Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Who does? Rumiko Takahashi does.
Crystal Tears of a Tenshi
Chapter 3: Payback for Inuyasha. And Paybacks a Bitch.
None other than Kikyo. (Obviously...) "Why are you here, undead miko?" Kagome asked, voice monotone. "Anyone who kills the Legendary Goddess of Pain would be a hero to the Dark Miko Clans." she said impatiently. "Oh, really?" she said coolly, as she took a step forward. "Do you remember me? The so-called copy? Can't you remember the life you ruined with pain?" She asked, her voice so sickeningly sweet you could of poured it on waffles. (Waffles... -drools- Yum... Whoops. Sorry. Back to the story ) "You stole him from ME! If it weren't for you, Inuyasha wouldn't be so reluctant to take me." Kikyo said, her dead brown eyes hollow. "What do you mean 'Take you', wench?" Sesshomaru asked. "What else? I am his mate. But," she said, stepping closer to him. "I can be yours." she purred, and pressed up against him. He pushed her away and whispered to Kagome, "Disgusting. You have a plan? Because-" "I smell Inuyasha." Kagome finished. "K-Kagome?" came Inuyasha's voice. He started running at her and she yawned, stepped out of the way, and stuck her arm out just as Inuyasha came past and knocked him down. Hm. Interesting. She can take care of herself. Sesshomaru thought with a slight smirk. "Kagome! You came back to me!" Inuyasha said as he got up. "If you want Inuyasha to suffer extreme pain, follow my lead." she whispered. He nodded slightly and almost instantly caught the plan from her eyes. "I don't think so." Sesshomaru said. He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her in for a slow, but passionate kiss. Kagome knew that Kikyo wanted Sesshomaru. While they kissed, Kikyo started scheming. Inuyasha, on the other hand, was doing a slow boil. He thought that if he could have the real one, why can't he have the copy too? Kagome's stomach fluttered, and she felt like she was on cloud nine. When they parted, Sesshomaru smirked. "Sesshomaru, I'm a bit disappointed in you," Inuyasha said while he came out of his trance-like state. "Falling in love with a weak ningen." he continued. "Inuyasha," Kagome said in a deadly quiet tone that sent shivers down Sesshomaru's spine. "Haven't you figured it out yet? I'm not a weak ningen anymore. I am the Goddess of Pain. How ironic, isn't it? Was I to give up everything while you gave up NOTHING?! You know nothing about me. Why is that? Because you never ask.
Why don't you ask? Because you never CARE! Why? Because you never FEEL! Why is that? Because you are stuck in the past with your 'commitments' to Kikyo and all of that other shit!" Kagome said with the same deadly voice and in a flash, Inuyasha was pinned to a redwood with Kagome's clawed hand around his neck. She gave him a look that promised death and said, "You WILL pay for my heart break," And to Sesshomaru, "Sesshomaru? Come here," And when he was about to say something, she continued, "Just come here. I think you'll enjoy what I have to say." He obeyed and thought, 'Wow. I'm starting to take orders from a mere onna.' Kagome whispered something to him and, surprisingly, Inuyasha's senses went numb. He couldn't hear anything. "I approve" Sesshomaru said, watching as Kagome was slowly putting a malicious grin on her delicate features. "I'll take this." Kagome said as she snatched the Tetsuiga away from Inuyasha. "You're not the -splurt-gag- Kagome I knew." he said as he coughed on his own blood from the gash on his neck. "No, I'm not. Look at the monster you made. Built from my own hate. Give yourself a job well done and a pat on the back." she said, giving him the look that held all of the pain for all of these years. "Stupid undead! DIE!!" Sesshomaru said as he disemboweled Kikyo, who was trying to press up against him again. "Inuyasha..." Kagome said softly. "STAY OUT OF MY LIFE FOREVER!!!!!" she cried, making a metallic, silver, and shiny, energy whip and slashing him acrossed the chest.
Sesshomaru's POV
Wait a minute! The Sukasu! The attack of the Gods! NOBODY'S EVER MASTERED IT! NOT EVEN ME!
Authoress's POV
She slashed Inuyasha, and he fell to his knees. "Leave now." she commanded in a deadly tone. "N-no. I claim you, Kagome, to be my mate." he said as he lunged at her unguarded form. Sesshomaru was too slow. He landed on her, and she pushed him against a tree. "I loved you. Past tense." she said, glaring at him that made him cringe. "There is a quote that I heard from my time. It came from a demon in disguise who had her heart broken. It was, 'A heart that's locked away... can't be found. If nobody can find it... it can only be numb. If that's the way it is... tell me... Why does the heart so much?'" she quoted.
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