They embraced, and a wave of relief washed over the two of them. As the others ran to meet them, Selenity's mind was racing and Sin was drawing nearer to them.
Standing up, with her daughter in hand she looked at Setsuna. "Setsuna, take Serenity away from here to where the other children are and protect them."
Setsuna was taken back by her words. "My Lady, no please," she whispered.
"Please do as she says Setsuna," Lady Sorin pleaded.
"This is a suicide mission. You know we cannot win against this thing, even if we put our plan into action," Lady Furanoh added in.
"It makes no sense for all of us to be slain by it. One of us must stay here and bring the children up in our ways. You are the only choice," Lady Bernadette reasoned.
"But if I'm there, we can complete the ritual! We still have a chance!"
Lady Selenity looked at Setsuna lovingly. She embraced her, smoothing her hair reassuringly. Tears crept down her face, wetting Setsuna's robe. "Don't make this harder than it is. I have faith in you, and I love you," she whispered. She kissed her lightly on the lips, smiling, and placed her daughter's hand in hers.
Setsuna knew right then that that was the end of the discussion. She nodded, dried her own eyes, picked up little Usagi and turned to go back towards the temple.
Usagi was confused, it seemed like everyone was sad, and then unexpectedly, she was handed to Setsuna. Before she knew it, they were going back to the temple.
Alarmed she started kicking and struggling. "Let me go!" she cried out.
"Stop it right now Serenity!" Setsuna almost yelled, putting her firmly on the ground. The girl stopped immediately, never in her life had she ever seen Lady Setsuna like this, or had her talk to her like that.
Regaining her composure, Setsuna picked her up again, and started walking. "Something's happening right now, something you won't understand, not yet anyway. I need to take you away from here, and back to the temple, where it's safe. Try to understand, please."
"B-But you left mommy at the beach," she sniffled, resting her head on Setsuna's shoulder.
"I know honey, I know," she clutched Usagi closer and went back to running towards the temple.
All the priestesses lined up on the beach some distance apart, forming a wall with which to meet Sin head on. Each of them had a different colored crystal clutched tightly in hand reflecting their different temples. Their gazes locked on sin, determination and resolve burning in their eyes. Each woman stood her ground as sin came close to the shore and halted, observing what was waiting for it.
Setsuna hurried down the corridor to the classroom where the other children were. Their teacher looked surprised when the door was flung open and she burst in.
"What's going on my lady?"
"Keep the children here and don't let a single child leave this room. Sin has finally come for us," She stated bluntly setting little Usagi down.
The teacher gasped in horror. She rushed to take Usagi's hand and placed her in her chair. She turned to face the rest of the classroom. "I want all of you to stay here and don't move. I know I promised Lady Setsuna I wouldn't let you leave, but I need to go see about my own family, so please, stay. I will send someone else to be with you and to tell you what to do next." And with that she left them.
Usagi took this opportunity in the chaos to jump from her seat and make her way to the door. A hand caught her as she passed near the teacher's desk.
"Where are you off to? Didn't you hear Lady Belgemine say we weren't supposed to leave the room?" Little Makoto asked.
"I have to go back out there, something's going to happen and I have to see it," she answered, pulling away.
"But you'll get in more trouble! And we might too," Little Ami responded.
"Yeah, we'll get punished if you don't stay," Little Rei quipped.
"I'll take the blame, I swear, but I have to go back. You guys stay here so you won't get in trouble with me," Usagi assured them. She went to Minako's desk and took the bag of seashells from her clothes, depositing it on the desk in front of her.
"You kept your promise," Little Minako smiled. Usagi nodded and then left, running as fast as her little legs could carry her towards the beach.
Sin shifted to face them, causing even more fiends to fall off of its body. At this time, the warrior monks from each temple had assembled their own line of defense on the beach behind the priestesses. They were here for one purpose: to kill the fiends that try to invade the island while the priestesses take care of Sin.
Most of them were novices in combat, as the island was fiend free for as long as anyone could remember. But they were well trained in combat with each other, making them a powerful force to be dealt with. With their armor and weapons glistening in the sun they stood ready for the command to attack at a moment's notice.
Sin lifted its head towards the sky, and a wave of energy washed over it, purging its body of fiends in one go. Each priestess lifted their crystal in response to this, bringing it to life and allowing it to levitate freely above their bodies. They glowed brightly, pulsing in tune with their mistresses heartbeats. Lady Selenity and the others dropped to their knees, their heads bowed and hands clasped before them. They too began to glow in a display of raw power that hadn't been seen for a thousand years.
As sin opened its mouth, the sky around it darkened until it was almost black and stars began to show. A Swirling black mass formed between its outstretched jaws, distorting the space around it and growing by the second. Anyone who knew magic knew that attack. It was designed for one purpose, just like Sin. To exterminate anything in it's path.
They knew it was coming, and they readied themselves to confront the onslaught. Their different planetary insignias appeared and glowed furiously on their foreheads, a tell tale indication of their power.
Setsuna cried out as she fell again onto the stonework floor, her planetary gemstone clanged dully against the hard stone floor. She had fallen numerous times on her way to the beach where the rest of the priestesses were, and each time the jewel dug into her side. The path from the temple directly to the beach was meant to be walked carefully, but she didn't have time for that. Lives were at stake if she didn't hurry and make it to the shore. She prayed to what ever deity was listening that it wasn't too late to make a difference in the outcome of this all.
Usagi darted through the bushes, narrowly avoiding all kinds of obstacles in her way. This was the children's secret path as it was much too narrow and treacherous to allow a fully grown person to navigate. It was faster than the normal one and allowed them to go unseen directly to the beach. This was how Usagi made it to the beach the first time. She jumped down the short overhang and landed with a soft thud on the sand below. She didn't even dust the sand from her robes as she raced towards where her mother was.
As she reached the beach, Setsuna saw all the fiends that started to crawl up the shore. She also noticed when the temple's warrior monk s spring into action, killing them as swiftly as possible by blade.
Setsuna was stopped in her tracks when saw out of the corner of her eye what Sin was up to. She couldn't believe the size of the attack, or the shear power that radiated from it.
"Gravija," 4 was the whisper which fell from her lips as she stared at Sin wide-eyed. Their little chain of islands stood no chance of surviving that at all unprotected. She found her legs again and continued to run down the beach.
Both Usagi and Setsuna reached them, with Usagi only a few yards behind Setsuna. The movement behind Lady Selenity caught her attention and she turned her head towards it, opening her eyes. Her eyes saddened at what she saw. She closed her eyes shaking her head. 'They never did listen to me,' she thought humorously.
When Setsuna reached them, she bowed her head. "My Lady I –"
"Turn back Setsuna. Go now, while there is still time!" She said cutting her off.
"But My Lady! If I'm here then we have a chance, I know it!" Setsuna insisted.
"No Setsuna, we don't," Lady Furanoh insisted. She opened her eyes also and looked at her. "If we had the answer, sin would have been destroyed long ago. But we don't. It's out there, somewhere. All we can do is what we're doing now, protecting this place and our legacy."
"Mommy," Usagi said suddenly from behind Setsuna, startling them.
"I'm sorry, my precious Usagi," she said, smiling softly to the bewildered child. She looked at them both and said one simple word.
Setsuna took Usagi's hand, slowly backing away from the other priestesses. She would honor their last wishes and make sure no one forgot their sacrifice. She turned and started running up the shore again while pulling a reluctant Serenity along with her.
As they made their way up the narrow footpath, Usagi pulled at Setsuna's hand again. Shaken from her thoughts she looked at Usagi hard.
"Let me go!" she exclaimed, pulling her hand violently away from Setsuna. She blinked at the child, grasping for words that would make her understand the severity of it all.
"Why are you doing this Serenity?"
Usagi looked down at the floor for the longest while, and when she picked up her head, her bright blue eyes were swimming in tears.
"I feel it, Lady Setsuna," she whispered, and suddenly realization hit her. She knew exactly what was about to unfold. Her eyes softened and turned sympathetic towards the girl.
"Serenity – "
She shook her head stepping back, allowing her tears to flow freely down her small face. "I have to see it. I have to know how it ends. When I was on the beach, I could feel what everyone was feeling. I know my mommy is very sad and I have to go to her. Please Lady Setsuna, let me go."
Setsuna knelt before her, grasping her hand. She dried her eyes with her sleeve and together they made their way to the observatory. "Lets see it end, together."
All their attention focused once again on sin. They had a difficult task ahead of them. Protecting the islands from the onslaught of Sin's ferocious power, and simultaneously wounding it, driving it away from their home.
Lady Durhiemn raised her eyes towards the heavens, knowing that this was the last time she would see it.
"I call upon the power of Neptune!"
"I call upon the power of Venus!"
"I call upon the power of Uranus!"
"I call upon the power of Jupiter!"
"I call upon the power of Pluto!"
"I call upon the power of Mars!"
"I call upon the power of Saturn!"
"I call upon the power of Mercury!"
"My goddess, Selene, please I beg of you, grant me your strength!"
Sin groaned, its eyes focused on its target. It opening its jaws even wider and released its devastating Gravija attack!
As Lady Setsuna and Usagi reached the tower's windows, the sky was lit up in brilliant colors and the sounds of metal and cries from both man and fiend alike could be heard, even from that height. A colorful wall surrounded the entire island, as high as the eye could see. They watched in horror as the gravija attack was stopped by the wall. It strained, and distorted it until Setsuna thought it would break free.
Lady Selenity and the other priestesses felt the attack and were almost blown away. Searing heat and unbelievable gravity radiated from it, and it was all they could do to push it back towards Sin. Their wall distorted and broke apart. The priestesses used everything they had and with collective concentration they managed to wrap their own powers around the attack, before sending it back towards sin twice as strong.
Sin didn't move as the attack hit it. A huge explosion ensued and the initial shockwave flattened everything on the beach, which was quickly followed by a wall of flames, destroying everything that was left.
Setsuna clutched Usagi tightly, shielding them with her own energy as the shockwave hit. When everything quieted down, they were surprised to find that part of the roof had been destroyed as rubble surrounded them and occasionally fell down. They managed to climb out, Setsuna helping Usagi as much as possible. They anxiously rushed to the beach.
The path was littered with debris and broken structures were clearly visible along the path. With all the chaos, it took them some time to make it to the beach. What they saw horrified them,
Bodies of fiend and man alike lay strewn everywhere. Twisted metal and armor along with the odor of burnt flesh greeted them. Nothing moved, and a look of hopelessness crossed Setsuna's face. Never had she seen anything like this, and it sickened her to her heart at what Sin was capable of.
Usagi was wide-eyed at the carnage before her. The only thing she could think of was getting to her mommy as fast as possible. So she ran, barely dodging the horrific obstacles which lay in her way up the beach to where her mother used to be.
Setsuna dashed after her, knowing that way ahead was not for her to see.
Usagi stopped dead in her tracks as she reached the spot where her mother was. She gasped, just staring at it all. The longer she gazed, the more tears threatened to fall until she couldn't hold back her tears.
"Mommy!" she screamed, running to her body. She clutched Selenity's bloody clothes, shaking her limp body.
"Mommy, please, please…. open your eyes!" she begged, hugging her. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and turned her tear and blood stained face to face Setsuna.
"Why won't she wake up," she whispered, and started to sob uncontrollably. Setsuna hugged her, trying in vain to suppress her own tears. She looked at Lady Selenity's bloody face and saw a peaceful look on it. She choked back her own sobs as she realized that the only person who she was close to, the one who understood her was gone.
"I should never have let you see this, forgive me my lady," she whispered to Usagi.
The heavy scent of flowers was almost overpowering, even in the large room. A strong ocean breeze blew in, moving the flowers in her hand. She gazed up at her mother's casket. It was a simple, wooden one, and it was open, as she was lying in state. A lot of people came to pay their respects to her, from all the different islands. This was the final hours until she was laid to rest, and the last in a string of funerals which had lasted a week.
Usagi was at her mother's side every day since she was brought here. Each day she stood faithfully by the casket, eyes brimming with tears that never fell.
Setsuna was with her today holding her hand. She had been with all of the girls on their mother's burial days. But this one was especially hard. Selenity and she were especially close to each other, and just being here, next to her still form was almost more than her heart could bear. Setsuna shouldered a great responsibility now, with 8 little girls to take care of. It was the only legacy they left behind.
"Everyone, please sit down," She called out as the last mourner had past. She squeezed Usagi's hand reassuringly and went to stand before Lady Selenity's casket. Her hand slid over the smooth wood, brushing the fine cloth which lined it.
"We have lost someone precious to us. She was a great leader, and a good woman. You came to her with your woes and she listened. You came to her with your complaints, and she sought to help. You-no we came to her for her love, and she gave it freely," her speech flowed to almost a whisper. Faint sobbing could be heard all around the room.
"She's been a good leader, guiding us, helping us, and gave her life for us. Let us respect and honor her and her selflessness. We're here today to pay tribute to her and all the other priestesses for their sacrifice. Lady Serenity entrusted me with a duty, to make sure the temples legacy went on and that the children grow up to take their place. Lady Selenity," she said turning to face her, "I will do my best to make your last request a reality. I grant you safe passage to the otherworld." 5
Long after all the people left, Usagi and Setsuna lingered behind. The glass skylight was open and the moonlight shone brightly, illuminating them in its pale glow. Usagi clutched the side of the casket tightly, her tears finally flowing freely and landing softly on her mother's hand.
Setsuna placed a loving hand around her shoulder. "It's time to say goodbye Serenity."
"I don't want to!" she exclaimed, sobs wracking her small body. "I'm so alone now."
"You are never alone Usagi. I am here for you, and I always will be. I know it feels like the end of the world, but it's not. Your mother died so that you could be safe. That's how much she loved you. And she asked me to take care of you, and I will," she said picking her up and hugging her. Usagi hugged her back tightly, feeling a bit more happy and yet sad, as that was the first time since her mother was gone that anyone used her nickname.
After a while Setsuna set her down and she went towards her mother's casket. She took her white rose and placed it on her mother's chest. Her little chin quivered as she said her final words to her mother. "Goodbye mommy."
Under the moonlight, Selenity's body glowed then burst into a million white light butterflies. They ascended into the sky as her daughter's cries echoed through the great hall. 6
1 Male temple heads are priests and female heads are priestesses.
2 I'm making a point of not including the ginzuishou in this story. The crystals here are merely channeling devices for them, born from their different planets and catering to their elemental needs.
3 Serenity in this story is a formal name and Usagi is used by her loved ones.
4 The ultimate sin attack. Used just before entering sin in the original game.
5 Used instead of farplane. They are not part of the order of Yevon and therefore do not believe in sendings and the farplane. They do believe in the "otherworld" and priestesses use their skills to ensure that the souls of the departed pass there by severing their ties to the living.
6 Used to symbolize her journey to the otherworld. Her last tie to Spira had to be cut and that was done when Usagi said goodbye to her.