I know I said it would be up a few days after I finished Everything Looks Different in the Dark, but I had minor issues and time consumtions... so here it is

this chapter is dedicated to the HD Slash fanfictions which have been stealing away my typing time and my interest: Twist of Betrayal, and Take the Tiger by the Tail. Both of which are excellent. I've never seen a more in character HD fic than Take the Tiger by the Tail. Ofcourse, I'm also new to HP fanfiction... though I did recently write one...

Anyway, I do apologize for taking so long, but here it is, the sequal. Which includes, as always, angsty Naruto, protective Gaara, and maybe even some NejiTen hints :P

"So, I see Sakura and Sai are here, but where is Naruto?" Tsunade questioned the leader of their team.


"In Suna." Sakura replied, interrupting before the team captain could say anything.

"What is he doing in Suna?"

"He said he-"

"Visiting with Gaara." Sakura interrupted again.

Tsunade sighed. "Why?"

"Tsunade-sama we… we met up with…" her voice faltered and the name came as only a whisper "Sasuke."


"He said things…to Naruto…he was really thrown off by them and wasn't acting like himself at all… with all due respect Tsunade-sama, he needed to see Gaara."

"Is there something going on between them that I don't know about?"


"What is it?"

"It's not my place to say Tsunade-sama, I apologize."

Tsunade was about to respond when a knock on the door and a voice proclaiming "Hokage-sama, there's a letter for you from Suna" interrupted her.

"Let me see it." Tsunade took the letter from Shizune and read it. "Sakura, stay. The rest of you are dismissed."


"It's from Naruto. Or rather, it's from Gaara about Naruto… Here, read."


Uzumaki Naruto will be under my care for a while. He tells me that he wishes to remain in Suna for a while until such time as he recovers from a recent encounter with a former team-mate, the details of which he has refused to inform me. I will send him home with an escort as soon as he informs me of his desire to return.


"Sit, Sakura. I want the whole story, what happened?"


"I want to know what could drive Naruto to the point where the only person he feels safe with is Gaara."


Naruto looked up from staring at the floor when Gaara walked back in the door.

"Did you send it?"

"I did." Gaara replied. He walked over to his bed, where Naruto sat, and sat beside him, looking into his eyes. "Do you want to tell me now?"

His only answer was Naruto resuming his staring contest with the floor while shaking his head.

"When you're ready." Gaara stated, wiping a lone tear from Naruto's eye before he pulled the boy to him.



"Can you…sleep?"

"I can but…I haven't been able to yet. Scared, I guess."

"Could you sleep with me…like before?"

Gaara nodded before gathering Naruto in his arms. It would definitely be easier, he thought, with Naruto by his side.