The Magic of Music
Chapter 7
After they ate dinner, Nick walked Maddie home, and since it was getting cold he gave her his jacket. "Thanks. So? You used to sing and took ballet, huh?" Maddie asked with a big smile. Nick chuckled.
"Yeah I took ballet, but that was only for a few days. As for the singing, I only do a little bit of singing."
"Like what?"
"The ABC's."
"Seriously. What can you sing?"
"Just the little songs. Nothing big." They walked up Maddie's block.
"Fine. I believe you."
"And for some reason I don't think you do." She gave him a mischievous smile as they walked onto her porch.
"What makes you say that?" she asked facing him.
"I don't know." He smiled wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her. He licked her lip lightly and she welcomed him.
"Oh I'm sorry I heard someone on the porch so I . . . um . . . I'll be inside." A tall woman with long black hair and big brown eyes just like Maddie's opened the door to the two kissing, breaking them apart and both of them starting to blush.
"Um . . . mom, this is Nick Russell. Nick this is my mom."
"It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am." He stuck out his hand.
"Please call me Debby." She said shaking his hand. "... So you're the famous Nick Russell that Maddie keeps talking to Vida about." Maddie turned even more red.
"Well I'll let you two be. If you want, you can come in once you finish out here."
"Thanks ma'am-I mean Debby." At that she smiled and closed the door. Nick and Maddie looked at each other and started to laugh. Once Nick starts to control his laughing, he looks Maddie in the eye. "Maddie?"
"Yes, Nick?"
"I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?" he asked grabbing her hand.
"I'd love to." She gave him a sweet smile and kissed the corner of his mouth. He kissed her back and reached into his coat, which was still on Maddie, and pulled out a box and gave it to her.
"Open it." He gave her a sweet genuine smile. Inside the box was a beautiful silver neckless with a heart pendent on it and the heart was outlined in sapphires.
"Nick it's beautiful."
"Here let me help you put it on." She turned around and he put the neckless on for her.
"Thank you. I love it." He put his finger under her chin and tilted her head up and gave her a kiss which she returned with love and passion.
"I love you Maddie." He said when they broke apart.
"I love you too, Nick." She looked up into his eyes. "Do you want to come in?"
"Nah. I think I'll head home. But I'll see you at work? Actually do you want a ride to work in the morning?"
"I'd love that." He gave her a quick kiss and turned to leave. "Nick! Here's your coat."
"Keep it. It looks good on you." She blushed and headed inside. None off them noticed the teen in a nearby bush looking upon them jealously.
At work the next day.
"Hey where's Nick and Madison?" Toby asked.
"Oh . . . um . . . there." Chip said pointing across the street to a motorcycle that just pulled up under the tree with two people on it. The two started walking toward the store.
"You two are late, but that's okay since we all had a late night. But get to work." They nodded and Toby went into his office. Then Hannah walked in.
"Hey guys."
"Hey Hannah." Xander greeted then went to supervising. Vida and Chip waved hello and went back to work.
"I just wanted to thank you guys again for keeping my secret and for saving mine and my daddy's life." She gave Nick and Maddie six signed photos.
"No problem. And thanks for keeping our secret." Maddie said.
"Anytime. Well I've got to go. Maybe I'll see you around." She turned and started to leave.
"Wait. We still haven't figured out why Koragg attacked you." She turned and walked back to them. Then V put on the song, Do You Believe in Magic, and one line stuck out.
"The magic's in the music and the music's in me." She muttered.
"What did you say Maddie?" Nick asked.
"Nick at the concert once the music started and people started to sing along, did you feel anything?"
"Yeah . . . It was like a serge in power."
"Exactly. Koragg sensed the magic from the music, just like the song said, and went after the source of it."
"Wow. Who knew music could be so magical?" Hannah asked completely shocked.
"We did." Nick and Maddie said at the same time looking at each other. Nick wrapping his arm around Maddie. A few minutes later Hannah's dad came by and said it was time to leave so she said her goodbyes and left. Then Ben walked in.
"How dare you take her from me!" he yelled at Nick, punching him in the jaw. He tried to punch him again but Nick stopped his fist and Chip and Xander grabbed Ben. "We were going to get back together you son of a-"
"Hey! Watch your mouth in my store!" Toby yelled coming out of his office after hearing all of the commotion. "Now what's this all about?"
"Nick stole Maddie away from me!" Ben yelled trying to break free from Chip and Xander.
"And how do you know this?" Toby asked trying not to yell.
"We were about to get back together last night at the party but then he came in a broke us apart. Then he kissed her. At the party and at her house."
"How do you know I kissed her at her house?" Nick asked.
"I was watching you from a bush."
"Why are you stalking me?" Maddie asked horrified.
"Stay out of this Maddie." Just then Chip's hands slipped and Ben pushed Maddie to the ground.
"Maddie! Are you okay?" Nick asked falling to the ground next to her. Then she wrapped her arms around him and put her head on his chest and started to cry a little. He kissed the crown of her head.
"Maddie I didn't . . . " Ben started.
"Chip. Xander. Escort him outside. You're not allowed in my store again. You hear me?" Xander and Chip took him outside. Toby and Vida followed behind them to make sure Ben didn't try to come back in and to give Nick and Maddie some privacy.
"Shh. Maddie it's okay, he's gone. And he won't bother you here anymore and I'll do my best to make sure he doesn't bother you anywhere else. Okay?" her crying had died down and Nick kissed her head again.
"Thanks Nick."
"No problem." He spoke softly and she looked down. "Hey. I love you." She looked up.
"I love you too." Then she gave him a kiss and he returned it.
Hope you liked it. That's probably the end. For all you BridgeZ fans I'm going to start another BridgeZ fanfic. Tell me what you think of the story.