Too Smart for His Own Good

This Quantum Leap™ story utilizes characters that are copyright © by Bellasarius Productions and Universal Studios. No infringement on their respective copyrights is intended by the author in any way, shape or form. This fan fiction story is written solely for the entertainment of the readers and is not for profit. All fiction, plots, and original characters are the sole creations of the author.
Too Smart for His Own Good

Epilogue - The Circle Remains Unbroken

The Admiral's recovery was a long and intense process. Several surgeries helped heal the burn on his face. Additional plastic surgery minimized the disfigurement considerably. The hole in his lung mended and his breathing was back to normal. Gaining back weight was ridiculously hard. He ate as much as he could, but still had only managed to get up to 124 pounds. He needed about twenty more to bring him where he should be, but there had been no weight gain for over two months. His exercise regimen ate up so many calories that he hit a plateau and just wasn't moving. Beth and Sam tried to convince him to ease up on the exercise, but he wanted his upper body strength back. Without it, he would never be able to leave the wheelchair he was using and walk around on braces and crutches

Christmas was around the corner and it was certainly going to be a happier holiday than the year before. The psychological possession by Lothos was completely gone. Al, Allie and Peri returned to their normal quirk-filled selves. All signs of split lips, broken fingers and broken noses were gone. Sam and Donna chased their toddler constantly and little John was always in pursuit of Uncle Al. Sam teased they had the same maturity level.

Considering the hell of the early part of the year, to honor Christmas all the Calavicci girls returned to New Mexico with husbands and children in tow. The apartment at the project was filled with decorations, music, children, and good friends. There were two trees filled with lights and silly ornaments. No fancy glass balls or designer stuff. They and the children created almost everything on the trees and Al and Beth liked it that way. The trees signified the hope in the young ones' eyes. While he was recovering, Al heard someone talk about the audacity of hope and the phrase struck a chord. That was the theme he wanted for the holiday - hope in its most audacious forms.

Peri brought Mitchell Bering back with her and they announced their intentions to marry. The actor stood by Peri's side since the Admiral's collapse in Albuquerque. She offered him exit several times, but he refused. There was a strong love between the two and somehow everyone knew they would weather the Hollywood curse of two career couples.

After toasting the engagement, Peri, the Admiral and Sam, gathered to talk to the newest member of the family. The good doctor said, "You know, Mitch, you could make a science fiction movie about this whole thing with Lothos."

"That's a thought, Sam." It was time to start razzing the Admiral. "There'd be one hell of a casting problem, though. I mean, who could," he searched for the right word, "illuminate the Admiral so he'd be believable? I know the guy and I don't believe him!"

Nodding, Sam said, "You got a point. Now, I think Russell Crowe would be good casting for me. What do you think?"

"Too Australian. I think I'm perfect. We're about the same size. I can sing and dance."

The Admiral listened to the teasing and wasn't about to be left out. "You'd look good with a skunk stripe down the middle of your head."

Peri wanted in, "I got it. I know who can play Dad. David Spade. He's little enough. Of course, they'd have to age him forty, fifty years." The men laughed a little too hard.

Al smiled. "Cute. You people are not nice. For me, I'm thinking more like Tom Hanks. He's got the curly hair. He'd only have to be aged two or three decades." Five-year old grandson Dino ran up and jumped in Al's lap. The Admiral swallowed a sharp pain and hugged the boy. "Hey, there, sport. I am so glad you're here."

"Me too, Gramps. I missed you." The boy started poking at the artificial eye. "Your eye is fake. Momma told us."

"Yeah, it's cool, huh? And you know what?" He leaned in and whispered, "I take it out at night."

"Way cool. Can I take you to show and tell?"

The child's acceptance was wonderful for the Admiral. He led the laughter. "I'm not sure your teacher would appreciate me taking out my fake eyeball for the kids."

Dino didn't understand why, but he said, "Too bad." He kissed his grandfather and moved on to the tray of cookies Beth was bringing in.

Al looked at the children playing. "All these boys. I'm not used to little boys. Thank God Toni and Kevin had a girl. Now that I can relate to."

Toni and Kevin were arriving shortly with another five-year old, Al's namesake. Their Albert was called Alby. Alby had a little sister now who was just two months old and Elizabeth Grace would be making her debut at this party. Al couldn't wait to hold his first granddaughter. "Did I show you the pictures?"

The three people gathered around him answered in unison, "Yes!"

"Sorry. It's just that she's so beautiful." Another pain shuddered through the Admiral. He'd been up a long time, longer than he was supposed to, but it was party time. He worked through it, but it left his chin on his chest and his shoulders sagging a bit.

Sam caught Beth's eye and, in an unspoken language, told her Al was hurting. She came over to rescue the trio. "Okay, you three. Go mingle." Attempting to be coy she kissed Al and told them, "I want some one-on-one time with my flyboy."

Al winked, "That sounds promising." He put his hands on the wheel rims. "Excuse me."

"Hang on. I'll push. I am the power behind the throne you know." She swung the chair around. "See you later," and they made their way to the bedroom.

He kidded with her, "Beth, babe, we have company. You want to do this now?"

Once they were out of eyesight and earshot she told him with as serious a tone as she had, "I want you to lie down for half an hour. You'll fizzle out for later." It's not what he wanted to hear, but she was right. He'd been fighting the pain for a long time, but he didn't want to miss Elizabeth's arrival. This new baby was everything he worked so hard for. Toni's pregnancy gave him something positive to concentrate on during the hard days of his recovery. He pushed to get better so he would see this child. Now he wanted to hold her so much, he was pushing himself again. They got into their room and Beth sat on the bed facing him. His pale complexion concerned her. "Here's the deal. You are going to get into bed and I lied. You'll stay there for more than half an hour. You're looking absolutely drained. Please don't overdo. You won't get through the holidays if you don't pace yourself."

She was right and he was pissed off. "I got to get stronger than this. I have to."

"Time will heal."

"Nine months is a lot of time. It's a month longer than it took when I got home from Vietnam." He pulled off his tie. "I hate this."

"I do too, but I'm glad you're not fighting me."

The shirt was next. "Sometimes I wonder if this is what Lothos planned for me, that making me paralyzed was his last stroke of revenge."

"No doubt about it. He knew he couldn't kill you, so he did what he thought would make you die inside." She untied his shoes, "But he didn't really know who he was dealing with."

He looked down at his non-functioning legs. "He knew." With Beth's help, he put on a pair of pajamas and using a trapeze bar suspended over their bed he transferred from the chair. "You know, in other circumstances this trapeze could be fun."

Winking and remembering she smiled, "It was last night."

Clenching his teeth against the stab of pain, he manipulated his way under the blanket. The task always shot lightning up his spine. "Damn. That's got to stop someday." Beth was about to encourage him when he said, "I mean before I die."

She turned off the light. "I'll wake you when Toni and Kevin get here." Closing the door behind her, Beth took a short detour into Allie's room. She wondered if this was going to be her husband's last Christmas. He'd come so far and maybe he'd come further, but his body had endured so much. However, if anyone was going to get through this, it would be Al. It was just so hard to watch him struggle to do simple things like getting into bed. Her heartbreak was devastating, but he wouldn't see it. Alone in her child's room, she gave herself permission to shed the tears that she prayed would not be coming more and more often.

The party continued while the Admiral slept. Beth checked and since he was still sleeping soundly, she didn't wake him when the new grandchild arrived. He would be angry, but that would quickly pass and he'd be wonderfully rested and ready to play all night long with the kids.

After Elizabeth was introduced to everyone, her mother carried her down the hallway. Toni snuck into her father's room holding Elizabeth Grace like the little china doll she was. Time came for her to meet Gramps and he needed to get up for dinner anyhow. The Admiral's daughter turned on a small lamp far away from the bed and gave the room a soft glow. She sat in his wheelchair next to the bed and looked at him sleeping, watching his chest rising and falling in a regular strong rhythm. Tears of happiness and relief began to fall. He was still alive and stronger than the last time she'd seen him. She finally permitted herself to think Elizabeth Grace would grow to know her grandfather. He just might be there for this special little girl and while all the grandkids needed him, she needed him just a little bit more.

Gently, Toni awakened her father. "Dad, wake up. Someone wants to see you." She leaned down and kissed his forehead. His eyes fluttered open. "There you are. I have a little girl here who needs to meet her grandfather."

Al reached for the trapeze and pulled himself to a sitting position. The pain was there again, but with the goal being this new grandchild, he barely noticed it. "Toni, baby. I'm glad you're here. Where is she?" Toni placed the child in Al's arms. His granddaughter was in his arms. Too good to be true, the little girl was finally with him. His heart began to race and the smile plastered on his face was so big it hurt. Elizabeth Grace looked up at him, made baby noises and drooled. "That's the first thing you do to Gramps? Drool on him?" He didn't take his eyes from her. "She is so beautiful, Toni. God, she is beautiful."

"I know, Dad." Toni wiped her eyes.

Al noticed. How could he not? He was a dad and dads know when their kids are crying. "Listen kid, those tears better not be for me and they better not be for her. She's going to be fine. This is a gifted child and her gift is love. Don't forget that."

"I won't, Dad."

Beth crept in and watched silently from the door.

The Admiral looked into Elizabeth's little face and saw perfection of love where others saw Down syndrome. This little one needed Gramps and his purpose became clear. "Toni, her muscle tone will get better. I bet we both start walking again at the same time except I'll always need braces. Lizzie Grace is going to be hell on wheels if I have anything to say about it."

"Just what I need."

"Damn straight it is." Al held the baby to his chest. Her little heart beat over the spot so heinously injured by Lothos in that evil basement.

Admiral Al Calavicci could never be accused of having a good voice, but there was something soothing when he sang so softly, "I'm a little cookie, yes, I am. I was made by the cookie man. On my way from the cookie pan, a little piece broke off of me. But I can taste just as good as any regular cookie can."

Toni thought she knew her father's entire repertoire. "That's a new one."

"I like it. Makes me feel like it's okay to be in that chair. You should learn it for her." He held the baby who looked so much like Trudy that his heart broke. "This one makes my world even more perfect, you know. Everything is okay now."

His daughter looked away to hide her tears and saw her mother with similar tears in her eyes. They realized that the fight Al was confronting would kill a lesser man, but he would not give in. He would fight to see his grandchildren grow up. They knew it.

Al knew what lay ahead better than anyone else did, but he didn't have time to worry about the future. The face staring up at him smiled with the kind of pure joy that infects all babies and Lizzie Grace fell asleep in Al's protective embrace.


I'm a Little Cookie © Larry Penn
The Audacity of Hope © Barack Obama