Usuanidemonslayer: Welcome back to all of you readers! Id like to thank Sarah seems like this reviewer has been keeping up with my story and I'd like to thank her. Well, I hope you can review soon Sarah! Anyway Hope you guys enjoy!!! And remember…REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holly gasped and as fast as she could ran to Artemis landing atop of him as Daisy fired. She clutched to his body and felt a piercing pain on her right arm. "DAMN YOU!" Daisy cursed and shot again this time piercing her stomach but the bullet did not reach Artemis.

"GET OFF HIM!!!!" Daisy yelled and kicked her so that she would roll away but still she clung to him for dear life. "No.." Holly whispered blood coming from her mouth and spilling onto Artemis' shoulder. "UGH!" Just as Daisy was about to shoot again something hit her from behind and she fell unconscious. "Are you okay, my lady?" a female voice asked and Holly slowly and painfully turned around to see who it was. In the doorway stood two of the maids frying pans at hand. Holly looked at the girl before her and smiled gently reassuring her she was fine. The maid held on to a bat that dripped a bit of blood. Slowly darkness started to consume her and she fought the urge to pass out. "help…Artemis…" She whispered before darkness completely consumed her.

What have I done?... Artemis…I'm sorry… forgive me… I love you… Holly awoke startled and sat up in her bed….wait bed?... She looked around trying to let her eyes adapt to the darkness surrounding her. She groaned and tried to lift her arm to rub her head but found it feeling numb. "What the-" she didn't finish because someone stepped out of the shadows and greeted her with warm blue eyes. "Artemis…" Holly gasped. "How are you feeling?" Artemis asked sitting at the end of the bed. Better keep a distance he still didn't trust her. "I'm…fine…thank you.." Holly whispered looking down at her lap. "I thought you were almost gone…" Artemis confessed and moved closer placing a hand on her shoulder and the other on her stomach which by the way were wrapped up in bandages, to show what he meant. "Oh.." was all she could say. "You received quite the wounds you know…you shouldn't have.." He said brushing away a lock of auburn hair that had fallen to her face.

"I had to…I had to make it up to you for betraying you…" She whispered a blush creeping its way to her cheeks. "by losing your life?..." He asked amused. "Maybe…after all I had been trying to take yours…" She answered and he laughed although Holly very well knew that he did not find anything funny. "You weren't trying to kill me Holly, I know you…you wouldn't dare…you wanted me unconscious so that you'd leave…" He said and moved even more closer. "Sool…he betrayed me…he wasn't planning in letting me go back…he wanted to abandon me here…but I don't understand why…" She whispered. "Oh Holly, how can you not know?" Artemis said pulling her into his arms. She blushed but did not move. He placed his head atop of hers and whispered "you were a great officer…After Commander Roots death, it was evident that you were more likely to follow after him. You would become the next commander and would be able to overthrow Sool. That is the reason why he wanted to rid of you. And besides he needed the jewel…all his problems would be gone in only one mission…" Holly sighed and leaned against him. "I'm sorry…forgive me…" She whispered and he smiled. "Of course…" he said. She looked up at him and cocked her head. "You forgive me…so easily?" She asked making him smile. "Of course, you did save my life after all… I thought I'd lost you…" He sighed and tighten his grip on her. "Where is Butler?" Holly asked after remembering poor Butler. Artemis smiled and chuckled. "He was furious when he woke up but I told him that you've saved me, He forgave you too when he saw your wounds. Apparently you soften his heart, after all you did almost die…good thing you still have your magic otherwise you would be dead by now…"

"But… where is Daisy" Holly asked pulling away. "Well… according to the doctor, she was a bit uhh… mentally ill… and was taken to an asylum…. She will not be back in quite a while…" Artemis explained gathering her in his arms again. She frowned nodding. It was evident that she had definitely not liked the mud girl, but to end in such a way for merely daring to love someone was simply horrible! She sighed and snuggled against his chest. "Holly…" Artemis began as he built up his courage. He pulled her closer, if possible, and tilted her head back to see into her eyes. She stared back mesmerized by the deep ocean of his eyes. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips. She smiled and kissed back, there was no way anyone would dare interrupt this moment, not this time! "I love you…" he said and she smiled deepening the kiss. "I love you too…." She whispered back.


An angry Daisy paced back and forth in the white room she was to sleep in. She had never expected the servants to interfere. Curse them all! She had to get out and get revenge! Only if her father helped her…but he was convinced she was actually 'sick!' "ugh!" She punched the wall and did no harm since the white walls were all covered with a sort of sponge preventing any patient from hurting him/herself. She sighed and cursed under her breath. "Damn that Holly…" She whispered. Now both Artemis and Holly were left alone to do what they wished, after all Daisy's wedding with Artemis had been canceled when everyone found out she had tried to kill him. Only they didn't know that it was all because of Holly, or so was in her point of view. "One day I will come out…and then I will take my revenge…" She whispered.

Back to Artemis…

Holly smiled at him and nodded. "I accept" She said and Artemis smiled. "Good, I don't want you anywhere else but here" He said kissing her. They would now live together although not married but simply together. She was happy and he was happy, it seemed to them that nothing had been lost, it had all been just another adventure for them. "Holly, I love you" Artemis whispered in her ear making her smile. It seemed that smiling had become a routine since the incident. "I love you too, Artemis…" She whispered back and they embraced.


Usuanidemonslayer: Okay people all done! Finally this story has come to and end. Maybe it had a crappy ending but its better than nothing right? Anyway I'm still hoping to receive reviews from people even though this story has been completed. My gratitude to all of you readers and specially reviewers since you were the ones who kept me going! Anyway I love you all and hope you keep reading my fics! Don't hesitate to send me an e-mail if you want to. Now my special thanks to:

Olynara Sedai




Gazing fire within my eyes









Wielder of cookies and bunnies

These are reviewers that I've noticed have reviewed more than once and for that I am grateful. Megan might have written a flame but I'm still grateful since it did help me understand that even though I've improved my writing skills, I have yet to go far and she gave me the courage to actually go for it. It doesn't matter if I receive flames or not as long as I try my best right? Anyway this was my first fic and I'm glad you enjoyed. Please Review for this last chapter wont you? Thank you, all of you.
With Love,