Hospital Hijinks

-Baki didn't understand what exactly was going on, but if it meant the three terrors of Suna were going to be this quiet the entire journey to Konoha, then hell, he wouldn't complain. Gaara as usual had stalked way ahead whilst Kankuro and Temari were both writing franticly on mini scrolls and occasionally shooting each other nasty glares as the crew tree hopped towards the leaf village.

Catching up with the youngest son of the late Kazekage, Baki suggested that they rest for the night. They had made good time and it would seem they would make it to Konoha in two days, rather than three. After setting up their tents Baki headed off to scout the area and Temari was the first to approach Gaara. However, not wanting to hear what he knew was going to come out of her mouth he held up a hand and firmly stated,


"But Gaar-"


"I don't want to hear anything about stupid poems or girls or anything."

"…Okay fine…but just know, when we arrive in Konoha tomorrow, your probably going to see that girl around somewhere, and when you do, your gonna want this she said dropping the little scroll into his lap, but not before Kankuro strolled over to but in on the conversation.

"Ignore her Gaara. I got what you need right here." he grabbed the boys hand and pushed the scroll he'd been writing on into it.

"Oh please. Kankuro, you couldn't write something romantic to save your pathetic life."

"Excuse me, Temari, but the last time a man came calling for you Baki hadn't graduated the academy."

"Okay, whatever "K-Pup." That's what the ladies call you right? and by ladies you mean the hand puppets you make every night to-"

"ENOUGH!" Gaara chucked both the scrolls off into the woods as far as he could and unbeknownst to him smacked poor Baki, right in the head with both of them.

"HEY!" both objected. They had after all, spent the whole day working on their pieces.

"I'm not taking help from either one of you."



"I already got help and we wrote the perfect Haiku."

"Help from who…"

"From him." Gaara stated referring to Shukaku.

"Oh well I'd like to hear this poem. it can't be worse than whatever Kankuro wrote. Recite for us, if you would."

The red haired boy cleared his throat before beginning,

"In my world of death

The only light that shines is

The moon in your eyes"

"Tch horrible. That's the sappiest piece of crap I've ever-"

"Oh, shut up Kankuro! I think its romantic! And you actually left out puddles of blood and-"

"Whatever the poem I wrote for you was so much better but now that you threw it in the woods…"

"MmHMmhmm" the low chuckle caused all three teenagers to turn around surprised. Baki their always stoic jounin instructor was chuckling?

"What are you laughing at?" Kankuro questioned. Seemed he'd been asking that question a lot lately. The man only cleared his throat then read,

"Grant me the pleasure

To quench this lonely thirst in you,

My love oasis"

Please accept this token of my affection,

Gaara of the sand

"HAHAHA" Kankuro began to crack up with laughter. "What the hell is that!"

"Shut up! That's quality poetry. I'd be flattered to receive something like that! Especially with a gift. I promise you Gaara you give her my poem she'll-"

"So, let me evaluate the situation." the man stated approaching the three. "Gaara, by some strange miracle, has a crush on some girl…and you two tried to write him poems to pursue her?" All three nodded.

"Well I figured you didn't write these poems especially when I read this one,"

Unfurling the a small black and purple lined scroll the man read

"Of all the woman,

I could have In bed I choose,

you. Lets make babies.

- Young G the sand-man"

Kankuro nodded proudly as Baki read through his haiku, that is until the jounin finished and broke into laughter. Temari quickly followed suit whilst Gaara only grimaced fixing his eyes on Kankuro.

"G, the sand man?"

"What? It's not funny!"

"Oh GOD!" Temari rolled in the dirt laughing. First at Kankuro's idea of a romantic poem, and second she was reveling in her victory that she had clearly, CLEARLY, written the better poem of the two.

"Oh it hurts!" the girl squealed wiping tears from her eyes. "LET'S MAKE BABIES! Kankuro…he's 12 years old! Neither one of you knows anything about making babies! HA!…Well its clear my poem is the winner. "

"Not necessarily." The jounin stated.

"OH no…Did you write one now too?" Temari asked rolling her eyes dramatically.

"No…but I'm going to give Gaara some advice as a man and his elder."

"NO!" Gaara yelled he had enough man talks after Kankuro's early attempt.

"Just listen to me, if your going to write this girl a poem, you should write it yourself. Temari's poem is indeed a touch sappy and Kankuro's…well anyway, what I'm saying is if your going to write her something it should come from you."

"But he tried that…" Temari offered.

"Yea and his poems were shit!" Kankuro blurted after her.

"Whatever." Gaara pouted.

"Well then don't write her poem. Women like men who are direct so just approach her and tell her your interested."

"That's what I told him to do!" Kankuro threw in hoping to polish his tarnished image since they all mocked his poem.

"No you didn't you told him some nonsense about pulling her strings like a puppet and-"


At that moment a bird swooped down from the clouds and dropped a scroll into Temari's hands. The girl quickly unrolled the scroll then looked to Baki. Its an SOS from Konoha. They need us to inspect the woods for Konoha nin's Nara Shikamaru, Rock Lee, Akimichi Chouji, Uzumaki Naruto, Inuzuka Kiba and Hyuga," Gaara felt his heart tighten, "Neji," never mind. Their at battle with a force of sound nin's and may need help!"

"Well," Baki said dropping the shitastic poems of Temari and Kankuro, "move out!"


The four traveled through the forest towards the leaf village splitting up as they detected different chakra readings. Temari had been the first to leave and found herself aiding one Nara Shikamaru against a rather foul mouthed orange haired sound nin. Kankuro was next to go, helping a boy and his dog destroy the craziest looking conjoined twins he'd ever seen. Gaara fled next sensing ridiculously strong chakra readings. Insisting to Baki he could handle the situation himself, the jounin obliged and checked the forest for any other nin's who were injured or in need of aid.

When all was said and done all the Konoha nin's were returned to the village, except one Uchiha Sasuke, with the aid of the sand nin's. Temari went to sit with Shikamaru as he waited for word on his best friend.

Kankuro after helping the Inuzuka to the hospital pumped the boy for information on his teammate, Hyuga Hinata. When the Inuzuka begrudgingly asked him,

"Why all this about Hinata! Are you interested…cause she's off limits!"

Kankuro only laughed before responding,

"K-pup doesn't date the younger ladies."

"K pup!" Kiba squinted his eyes in anger "…oh so now your mocking my nick name!" The two starred at each other…

Konoha wasn't big enough for two K pups.


Gaara after bringing Lee in, ventured off to visit Naruto, the only person in the world he felt could relate to him. The boy however was out cold. After sitting with him for maybe five minutes the boy was ready to round up his troops and seek out a hotel when he heard loud voices yelling as they came down the hall.

"He's in critical condition but Shizune is leading the surgery to patch the large hole that was placed very near to his heart, we don't know how much longer it will be but-"

"Why Isn't Hokage-sama herself handling such a crucial operation If my nephew doesn't pull through this operation, mark my words, his blood is on her hands."

Gaara froze as the voices seemed to fade and the door to Naruto's room where he was seated slowly creaked opened and he found himself staring directly at…her.

There she was bundled up In that same sweatshirt, her face stained and wet from tears. Her eyes were swollen and round probably from so much crying and her hair looked somewhat messy and disheveled.

"Go-gomen!" she yelped between teary sobs not quite expecting to see anyone in the room. He had feared she would be afraid and run from him when she first saw him again but fear of him seemed to be the furthest thing from her mind much to his relief. "I didn't mean to interrupt… I-I just wanted to see how Naruto-kun was doing."

"Uh…I…"Oh god, now he was stuttering. He had never stuttered in his life. "I… He's sleeping but the doctor said he'll be fine."

The girl breathed a sigh of relief wiping some tears from her eyes.

"That's really good news." she whispered, well to him it sounded like a whisper though that was just the way she spoke. Then she smiled at him though it looked incredibly depressing since her face was red and covered in tears…and yet…Gaara loved it.

She approached the bed to peer over at the blonde haired boy, who was all bandaged up and broke into tears all over again. He didn't know quite what to do, but just as he lifted his hand to pat her back the door burst open causing her to jump and him to glare angrily at whoever had just prevented him from touching the girl he'd been obsessing over for the past month.

"Tou-san, I found her." The young girl yelled down the hall. A mini Hinata! The boy blinked a few times. Well she didn't look exactly like her. Ah so she had annoying siblings too. They had something in common. Temari had said things like that were important.

"HINATA!" The boy broke from his thoughts at the commanding shout. "What are you doing ?" Gaara found himself staring at a tall stern looking manly version of Hinata. Something about the attitude of this man reminded him of his own father, who he was happy to say, had deceased. His gaze turned back to his crush as she began franticly trying to wipe the tears from her face.

"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry Tou-san, I just wanted, I n-need to check on Na-"

"Your cousin is in critical condition and your lollygagging about the hospital? WHAT'S wrong with you? Come over here now…" the man said grabbing the girls hand and dragging her towards the door. Usually he really didn't pay to much attention to what Hinata did, but since Neji was going through a life or death operation he had been acting frazzled. The girl began to tear up again, hell, he didn't even visit her in the hospital after the chunin exam until the day she was dismissed. Now Kiba was in the hospital along with several of her classmates, and worst of all Naruto and Neji.

Another set of sobs broke out causing Hanabi to scoff. "Stop that crying!" Hiashi whispered pulling her out the door. "Ninja's don't cry and certainly not a ninja whose a child of mine!"

"I'm t-trying to sto-"

"Stop it right now." The smaller girl met Gaara's gaze before rolling her eyes and following the two back towards the surgery waiting room.

At that exact moment Kankuro came barreling down the hall and bumped into the little Hyuga.

"HEY!" she yelled angrily landing square on her butt. "Watch it!"

"Psh Whatever." he said stepping over her "what's with the rude ass kids in this village…" the boy murmured thinking back to his first day in konoha and his encounter with a particular chipped toothed kid.

"Wow," she looked up astonished by his attitude, but when she saw the purple make up all over his face, little Hanabi couldn't help but…blush. Purple you see was her favorite color. "Your really cute! She said grabbing his ankle from the floor. "What's your name!"

"Ugh!" The boy shook his ankle free . "It's Kankuro and don't you forget it squirt."

"Kankuro…" the girl repeated dreamily.

"HANABI!" The girl came to her senses as her father scream shocked her back to reality. She smiled at the boy before running down the hall to catch up with her family.

"Anyway man," Kankuro trotted excitedly over to Gaara "I just saw her! Your girl! Did you say anything to her. Did you recite my poem!"


"Aw why not! You could have had her!"

"She was in tears probably because her cousin and colleagues are in the hospital. It seemed inappropriate."

"No see when their vulnerable, that's when you swoop in and make your move!"


"Well first you-"

"First you punch Kankuro in the face, then come with me to the gift shop to buy her some flowers. Then you can give them to her later, offer her your condolences and maybe ask her if she'd like to grab something to eat or some coffee and talk about her problems." Temari interrupted pushing her self into Naruto's room. The poor exhausted blonde boy had slept like a log through entourage of people who had been entering and exiting his hospital room.

"I actually agree with Temari." Kankuro said surprised. Temari only smirked.

"Well then," Temari chirped interlocked her arm around Gaara's right arm whilst Kankuro locked his around Gaara's left. "To the gift shop."


Next I'll post the ending. I haven't written it yet, but believe me I know what will happen and hahahhaHAHA oh it will great. I'll just tell you it will involve Lee and where lee is involved…well you know it will be good. Also it would seem Hanabi has fallen prey to the charms of k.pup! Oh lord. Seeing how he reacted to konohamaru I think we all know how the Kankuro feels about children…

K-pup I actually got from reading the reviews! Lol I think it was causeIambetta who called Kankuro k pup and I thought omg wow even better but then I though k pup uh oh that could be Kiba too ne? too good.

I know this chapter wasn't half as funny as the other two but I actually had to address the storyline, even if it inst too much of one. Ah but the next/last one should be good!

Thank you all so much for your reviews they really do make me laugh and actually they help me a lot think up plot and the like! So hey, keep 'em com'en . Review please!
