AN: No excuse is worthy. I've been writing real fiction lately and totally spaced on my fanfiction. I am sorry.

Chapter 15 Shake

Rory awoke the next morning with a feeling of someone watching her. She felt like she had gotten better at detecting it since she started dating Jess. Wonder why.

She felt a dull throbbing pain behind her eyes but her excitement at the possibility of Jess being there overshadowed her pain.

She tried to pretend to still be asleep and turned over with her eyes still shut absolutely expecting Jess to be sitting at her window staring at her sleeping form.

She tried to appear as sexual as possible, which actually looked humorous, and fluttered her eyes open in a melodramatic manner.

"Well good..." Rory's greeting was cut short when she was met with her mothers piercing blue eyes. Her pupils were pin pricks, and Rory actually felt awfully intimidated.

She didn't even know if she did anything wrong until she moved.

It was a tiny movement really.

She started to sit up but felt gravity firmly grab her head and squeeze it back down to her pillow.

"Ahouhchahhhhh" She moaned loudly causing her more grief.

She saw flashes of red party cups, and a doe eyed Lane underneath a kitchen table. She remembers stumbling up the stairs with Jess. She recalls lying on the bed watching Jess drink Jack Daniels straight from the bottle.

Her vision becomes cloudy.

Her throat felt like she was dying, and her head had never pounded like this before. She wanted an Advil, water, and possibly a gun if those did not make the pain go away.

"Mommy" She whispered clamping her eyes shut. Suddenly the sunlight coming through the window was way too much.

That's when Rory heard something she didn't much appreciate. It was a snicker. Her mother was laughing? Her own flesh and blood, her caretaker was laughing at her pain?

"Are you laughing" She asked a bit louder pulling her blanket over her head. It was warmer under there and less light. Perfect.

Lorelai walked over to her daughter's bed and said in a teasing tone "Rory is hung over". She wasn't happy, nor sad. She just was pleasantly astonished.

"Rory is dying" Rory spoke in the third person sounding awfully melodramatic.

Lorelai frowned at the lump that appeared to be her daughter. "We need to talk about this Rory…"

"Talk about what?" Rory asked weakly from beneath her blanket kingdom.

Rory already felt hot wet tears gathering in her eyes, and her head pounded faster and harder. She couldn't remember everything right now nether the less what her mother wants to talk about other than her obvious state of being.

"Well I wanna know how Lanes band played, how the party was, how the beer was, and of course how it became that my beautiful mini me was practically carried in the backdoor by her hoodlum boyfriend at 4:30 in the morning and proclaimed his love for her before basically running away."

Rory stopped moving all together. What? She finally took a deep breath as the memories filtered through her brain.

She remembered cumming. That's about it. She remembered feeling the cold linoleum on her knees as she bucked up and down on top of jess. She remembered feeling so in control for the first time in her whole life.

She remembers feeling Jess's pulse match to hers, and she hears herself faintly telling him… oh my god she said it first.

She loves Jess.

Lorelai gave Rory time to process the information but continued talking to the unmoving bulge currently under the covers.

"We need to talk about everything" Lorelai began trying to sound stern.

"-but not right now." Her mother finished lamely. "Right now I'm going to go to Luke's and get us 2 gallons on coffee and the fattiest foods possible. Then we will eat and talk and you are so telling me everything."

"Water too please. Rory needs water" Her voice finally erupted from beneath her blanket haven.

"Well I'll get you some of that too but you gatta tell me everything" Lorelai said walking toward the doorway.

"Everything. Yes. Water. Everything" Rory said pocking her eye out of her blanket. She saw her mother with a huge grin on her face. What was she making the face for? She had only seen that smile a few times in her life and it was right before her mother revealed that she knew something juicy.

"Why are you smiling like that mom?" Rory asked bringing her head out again but shield her eyes with her hands.

"Because…. "Lorelai made a face like she wasn't going to answer. She began to slowly walk out of the room but almost too quickly she whipped back in the room and screamed "BECAUSE JESS LOVES RORY" with her arms and hands waving all over.

Rory buried herself further into her covers trying to block out her mother volume as well as her words but it didn't stop her face from blushing and her stomach from doing back flips.

She went deadly still on her bed.

"Sweets? You alive? Aren't you excited that umm… JESS LOVES RORY." Lorelai was crazy again.

Rory slowly pulled the blankets away from her face again and this time her eyes were wide open.

"I'll tell you everything. Quick hurry to Luke's while I go shower." Rory said sitting up. As soon as she was in a sitting position her stomach flipped around a few times. She felt smaller than usual. Her stomach churned and her head pulsed with pain. She remembered a certain moment on a bathroom floor. She remembers cumming in a way she never even imagined. She remembered saying she loved him.

Lorelai saw her daughter's sour facial expression.

"Want something to puke into first?" She said grinning still slightly not truly happy with her daughter's feelings but more or less happy with this being her first hang over.

"No. I'm not going to be sick… Just remembering everything"

"Second thought, wanna tell me everything now?!?" Lorelai said making her back into the room and straight into a sitting position on Rory's bed.

"No" Rory said, her voice dull and void.







"Pretty please"


This argument continued for a solid five minutes until Rory broke down and told a much summarized version of what she could remember from the party.

Jess freshly clean and pretty damn hung over walked down the diner stairs slowly hoping to enter without Luke noticing.

He passed through the curtain keeping light on his feet. He observed the people all talking /eating and grabbed the coffee off the counter.

He proceeded to walk around refilling peoples mugs hoping his uncle wouldn't say much to him. Hoping he wouldn't call him out for coming home so late, or ask about his hand injury.

He remembered the fact that he indeed has bigger fish to fry. He didn't notice that he had stopped strolling around the packed diner. He certainly didn't notice the stranger sitting at the table right in front of him. He definably didn't notice the stranger staring at him oddly.

He stood stiffly for a moment before his thoughts were invaded by Luke appearing next to him.

He was red faced and taking a deep breath. Luke's mouth opened but before he had a chance to ream Jess out Lorelai appeared in the doorway.

"SON!" She screamed with her hand outstretched.

Jess's face took on an expression that can only be described as astonishment. He to this day exclaims that he never saw Lorelai move but within a second she was suddenly right in front of him. Her arms gripped his shoulders with much more force than he thought necessary.

"Next time you and my darling daughter go out try not to come home that late, now fix me the largest feast you can as 8 coffees I have a very hung over girl at home." Lorelai finished not letting go on his shoulders.

Jess barely moved except for sliding his hurt hand into his pocket grudgingly not wanting to answer any questions about how he got it. He tried to edge out of her grip but her hands only tightened.

"Something else you want to add?" He said sardonically with a smirk lighting up his face. He eyes noticed something. Lorelai was smiling at him. It was real.

"Yeah" She said slowly releasing her hold on him. She leaned closer though bringing her voice dangerous low so only he could hear her. She leaned toward his ear as if to whisper but when she spoke she actually screamed.


Jess head ached and he pulled harshly away from his girlfriend's insane mother.

Luke stood watching his nephew and Lorelai interact. After Lorelai started screaming about Love he gave up and took off to begin putting together some of the food she asked for.

The rest of the day continued without much action until it had come through the grapevine that Fran Weston had in fact passed away.

The next day the whole damn town was seemingly at the wake except for our youngest Gilmore girl and her new James Dean boyfriend.

They had yet to discuss their ridiculously wild night because Jess had insisted that he had to share something with her. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to say much as they both lay on the floor upstairs from the diner.

Their eyes are unfocused at the ceiling and Rory is virtually curving toward Jess with their backs pressed firmly against the hard wood floor.

Rory played with the fringe on the edge of her skirt

She was waiting patiently for Jess to tell her whatever he needed to but it had been a good 20 minutes of silence until she finally couldn't take it.

"Jess" Her hand rubbed down his cheek. He leaned into her hand as if he hasn't ever felt her before.

She didn't stop touching him. Her mind wondered and her fingertips trailed down his face, neck, chest and were approaching below his stomach when his hand snapped over hers stopping it in his path.

"I really need to talk to you." He said, his eyes looked desperate. Rory blinked a few times and carefully began rubbing his cheek/neck again.

"I know whatever is bothering you is big, and I understand that it's hard to say." Rory said softly.

"I … I don't know" Jess said turning away from her hand a little but his action only made her get closer to him keeping her hands on him encouragingly.

"Want to go somewhere else?" Rory asked tilting her head to the side slightly trying to lure his eyes to hers.

"Like where?"

"I dunno. The bridge? Or we could go for a drive. I could run back to my house and grab the jeep." Rory volunteered, her finger tips never leaving his pulse points.

"Just lay here a little bit longer" Jess said breathlessly as if he were in a sauna. His body was still but his eyes were absolutely everywhere around the room except for her eyes. "Please" he added in a soft voice she had never heard him use.

She frowned a little feeling annoyed with him but also knows how hard it was for him to tell her anything at all. She leaned forward and placed a kiss on his neck.

His whole body tightened and a small noise rose in his throat.

"We can lie here all day if you want but eventually you need to talk" Rory said taking her hand away from him.

He shivered slightly at the loss of skin on skin contact.

Jess sat up and turned completely away from her.

Rory's upper body trailed after his as if she was being pulled magnetically after him. Her arms flew around his midsection from behind and she pressed her lips to his ear. He seemed to try to pull away from her but once she didn't budge he let himself be held.

Jess felt warmth spread all over his body as if her tiny fingertips were in fact touching him everywhere.

He took a breath that seemed to barely fill his lungs. There wasn't enough oxygen in the room. He felt her hands begin to rub his tightened stomach a little and he felt himself shake a bit under her touch.

"What's wrong" She said again in his ear softly.

He stopped her hands from moving and pulled her body around his as if she were a rag doll. He held her hands in his and stared at the floor.

After what seemed like years, but in actuality only a minute or so, Jess's eyes rose to her. He felt as if he was being judged eternally. He felt like her eyes were looking right through him.

"I fucked up" He whispered still keeping his eyes glued to hers.

Her eyes floated downward but rose quickly back up to his hoping he hasn't stopped looking at her.

"How?" She said keeping her words short and brief.

"I'm not…" Jess didn't keep talking and instead tightened his grip on her hands.

"You're not what" She coaxed getting somewhat frustrated with him.

His hands tightened and his pupils changed sizes several times but he controlled his body completely.

"I can't take you to prom" He finally said.

She shut her eyes and bowed her head slightly. Before she could respond he added "When I tried to buy the tickets they said the principle wanted to see me and he told I couldn't go to prom…" He left off there not being able to push out the next words. He would never be ready for the hurt in her eyes.

He knew he let her down and this was what he's been basically terrified about from the beginning. He saw her eyes get a little extra moist. He saw her sadness that she couldn't hide from him.

"Why" She said through her teeth because her jaw suddenly felt like it was wired shut.

Jess bit the bullet here and kept intense eye contact even though he wanted to let go of her and run full speed for the door.

"I'm not graduating" He said it at full volume as if it didn't bother him at all.

Rory's body retracted from him a bit as if he had open hand slapped her. Jess's insides felt like they were all mixing together.

Rory let go of his hands, ignoring his protests, and headed toward the door to the apartment.

Jess watched her back and rose to his feet to chase her. He expected her to run but he did not expect his breakfast to drastically rise up his esophagus. He made a complete U-turn and rushed into the bathroom where he proceeded to dry heave for a minute. He finished and knelt down on the floor holding his forehead. He felt like he was going to be sick. His emotions were going crazy, and now his body was freaking out as well.

He remembers Rory left and rises on uneasy feet to chase after her. He halts when he sees her standing in the kitchen watching him with her eyes looking cold. He takes a deep breath and tries to will his hands from shaking.

While trying to feel nothing all Jess felt was anger and frustration. His eyes turned stern.

"Thought you left" He said holding onto the door for support.

"Thought you had it under control" She said referring to him and school. Her voice was tight and angry. Rory was upset but she was also pissed.

Her voice surprised him as he expected the crying and the running away but not flat out anger. Anger was not something he ever wanted to cause her. As a defense mechanism his anger inflated and now both people were standing red faced glaring at one another.

"Its because of the skipping, you know that right?" She said staring daggers at him.

"No really?" His voice said with sarcasm. "And I was so confused until you said that".

"Yeah, that's good. Be a dick about it." Rory said her backbone firmly in place.

Jess felt every comment he wanted to make rise up his throat but he could get them out because his throat was currently choking up and his eyes were watering.

His voice scratched out.

"Well it's what I'm good at right?"

"What?" Rory basically growled her anger increasing.

Jess voice got stronger as he spoke.

"It is what I am good at. Being a dick. I mean you only want to fuck me anyway-"As jess spoke he was edging out from the bathroom and closer to her. For once in Rory's life she stood her ground and craned her neck toward him as if she were better. She cut him off before he could continue.

"That's not true and you know that. Why are you pissed off anyway? Last time I checked I'm graduating Jess."

"I'm not pissed off" He said sounding even more pissed, his teeth grinding.

"Yeah maybe I should have fucking ran" Rory said emphasizing her curse word and ending it with a very out of character hair flip as she pivoted toward the door.

Before she could take a step thought she was thrown wildly through the air.

Her ass hit the kitchen table relatively hard but she ignored it as her mind melted for a moment as she felt Jess's hand cup her underneath her skirt.

It was all moving too fast and her body was following it all perfectly. She bit her lip to keep from moaning and clamped her eyes shut.

"Look at me" He said at the deepest pitch she had ever heard. Her eyes flew open before she could even stop them.

His eyes betrayed his voice. They were moist and gentle. Rory leaned further into his palm by instinct. She bit her lip harder this time to keep from making a sound.

Jess fingers slipped underneath her underwear with ease and when she felt herself about to moan again Jess covered her mouth with his and shoved his tongue forward swallowing her sounds. Before she could catch breath she felt his fingers moving further inside and all around her womanhood.

A soft smell that was all her wafted around them. They seemed to feed off of it as they moved with direct actions.

Rory's hands attacked Jess's pants pulling and pawing at them. Jess pulled out of the kiss to help her with his pants but instead noticed how turned on she in fact was.

He fluttered his fingers roughly but quickly inside her panties.

She screamed and removed her hands from his pants so she could balance herself on the edge of the table.

As she got her balance he noticed her body shaking. Her legs pulsated violently back and forth.

She was cumming.

Suddenly he was ripping his pants open and grabbing roughly at her hips and thighs. He felt her still cumming when he first put it in. Her insides were vibrating and her juices were everywhere.

He pumped in and out a few times quickly extending her orgasm, and making her cum even harder. Her eyes glued to his again as if a fog as lifted and he slowly pushed himself in and out of her. Her legs curled around his body, her heels digging into his side pulling him even deeper inside of her.

Her pelvis started to meet his as well. For an undetermined amount of time they fucked one another silly. There was absolutely no shyness or pretending to act coy.

Jess was speeding up now and noticed her eyes started to bulge out of her head again and her arms flew off the table and clung to his shoulders as if she was grabbing at him with everything she had.

Without thinking his arms harshly clutched at her bottom and lifted her slightly forward and off the table. He kept himself buried inside her and continued to pumping into her, now with much more weight considering he was holding all of her now.

Rory never once thought that he would drop her.

Rory never once thought about exactly how they got into this situation.

Rory mind pretty much never worked correctly around him.

They both came together as Jess fucked her harder by the second. Suddenly she was placed back on the table, signs of their sex covering them and now the table.

Rory tried to think straight but felt as if she was about to pass out but the only thing she could think of was how she could still feel Jess inside of her.

She felt a hot paste side of her and couldn't help sigh with pleasure.

She felt herself being picked up again but before she opened her eyes she and jess were both flung onto the couch.

Jess underneath Rory, and his arms securely holding her on his chest.

This was when she realized they were both nearly fully clothed, and saw her pair of panties laying under the kitchen table ripped down the side.

She opened her mouth to ask what had happened but inside she said "I feel it all". Her voice was gentle and delicate.

His eyes opened lazily and a small drop of water fell down his cheek.

Then it was followed by another.

And another.

Rory pressed her lips to his cheeks, drinking him in.

"I love you" Jess said finally letting completely loose, and allowing himself to cry.


AN: I always will come back if I have reviewers. I'll never leave you guys… And now for that part that I love…

REVIEWERS UNITE ((Where everyone can bask in smutty goodness and spread the love))

Justpeachy123 – I love your review and you really pushed me to realize I need to finish my story. Glad you enjoy my odd almost poetic way of storytelling and you're right… smut is always good.

Kammy – updated!! A gift for you love.

Amber – Amber I'm back its okay… deep breaths.

Cl06 – done

Udontknowmebutiknowme – Glad you enjoyed my little experiment of changing Rory up a bit.. getting her drunk was so much fun.

Shouhei – Shy rory is not my rory. My Rory is a bit more edgey and would probably be considered more of a 'rebel' but I simple made her less nervous and more TEENAGER LIKE. Missed you.

Tvaddict1981 – fine fine fine only because you yelled.

Pbnk-ink – Glad you found my story!! I completely disagree with Dean being "the one" as you can tell by my writing haha if you really don't like Dean you should check out my other stories… Dean is ridiculous.

Your mother – infamous eh? Haha I usually include everyone.. Sage doesn't discriminate!! Sage loves all ages sexes and colors… except for turtles.. those are weird.

19merz86 – Loving smut is awesome… im glad I could get everyone together for nice old fashion SMUT love story. Haha.

Hippiewintersweet – I adore you right back lovey.

Kisstommyq – FINE!

Wendy – I think the pic of my profile has changed. Right now I am the only one in the pic. Before I'm pretty sure It was me on the left next to my drunk friend without a shirt on. No shirts are the way to go apparently.

Blonde-biatch – I wont bring on the drama. There will be slight angst but that's just normal. No blow out fights but it may get a little emotional. Glad you enjoyed Ch6.

Sanfrangiantsfan – Kirk is just needed sometimes…haha

Emeraldlily06 – I am trying very hard for it to be different. I want variety! Rory and Jess work for sex based stories so well and I don't get how most people wrote all the same stuff. Rory likes Jess. Rory and Jess .. make love. Let me just say sex is not usually pretty the first time around even if you try. Its weird and should be a fun experience. I'll stop now. Thank you.

Ninaaaaaaaa – Hope you Sqweed again.

Dodgerslady – You called me missy. I like it haha.

Lostinthemoonlight – Oh man I feel like such a bitch just for making you wait this long love. Don't worry I'm not big of intense drama. There might be angst but that's just needed to keep them acting like teenagers.

Roryjessaddict – YAY thanks!

Jpneverlosethebutterflies – Dirty is right kiddo. Your love for it is what the reason I didn't forget about it.

gg-ghgrl775 – Hysterical laughter is awesome. Your love is effing excepted and returned. Hahaha your embaressed to be seen reading/enjoying it… IMAGINE writing it. Nutters.

Opy – Reviews are legit the only reason I come back. I stopped enjoying Gilmore girls well before it was even cancelled. I am so happy you think both the work and the smut is good.

Redflower – Stalker dean My Rory comedy. All I do is add jess and the sex begins.

Xliteratiwhorex – Does it get better if I wait months to update? Haha I'm sorry. I hope its fun to read.

Karmagirl880618 – THE SMUT RETURNS. Dean was never portrayed as actually intelligent on the show so why bother make him seem smart. He watched stupid tv shows, played too many sports, and just handled situations ridiculously… hes best in my stories IMO.

Watergurl – the story loves you more.

Dragondreamer3 – Don't be embarrassed. There isn't any judging here. Also I am a realist for the most part… right now my top priority is to write a believably teenager sex story… and I think I sort of have it. Dean is a little prize to me to write. I hope I don't disappoint you… truthfully I don't think I will unless you hate people I waited so long to update : (

Hollowgirl – Im glad you still are a reviewer/reader!!

Iluvjess – Reviews are truly the only reason I come back. I don't like upsetting you guys. YAY you called my story hot. Nice. Perverts are welcome here. Hell, I want more abnormal crazies than normal nice readers. Perverts are just more outside of the box.

BAILEY – I miss you kiddo. How are you girl?

Cmtaylor531 – DEAN is a CREEP. Isn't it awesome?

Justagirlofthehollow – Haha your embaressed to get caught reading… imagine writing it! I sit at a computer and write this erotica. I never know how to explain it when my roommate Ted asks me what I'm doing. "Hey sage whatchu doin" "just writing some smut" "oh cool". Thanks Cat.

Charolette Lee – You still wanna marry the story… I read your heroes/gg one shots all the time btw. My story missed you.

Hxc nerd – SQUEE. I'd believe you were psychic if you dreamt again that I updated. If it just happened the once than your just mega special… hell we are all wicked special. I'm am so glad you trust me… now I hope I don't disappoint!! Smut is ALWAYS a good reason to be late to anything… it has happened to me!!

Literati and naley forever – A mad Dean is always a funny Dean. Jess knew it. I knew it. It should have happened more often… so he would have broken up with Rory way earlier and Rory and Jess could have gotten more time together. BTW no one I know likes Lucas Scott. He is such a tool it kinda sickening. I heart Peyton though.

Litme - I always loooove your penname haha. I hoipe I work everything out too.

CurleyQ – Dean has the keeeey! Excitement. Intrugue!

Shanta – I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you.