Hi again. Time to type because I am on vacation! WEWT!


As Temari walked across the desert dunes with her parasol at hand, Gaara was being carried in a magnificent throne by his lackeys.

"Sir, is all of this really necessary?" A random sound nin holding a large palm leaf fan said as he waved it in front of Gaara.

"Yes! It pleases me" Gaara reclined in his chair as another nin held his ice cold lemonade.

"I wonder why Kankuro decided to stay behind," Temari asked as she stared off into the expansive golden colored landscape.


"C'mon you damn n00bz! Back me up! BACK ME UP!" Kankuro frantically mashed the buttons on his Xbox 360 controller as he played Halo 3 with a large bag of chips and a bottle of Dr. Pepper. Kankuro stuffed his mouth with more chips as he stared at the explosions on screen. "Holy crap! Pwned! WHOO! GO RED TEAM!"

End sequence

"I bet he's just loafing around...he's not as important as you or I..." Gaara sighed as he gnawed on an ice cube.

"Hah, I guess you're right..." Temari said as she took out a canteen from one of her dress pockets and drank some water.

"What is that, a mirage?" Gaara said as he squinted his eyes to the distant horizon.

"Yo! You got any ice?! My soda's getting warm!" Yodaime Hokage said as he approached the group.

"What the fu--" Gaara was cut off as Yodaime exclaimed, "Don't say that, there's children present!"

"What children, we're in a damn DESERT!" Gaara exclaimed as his servants gave him more lemonade.

Yodaime stared around, "Well, there's a cactus...and that scorpion..."

I can see where Naruto gets it... Gaara thought to himself.

"May I have your autograph?" Temari squealed as she took out a notebook and pen from another pocket.

"Why do you carry all those things?! A ninja does not need that stuff!" Gaara growled.

"Oh yeah? Since when is playing Donkey Kong ninja-like?!" Temari screamed as she handed Yodaime the notebook.

Yodaime signed the book and was off on more misguided adventures.

"He is definitely Naruto's dad! I can tell!" Temari said as she put the notebook away.

"Definitely, you can tell by their stupidity" Gaara sighed in frustration.

Temari whipped out a super soaker from her pocket (which somehow fits in there xD) and blasted her younger brother with a long stream of water.

"Ahhh! It burns! It...wait, it feels kinda good, actually..." Gaara said as the water dripped from his rusty red hair.


Naruto walked to the town square and sipped some soda from a can as he wandered in the summer heat. Everything was saturated in the bright yellow colors of the sun and business was slow.

"Hey, Naruto...how's it goin..." Jiraiya panted as the summer heat pounded at his back.

"It's alright...just hot...dude, are you still wearing the UPS shorts?! God, that's disturbing!" Naruto said as he turned away.

"Hey man, it's hot!" Jiraiya whispered as he wiped his forehead. "I don't even feel like dancin'! I'll die of dehydration."

The large gates at the front of the village creaked open as trumpets blared their tunes down the village.

"Presenting, the honorable (cough) Kazekage, Gaara-Sama" One of Gaara's servants proclaimed.

"I don't pay you to cough, n00b!" Gaara cried furiously as he played Pokemon on his DS.

Naruto spotted a lavender parasol from across the distance and he began to run towards Temari. (cue the slow motion camera and the cheesy romance music)

Temari dropped her parasol and ran towards Naruto, embracing him in a hug.

"OMG gag..." Gaara said as text messaged Kankuro, who was still whoopin' Halo 3's butt.

Hinata saw the couple hug and she felt a mix of powerful emotions. Her insides bubbled with hate and envy almost to the point of making her scream, but she decided to ignore them as she walked to her house and sat under a tree. Naruto-kun, why do you love that girl? What does she have that I don't?...

Gaara was carried by piggyback around the village as Temari and Naruto sat under a large tree in the village square. Naruto was telling Temari all the things he was up to and all the missions he accomplished. Gaara went to Sakura's house to hang out for a while and discuss what they have been up to.

Sakura's House

Gaara sat down as he had lunch with his girlfriend. Sakura's mother placed a few sandwiches on the center of the table as Sakura stared at the Kazekage.

"So, Gaara, what have you been up to?" Sakura nervously stated.

"Well, I am now ruler of Sunakagure, which is pretty damn awesome. I can kill whoever the hell I please and get off easy...one time, this kid came up to me and..."Gaara rambled on.

"Eh, okay, what about...fun? What do you do for fun...besides terrorizing your subjects..." Sakura said as she bit into her sandwich.

"Sakura...are you afraid of me?" Gaara stared at her with his cold teal eyes.

"Eh, no no don't be silly..." Sakura shifted her gaze down to her glass of juice.

"Don't lie...are...you...afraid...of...me?" Gaara said in his monotone voice.

"If I say yes, what will you do to m-me?" Sakura held her glass, which was now starting to shake a bit.

"Nothing...I just want to know..." Gaara spewed a few bits of bread crumbs and lunch-meat.

"Well, you are a little bit scary...I mean, you kidnapped me and stuff...I am just not sure if..."Sakura sipped a bit of her juice.

"Not sure if what?! If I can protect you? I can definitely do that. Or is it because I kill to amuse myself?" Gaara coldly stated under his glass.

"Oh no, I just don't want you to hurt me...you are really strong and I'm worried that one day you might kill me if Shukaku takes over..." Sakura trembled a bit in her chair.

"No, I have never felt this way about anyone before...I promise to defend you until the day I can no longer fight...something about you makes me stop and get this feeling in my insides," Gaara felt his cheeks get warm.

"Oh, you don't say..." Sakura's trembling eased up and she slumped her shoulders in relaxation.

"I do say...I think the heat is getting to me..." Gaara waved his hat in front of his face to hide his embarrassment (lolz, I am such a cliché writer)

"Well, what do you feel like doing, Gaara-Sama?" Sakura asked the boy from across the table.

"Let's go somewhere refreshing...this heat is getting to me..." Gaara sighed.

"Okay, what about the lake! That area is always a good place to swim," Sakura said as she took out a picnic basket to place their lunch in.

"Fine, let's go...but don't make me touch the water..." Gaara said as he followed Sakura outside and down the road.


"So, Temari...what is it like having Gaara for a brother? You must get all sorts of privileges!" Naruto said as he lay back on the cool blades of grass beneath his back.

"Well, it's okay, but sometimes he gets carried away with all of his power...he makes me do chores for him..." Temari said as she took a bite out of a green apple.

"What, but aren't you strong enough to defend yourself?" Naruto said as he waved his arms, letting the grass lick his sleeves.

"Well, I may go to prison if I threaten his royal highness..." Temari said as she rotated the apple in her hand.

"Oh, that's harsh...nothing has been going on here lately...Although I did get my Rasengan stronger!" Naruto twirled his fingers and sighed in relief. Temari lay down next to Naruto and inhaled the fresh air. "Let's just relax and enjoy this moment...together..." Temari slowly drifted off to sleep as she wrapped her arm around Naruto's neck. A bird soared off into the distance beyond the great Hokage Rock.


Haha, another chapter down. I still need to think about who Hinata will be enamored with. I kinda feel for the girl. Thanks for reading and I hope some suggestions will be posted.